Yeah, at one time I figured Von Mueller may have been a KGC propagandist and had something to do with the LUE treasure legend being a cover story for a large cache in the Purgatoire River upper basin. Treasure of the Valley of Secrets entered into it too. My old pal the late JW put that bug in my ear, as I recall. He was deep into the KGC lore and other interesting stuff. JW would have been very interested in your mapping. In fact, he was the one who tipped me off on the importance of place names.
I never realized that the Purgatoire flowed by Segundo and from Culebra Peak. There was a picture of Von Mueller metal detecting on the side of a mountain, do you know if that was somewhere around Culebra Peak?

I never realized that the Purgatoire flowed by Segundo and from Culebra Peak. There was a picture of Von Mueller metal detecting on the side of a mountain, do you know if that was somewhere around Culebra Peak?
No, I have no idea where he was.

Hey, dog, I was digging through my old files and came across something that may be of interest. It's a version of the LUE map, annotated. This version has been seen and discussed before, but the file I found it in is what caught my attention. Oddly, it was in an old KGC file labeled "Templates".

I can't remember the context of why it was in a template file (most of that info is years old and I've slept too many times since then), except that JW told me the LUE map, or any other drawing, could be used as a template. He believed the LUE was a KGC thing. The other templates in the folder relate to fairly well-known KGC overlays. These are patterns copied onto a piece of opaque or clear film and then overlaid onto a USGS topo map. Obviously, the scale is important, but also of great importance, as I recall, is the angle of rotation used for the template. The templates are generally squared circles, divided into angles, containing regularly spaced dots and thing at certain spacings. They sort of look like a modified medicine wheel in a way. Allegedly, if you knew how to use it, you could transfer certain important points on the overlay onto spots on the topo map.

The LUE map is unique and obviously nothing like these other templates. Of course, you would have to know what symbols, angles, intersection of lines, curves, etc. were the important ones, what scale to use to create the overlay, and which USGS map to overlay onto. Simple enough, right? It kinda seems like this is what you've been working on with the mapping.

lue template.webp

Hey, dog, I was digging through my old files and came across something that may be of interest. It's a version of the LUE map, annotated. This version has been seen and discussed before, but the file I found it in is what caught my attention. Oddly, it was in an old KGC file labeled "Templates".

I can't remember the context of why it was in a template file (most of that info is years old and I've slept too many times since then), except that JW told me the LUE map, or any other drawing, could be used as a template. He believed the LUE was a KGC thing. The other templates in the folder relate to fairly well-known KGC overlays. These are patterns copied onto a piece of opaque or clear film and then overlaid onto a USGS topo map. Obviously, the scale is important, but also of great importance, as I recall, is the angle of rotation used for the template. The templates are generally squared circles, divided into angles, containing regularly spaced dots and thing at certain spacings. They sort of look like a modified medicine wheel in a way. Allegedly, if you knew how to use it, you could transfer certain important points on the overlay onto spots on the topo map.

The LUE map is unique and obviously nothing like these other templates. Of course, you would have to know what symbols, angles, intersection of lines, curves, etc. were the important ones, what scale to use to create the overlay, and which USGS map to overlay onto. Simple enough, right? It kinda seems like this is what you've been working on with the mapping.

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Bob Brewer has said on multiple occasions that the LUE was KGC and at one point reported in one of these groups that he had seen a KGC vault with a near replica copy of the LUE copied on the wall. I know he posts in these groups from time to time but I've yet to see him (that I can recall) in the LUE threads. Mdog (who I owe a message to) will also tell you that Roy Roush (also a former poster here) likewise felt the LUE was KGC and outlined as such in one of his books.
My opinion and 5 bucks will get you coffee at Starbucks, but I've long felt this annotate version of the LUE was pretty suspect. The fact that it was first introduced on T-net by someone who clearly knew nothing about the map doesn't help my opinion any. Mostly though the changes and additions seem so crude compared wo the rest of the map. That said, I've always found the changes to the pyramid compared to the original map to be rather intriguing.

