Lue Map

Marks are geometric and patterned in a way that they are transposed onto the grounds of Taliesin West made by Frank Lloyd Wright.

They are basically leading into a hillside trail with stacked kerns and piles that appear to show some form of mining was there at one point.

The legend behind the Gold?

LUE Taliesin West Zoom Pyramid Sun.webp

The Pyramid is the giveaway

Really cool as I studied architecture in school so this was a favorite find for me.

Thanks T-Net

LUE Taliesin West Zoom Column Triangle.webp

Base of column highlighted to show the canyon and one inverted triangle aligns to the images on the ground

LUE Nazi Stash.webp

The mining entrance seems to be cut from the top of the ridge there where the map points to.....certain symbols align at one scale, and as you zoom out from the site the other marks line up to the images in the area pointing to this ridge

There is also a trail that climbs there.

Be an interesting hike for anyone in AZ

LUE Nazi Stash Camp.webp

Can tell the trail up was used for hauling something as well as it is cleared a good way down through the broken piles of rocks and there is waste talus there outside the opening


Hint Hint

I was going through a bound collection of KvonM's National Prospector's Gazette; Geological Digest for the Miner and Lapidary that just sold on eBay and I found this interesting piece on the LUE:

View attachment 854264

This is from the December [1969] - January 1970 issue - Vol. 6, #3.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

2.0: I am also packing up a copy of KvonM's Encyclopedia of Buried Treasure Hunting (San Francisco: 1990). I looked in this remarkably comprehensive book - and the LUE isn't mentioned!

I may have pointed this out before, but one of the intriguing things about this photo is that KvM refers to the location of "LUE #1" This tells me that not only did he believe there was more than one LUE cache site, but that minimally thee must be an identified location for a LUE #2 and perhaps others as well. Until this time, Karl had asserted ambiguously at the POSSIBILITY of multiple cache sites, noting some felt there were 5, 7, 11 and even 23.

I may have pointed this out before, but one of the intriguing things about this photo is that KvM refers to the location of "LUE #1" This tells me that not only did he believe there was more than one LUE cache site, but that minimally thee must be an identified location for a LUE #2 and perhaps others as well. Until this time, Karl had asserted ambiguously at the POSSIBILITY of multiple cache sites, noting some felt there were 5, 7, 11 and even 23.
I hope we find out everything about the lue one day, so many questions. Randy I've bought some of your reprinted stuff i was wondering if there was a way to get updates when a new one comes out. Also with all your experience what do you think about history? Do the historians have it really wrong? You can pm me if you want.

I hope we find out everything about the lue one day, so many questions. Randy I've bought some of your reprinted stuff i was wondering if there was a way to get updates when a new one comes out. Also with all your experience what do you think about history? Do the historians have it really wrong? You can pm me if you want.
Hit me up in private with an email so I can tip you off. I usually make an announcement here on the sales section as well. I have the manuscript for Book 4 (the final in the NPG series), just need the final edits and an index and cover...hoping this summer if all goes well.

Does this alleged IAYATAM Key have any relevance to the Lue or just another riddle? Anagram of some sort like Nelots?


The IAYAYAM key is the heart of finding the LUE site. Without it the map is only a guide to the general area. There are shadow markers involved and exact timing of the year for correct viewing. Chose the wrong time and you will see the wrong place indicated. I've seen it and I know without a doubt. Timing of the year is key. Without it you will just wonder around until your supplies give out and you will leave disgruntled.

Cactus Jack

Find the EYE, See the "A", point to the "Y", to find the "M".....if it were simple it would just be IAYM.

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The IAYAYAM key is the heart of finding the LUE site. Without it the map is only a guide to the general area. There are shadow markers involved and exact timing of the year for correct viewing. Chose the wrong time and you will see the wrong place indicated. I've seen it and I know without a doubt. Timing of the year is key. Without it you will just wonder around until your supplies give out and you will leave disgruntled.

