Yes, my friend, after you wrote that I went back at looked at it very carefully and it does read as CAVERNA. I am sorry that I misread it. And yes, the difference in pronounciation between the V and the B in Spanish is minute, in fact about 99.999% of all latinos cannot make a noticeable difference in pronounciation because they were not taught to turn the corners of the mouth downwards into a frown when pronouncing the V and letting the mouth relax for words where the B is pronounced. This is why many lesser educated Latinos tend to use the V and B incorrectly in grammar.
Also, the R is only rolled when it's the first letter of a word or name and also if the R follows the constants L, N, or S , such as Puerto Rico, alredador, Enrique and Israel. In all other positions the single constant R is pronounced with a hard single click or tap. The word CORAZON in Castillian Spanish is pronounced as Core Ahhhh Thon, with the accent stress on the first syllable , almost as if singing the word. The latinos pronounce it differently, but I am not quite sure how they do it so I can't explain it.
Also, the word CAVERNA is relatively new in Spanish and as such I think that the word CAVIDAD would probably have been used in older structures. Also, the word ESCARDADIA confounds me. I know of no such word found in the Spanish language, so unless it's a regional word, it does not exist. The two closest words which comes to mind are ESCARDAR, which means to clear a garden or field of grass and/or weeds, and the word ESCARPA, which is a steep bank or bluff, or even a cliff. Of course the common word for cliff would be RISCO or PERCIPICO.
Also, the word PERFIL seems suspicious to me as well. True, the word PERFIL means profile in English, but if one were describing the profile of a mountain or a mountain chain, then the more proper descriptive word would be CONTORNO. Perfil is mostly utilized in describing a profile in general, whereas the word Contorno is used more when describing the profile of an antimate or inatimate object.
Also, Portugues is simple my friend. We say that Portuguese is just a bad form of Spanish.

Your friend;