Bob Brewer has said on multiple occasions that the LUE was KGC and at one point reported in one of these groups that he had seen a KGC vault with a near replica copy of the LUE copied on the wall. I know he posts in these groups from time to time but I've yet to see him (that I can recall) in the LUE threads. Mdog (who I owe a message to) will also tell you that Roy Roush (also a former poster here) likewise felt the LUE was KGC and outlined as such in one of his books.
My opinion and 5 bucks will get you coffee at Starbucks, but I've long felt this annotate version of the LUE was pretty suspect. The fact that it was first introduced on T-net by someone who clearly knew nothing about the map doesn't help my opinion any. Mostly though the changes and additions seem so crude compared wo the rest of the map. That said, I've always found the changes to the pyramid compared to the original map to be rather intriguing.
I have reservations about all "treasure maps", including the LUE original and its annotated versions, that appear in the public domain.

Hey, dog, I was digging through my old files and came across something that may be of interest. It's a version of the LUE map, annotated. This version has been seen and discussed before, but the file I found it in is what caught my attention. Oddly, it was in an old KGC file labeled "Templates".

I can't remember the context of why it was in a template file (most of that info is years old and I've slept too many times since then), except that JW told me the LUE map, or any other drawing, could be used as a template. He believed the LUE was a KGC thing. The other templates in the folder relate to fairly well-known KGC overlays. These are patterns copied onto a piece of opaque or clear film and then overlaid onto a USGS topo map. Obviously, the scale is important, but also of great importance, as I recall, is the angle of rotation used for the template. The templates are generally squared circles, divided into angles, containing regularly spaced dots and thing at certain spacings. They sort of look like a modified medicine wheel in a way. Allegedly, if you knew how to use it, you could transfer certain important points on the overlay onto spots on the topo map.

The LUE map is unique and obviously nothing like these other templates. Of course, you would have to know what symbols, angles, intersection of lines, curves, etc. were the important ones, what scale to use to create the overlay, and which USGS map to overlay onto. Simple enough, right? It kinda seems like this is what you've been working on with the mapping.

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Thank you, sdcfia. The template seems like a real good idea but sounds like a lot of work, at the desk and in the field. I have just the place to experiment but it's getting harder to get up and down the bluffs. The bottom right quadrant looks promising and you could probably plot it on a map, without a clear overlay. If you had the right scale, you could check out the two points, in the field. The bottom of the three triangles form a line that could be used to connect two points, on a map, then you could use a pin to pierce the two dots and locate those spots on the map. More Tylenol please.

I started thinking template a couple days ago but I was thinking the compass and square. I'll play around with your template and see if anything makes sense. Any suggestions on a scale?

Thank you, sdcfia. The template seems like a real good idea but sounds like a lot of work, at the desk and in the field. I have just the place to experiment but it's getting harder to get up and down the bluffs. The bottom right quadrant looks promising and you could probably plot it on a map, without a clear overlay. If you had the right scale, you could check out the two points, in the field. The bottom of the three triangles form a line that could be used to connect two points, on a map, then you could use a pin to pierce the two dots and locate those spots on the map. More Tylenol please.

I started thinking template a couple days ago but I was thinking the compass and square. I'll play around with your template and see if anything makes sense. Any suggestions on a scale?
You would probably have to know the size of the original LUE clue and that might not be possible.
I'll play around with it.

Bob Brewer has said on multiple occasions that the LUE was KGC and at one point reported in one of these groups that he had seen a KGC vault with a near replica copy of the LUE copied on the wall. I know he posts in these groups from time to time but I've yet to see him (that I can recall) in the LUE threads. Mdog (who I owe a message to) will also tell you that Roy Roush (also a former poster here) likewise felt the LUE was KGC and outlined as such in one of his books.
My opinion and 5 bucks will get you coffee at Starbucks, but I've long felt this annotate version of the LUE was pretty suspect. The fact that it was first introduced on T-net by someone who clearly knew nothing about the map doesn't help my opinion any. Mostly though the changes and additions seem so crude compared wo the rest of the map. That said, I've always found the changes to the pyramid compared to the original map to be rather intriguing.
I would love to see the replica that Bob found.
Randy, has anybody seen the original LUE clue that Karl copied?

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These two pictures shoe the LUE Map and a map I created plotting great circle lines over a map of the United States. As you can see, the pyramid shown by the yellow lines is similar to the pyramid in the upper left quadrant of the LUE Map. I wasn't trying to solve the LUE Map but I was studying the Kensington Runestone and trying to figure out if there was any organized placement of the stone. As I researched the site, I noticed some features that were on the LUE Map so I thought I would share the information and you can decide for yourself if there is anything useful in my mapping that might relate to the LUE legend.
Sorry, but your theory is all wrong. The LUE is in primarily one state not spread across the United States as you have shown. I don’t like to burst anyone’s bubble but this way of thinking is way too much, the key to the map uses common sense. The early Spanish didn’t have a complete overview of the United States in fact they didn’t know that such things existed. They were concerned about the Spanish holdings in the new world not what you have shown?