Cactus Jack

Find the EYE, See the "A", point to the "Y", to find the "M".....if it were simple it would just be IAYM.
I Am Yours And You Are Mine (IAYAYAM) key...Karl on Mueller created NELOTS (STOLEN) to catch writers who copied his work. I believe he did the same here to throw people off the trail.

I Am Yours And You Are Mine (IAYAYAM) key...Karl on Mueller created NELOTS (STOLEN) to catch writers who copied his work. I believe he did the same here to throw people off the trail.
And for all we or anyone else knows, KVM or a confederate may have also created the map. After all, he was primarily a writer, and writers need good stories.

I wonder if anyone noticed the all-seeing eye in the map itself...I printed it out and held it up to a light and you can definitely see it plainly if you maneuver the pieces...

I Am Yours And You Are Mine (IAYAYAM) key...Karl on Mueller created NELOTS (STOLEN) to catch writers who copied his work. I believe he did the same here to throw people off the trail.
I had been told some years ago that was the meaning of the IAYAYAM code...I always took that to mean that a mirror image of the map was needed to break it, either alone or in tandem with the original.

Hello Old Buckaroo,

I'm not certain you've read Tom Hilton's article which appeared in True Treasure, January - February 1970. Though you probably have - I've attached a copy in pdf format.

As Randy Bradford has discussed in this thread before, it seems Tom Hilton pestered KvM quite often per the location of the LUE, since KvM CLAIMED he recovered a portion of the LUE in Black Rock, New Mexico.

From Hilton's "tone" in the article, he seems to have believed KvM's story and was desperate to make a recovery himself.

Excerpt from page 21 in the magazine: "At this time I was told by a treasure hunter who CLAIMED to have found treasure that it was on a gravel road that was in between two stretches of blacktop. According to HIM, the treasure was within 50 feet off this road on the left side of a grassy slope. There was a large S curve nearby, he said."

"With the clues and the small amount of work I had done on the map, I was able to pick out a place near me by a map, and was able to go further with the map, and both matched up. I called on the phone to the man who claimed to have found it and HE TOLD ME I WAS RIGHT ON TOP OF IT."

Page 22, middle column: "I began hearing rumors that people were going in right and left and taking out anywhere from 1,000 pounds to as little as 100 pounds. It seemed that the whole world was getting rich right under my nose. This can make you feel mighty stupid".

"It was in October that I was told BY THE MAN WHO HAD ALLEGEDLY FOUND THE CACHE that indeed I WAS RIGHT ON TOP OF IT, that I HAD EVEN WALKED RIGHT OVER IT, but for some reason known only to him the instrument failed to detect. Now this is strange, since he was in another state (Segundo, Colorado) at the time, but I did not question his word, and so I began to retrace my steps."

Hilton also writes that he believed the LUE was 40 acres buried one foot below the surface. Where did Hilton get that idea? Did KvM or anyone else claim that?

If one reads the article, it's clear Tom Hilton was a "broken man" after not finding any LUE gold - based on what KvM told him. Like KvM - he never found one speck of the LUE. Sad.

It seems like Hilton wasn't very good in math and physics either, one ton of gold bullion by volume is equivalent to a cube measuring 14.2 by 14.2 by 14.2 inches.

I'm not a criminal detective, but Tom Hilton would be my primary "person of interest" as to whom burned down KvM's buildings in Segundo. Just sayin'.

View attachment 1592568 View attachment 1592591
40 Muellers can’t be wrong….

But I’d say the distance is far
More than 40 acres - certainly not connected, however.

Someone who knows it would be able to tell you over the phone that your instruments won’t work - and with certainty.

Not all ‘LUE’ is the same.
You were likely way off base or right on target but were using the wrong tools.

They use to use silver pipe- but everything disintegrated.

Hi. Interesting photo. Is that a 5 pointed star I can barely see on the right side? Where is this located roughly? (As in what town for instance) Why do you think this is associated with the LUE? I have a pic on my phone you might find interesting, I will try to upload and share, I'm @ work.

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