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bricks shown on LUE Map = stones = massive rock dikes found around the Purgatoire Valley (for example Stonewall Gap, CO) might be the "natural Fort Knox" that KVM describes as protecting the vaunted treasure site.

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Ryano, you are warm in your observation? That is what I saw over five years ago. Keep going you are onto something with your comparison of the two.



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This link might explain the LUE clue as well as my mapping.
Elements of Legend Corresponding items in Masonic Ritual (all references are to Ritual of Thirteenth Degree aka Royal Arch of Enoch aka Knights of Ninth Arch except where otherwise noted)
1. A subterranean vault is located at the Fort Knox Bullion Depository.1. Enoch’s subterranean temple is discovered by three Grand Master Architects called Gibulum, Joabert, and Stolkyn: Richardson page 149, Crafts pages 154-155.
2. There are multiple triangles on the LUE clue and my mapping.2. The triangle is a recurring motif in the Thirteenth Degree eg the triangular plate of gold on which the secret name of God is engraved: Crafts pages 155-156, Richardson pages 149-150.
3. The Kensington Runestone is an inscribed stone and six inches thick.
The LUE clue shows a column and one of the points on my mapping is Marble Mountain.
3. The surface entrance to Enoch’s subterranean temple is marked by a cubic stone raised by a large iron ring, which stone bore an inscription: Crafts page 154. On the surface near Enoch’s underground temple, he erected two pillars of brick and marble respectively bearing hieroglyphic inscriptions: Richardson page 149.
4. There are nine treasure related locations that form the compass and square on my mapping, Oak Island, Montvale, Virginia, Wildcat Bluff, Treasure Mountain, Marble Mountain, Blanca Peak, Culebra Peak, West Spanish Peak and East Spanish Peak.4. Enoch’s temple consisted of nine “arches” or levels going down vertically into the earth: Crafts pages 154-155, Richardson page 149.
5. The Kensington Runestone is inscribed. There is a pillar shown on the LUE clue. The subterranean vault at Fort Knox secures gold bars.5. A cubic stone with inscriptions raised by an iron ring was discovered at the entrance to Enoch’s temple: Crafts page 154. The golden triangle in the ninth or lowest level of Enoch’s temple is engraved with characters, which later proved to be the secret name of God: Crafts page 155, Richardson page 149. Enoch erects a marble pillar near his temple with hieroglyphics disclosing the treasure hidden nearby: Richardson page 149.
6. The vault at Fort Knox contains treasure. Also, there are nine locations on my mapping associated with treasure legends.6. In the Holy Royal Arch Degree (related to but not to be confused with the Thirteenth Degree) the three sojourners discover a vault containing a treasure including the secret name of God when their crowbar strikes a rock which makes a hollow sound: Crafts pages 96-97, Richardson page 76.
7. Although the subject of our comments is the LUE, Roy Roush has written that it was also called the LEAUX which is French for WATTERS, according to the French to English translator on Google, anyway.
Also, there is a pillar on the LUE clue.
7. After Enoch’s death, the great flood of Noah occurs and destroys “most of the superb monuments of antiquity including the marble pillar of Enoch” and including by inference Enoch’s Temple: Richardson page 151. Crafts does not directly refer to Noah’s flood, but makes reference to another text where he uses the word “etc” on page 156, and it appears he is following the then common Masonic practice of referring to the history of the Degree as given in the semi-official Webb’s Monitor of Freemasonry which does refer to Noah’s flood as part of the history of the Thirteenth Degree (20).
8. Gold is secured at Fort Knox and the nine treasure legend represented on my mapping speak of gold.8. In nearly all Masonic Degree ceremonies, including the Thirteenth Degree, the Masons wear aprons which are supposed to symbolise the aprons worn by medieval stonemasons. The aprons and other regalia worn by Freemasons are often adorned with metal epaulettes, comprising chains of small links, and which were and still are frequently of gold or a metal resembling gold, eg brass. Richardson at page 149 explains the aprons worn in the Thirteenth Degree, although he does not mention epaulettes.
9.9. When one of the three Grand Master Architects enters the ninth level of Enoch’s Temple, “a parcel of stone and mortar suddenly fell in”: Crafts page 155. Later, several ancient masters asked King Solomon for the secrets of the 13th degree and were refused, whereupon they entered Enoch’s subterranean temple to discover the secrets for themselves, but the nine arches of Enoch’s Temple collapsed in upon them: Crafts page 157. Crafts thus explicitly refers to two separate collapses in Enoch’s Temple.
10. There is a magnificent treasure in the vaults below Fort Knox and I would guess that there is an inscription that says, "IN GOD WE TRUST".10. Enoch’s Temple contained a magnificent treasure including the secret name of God engraved on a triangular plate of gold: Crafts pages 154-156, Richardson pages 149-150.
A lot of gobbledegook for nothing. Ryano is warm in his observation. All you need is common sense



impressive work mdog.. reminds me that KVM referenced the NatGeo article on solar & star alignments of Bighorn Medicine Wheel as a LUE clue.

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Im having trouble finding the article via Google; NatGeo does a good job of locking content behind their paywall. I know I've got the article PDF on my desktop computer and will look for it and share if you need it.
Not the Big Horn Medicine Wheel. You just have to see what is really on the ground to make a better judgement call. The early Spanish were not that sophisticated. Nor did they have computers to give exact coordinates and their mathematicians were not so involved as to draw on an object like the medicine wheel from several hundred miles away to pinpoint a location?



Sorry, but your theory is all wrong. The LUE is in primarily one state not spread across the United States as you have shown. I don’t like to burst anyone’s bubble but this way of thinking is way too much, the key to the map uses common sense. The early Spanish didn’t have a complete overview of the United States in fact they didn’t know that such things existed. They were concerned about the Spanish holdings in the new world not what you have shown?


The key to my mapping is the Kensington Runestone, located in Minnesota. I believe it was placed at it's location during the mid 1800s, The only reason that my attention was drawn to the LUE clue is that the figures in the lower right quadrant resembled my mapping. I don't see anything on the LUE clue that would indicate the early Spanish.

Please give us your interpretation of the LUE clue and how you came to your conclusions.

Thanks for commenting in the thread, all opinions are welcome and I'm always ready to learn.

The key to my mapping is the Kensington Runestone, located in Minnesota. I believe it was placed at it's location during the mid 1800s, The only reason that my attention was drawn to the LUE clue is that the figures in the lower right quadrant resembled my mapping. I don't see anything on the LUE clue that would indicate the early Spanish.

Please give us your interpretation of the LUE clue and how you came to your conclusions.

Thanks for commenting in the thread, all opinions are welcome and I'm always ready to learn.

There is a reason KVM moved to Segundo., Colorado. Look at a high up view of the ground around it will give you a clue to the LUE

You are warm but not right on. It took over five years thanks to Terry Carter’s video interview of Randy Bradford on the LUE.

My Avatar is 31.84 miles SW from Segundo, Colorado. It all corresponds with the 105 degree 12 minute heading KVM provided. You only need to keep going to understand what it is saying? Once again you have to use common sense.



Not the Big Horn Medicine Wheel. You just have to see what is really on the ground to make a better judgement call. The early Spanish were not that sophisticated. Nor did they have computers to give exact coordinates and their mathematicians were not so involved as to draw on an object like the medicine wheel from several hundred miles away to pinpoint a location?


I agree with you. In order for long distance mapping to work, latitude and longitude would have to be accurately plotted, and even than you could only get close.


There is a reason KVM moved to Segundo., Colorado. Look at a high up view of the ground around it will give you a clue to the LUE

You are warm but not right on. It took over five years thanks to Terry Carter’s video interview of Randy Bradford on the LUE.

My Avatar is 31.84 miles SW from Segundo, Colorado. It all corresponds with the 105 degree 12 minute heading KVM provided. You only need to keep going to understand what it is saying? Once again you have to use common sense.


I think I've seen your avatar before. Weren't there two markers?
If you go south on that longitude, you'll end up by Black Lake where a treasure was reported found.
The longitude of 105 deg 15' is part of the LUE legend but what I was trying to do is find out what on the LUE clue indicated that longitude.

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