mdog just linked me to an old post of mine from six years ago, where I established my working model of the LUE and other well-known treasure legends. When I re-read it, I realized that I haven't yet changed my mind on the subject.

That said, the Great Circle intersections that he is exploring are very interesting, showing curious connections that seem to indicate a bigger picture of treasure caching. The end result of precise Great Circle intersections are exact coordinates on the ground. The key is the starting points of the arcs. Maybe that's the purpose of the cartoon map. Or not.

mdog just linked me to an old post of mine from six years ago, where I established my working model of the LUE and other well-known treasure legends. When I re-read it, I realized that I haven't yet changed my mind on the subject.

That said, the Great Circle intersections that he is exploring are very interesting, showing curious connections that seem to indicate a bigger picture of treasure caching. The end result of precise Great Circle intersections are exact coordinates on the ground. The key is the starting points of the arcs. Maybe that's the purpose of the cartoon map. Or not.
The thing about this treasure legend that sets it apart from others, is there is no story. It starts out nowhere and it goes nowhere. What is on the LUE clue that even suggests a treasure. This legend has probably generated more conversation about something that is nothing, than any other story. One guy said it led to treasure but who told him that it led to treasure. There are no facts except those that have been found while researching the legend. What the LUE clue has done is brought a bunch of strangers together who have shared research, developed friendships and put some excitement into their lives. It's gotten people off their butts and lured them into wild, beautiful places that they might never have discovered if not for the dream of buried treasure. Maybe that's the treasure.

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This link might explain the LUE clue as well as my mapping.
Elements of Legend Corresponding items in Masonic Ritual (all references are to Ritual of Thirteenth Degree aka Royal Arch of Enoch aka Knights of Ninth Arch except where otherwise noted)
1. A subterranean vault is located at the Fort Knox Bullion Depository.1. Enoch’s subterranean temple is discovered by three Grand Master Architects called Gibulum, Joabert, and Stolkyn: Richardson page 149, Crafts pages 154-155.
2. There are multiple triangles on the LUE clue and my mapping.2. The triangle is a recurring motif in the Thirteenth Degree eg the triangular plate of gold on which the secret name of God is engraved: Crafts pages 155-156, Richardson pages 149-150.
3. The Kensington Runestone is an inscribed stone and six inches thick.
The LUE clue shows a column and one of the points on my mapping is Marble Mountain.
3. The surface entrance to Enoch’s subterranean temple is marked by a cubic stone raised by a large iron ring, which stone bore an inscription: Crafts page 154. On the surface near Enoch’s underground temple, he erected two pillars of brick and marble respectively bearing hieroglyphic inscriptions: Richardson page 149.
4. There are nine treasure related locations that form the compass and square on my mapping, Oak Island, Montvale, Virginia, Wildcat Bluff, Treasure Mountain, Marble Mountain, Blanca Peak, Culebra Peak, West Spanish Peak and East Spanish Peak.4. Enoch’s temple consisted of nine “arches” or levels going down vertically into the earth: Crafts pages 154-155, Richardson page 149.
5. The Kensington Runestone is inscribed. There is a pillar shown on the LUE clue. The subterranean vault at Fort Knox secures gold bars.5. A cubic stone with inscriptions raised by an iron ring was discovered at the entrance to Enoch’s temple: Crafts page 154. The golden triangle in the ninth or lowest level of Enoch’s temple is engraved with characters, which later proved to be the secret name of God: Crafts page 155, Richardson page 149. Enoch erects a marble pillar near his temple with hieroglyphics disclosing the treasure hidden nearby: Richardson page 149.
6. The vault at Fort Knox contains treasure. Also, there are nine locations on my mapping associated with treasure legends.6. In the Holy Royal Arch Degree (related to but not to be confused with the Thirteenth Degree) the three sojourners discover a vault containing a treasure including the secret name of God when their crowbar strikes a rock which makes a hollow sound: Crafts pages 96-97, Richardson page 76.
7. Although the subject of our comments is the LUE, Roy Roush has written that it was also called the LEAUX which is French for WATTERS, according to the French to English translator on Google, anyway.
Also, there is a pillar on the LUE clue.
7. After Enoch’s death, the great flood of Noah occurs and destroys “most of the superb monuments of antiquity including the marble pillar of Enoch” and including by inference Enoch’s Temple: Richardson page 151. Crafts does not directly refer to Noah’s flood, but makes reference to another text where he uses the word “etc” on page 156, and it appears he is following the then common Masonic practice of referring to the history of the Degree as given in the semi-official Webb’s Monitor of Freemasonry which does refer to Noah’s flood as part of the history of the Thirteenth Degree (20).
8. Gold is secured at Fort Knox and the nine treasure legend represented on my mapping speak of gold.8. In nearly all Masonic Degree ceremonies, including the Thirteenth Degree, the Masons wear aprons which are supposed to symbolise the aprons worn by medieval stonemasons. The aprons and other regalia worn by Freemasons are often adorned with metal epaulettes, comprising chains of small links, and which were and still are frequently of gold or a metal resembling gold, eg brass. Richardson at page 149 explains the aprons worn in the Thirteenth Degree, although he does not mention epaulettes.
9.9. When one of the three Grand Master Architects enters the ninth level of Enoch’s Temple, “a parcel of stone and mortar suddenly fell in”: Crafts page 155. Later, several ancient masters asked King Solomon for the secrets of the 13th degree and were refused, whereupon they entered Enoch’s subterranean temple to discover the secrets for themselves, but the nine arches of Enoch’s Temple collapsed in upon them: Crafts page 157. Crafts thus explicitly refers to two separate collapses in Enoch’s Temple.
10. There is a magnificent treasure in the vaults below Fort Knox and I would guess that there is an inscription that says, "IN GOD WE TRUST".10. Enoch’s Temple contained a magnificent treasure including the secret name of God engraved on a triangular plate of gold: Crafts pages 154-156, Richardson pages 149-150.

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The skeptic in me says just about any picture can be drawn if you connect the right points. But the conspiracy theorist in me just loves this stuff. Very cool..

I wonder if we still have Mason's or Mason-experts residing on the forum who will comment ?

The skeptic in me says just about any picture can be drawn if you connect the right points. But the conspiracy theorist in me just loves this stuff. Very cool..

I wonder if we still have Mason's or Mason-experts residing on the forum who will comment ?
I was wondering about that too. An experienced Mason could probably look at the LUE clue and pick out the symbols. Just from reading the Oak Island article, you can pick out the column, the normal and inverted equilateral triangles and even the arrowhead that has nine points. There is also the small circle inside the big one. Yes I think a Masonic expert could help.

If my theory is correct, just having the LUE clue wouldn't be enough information, there would have to be something else. What caught my attention on the LUE clue was the lower right quadrant. I had been working on the Kensington Runestone and the triangles on the lower right quadrant were similar to what I had mapped. Even the small triangle above the point on the large middle triangle was there. If Von Mueller figured out the LUE clue, he must have had more information.
Here is my Runestone mapping and the LUE clue.
lue map genuine.webp

Triangles yellow.webp

Here's a picture of the Apple Lake triangle. It's just north of the Kensington Runestone location. Apple Lake used to be called Horseshoe Lake. The triangle was formed with information that I got off the inscriptions on the runestone. This triangle is formed by Apple Lake and the small towns of Waubun and Ogema. Waubun means "dawn of day" and Ogema means "chief". There is a google earth path alignment between Waubun, Ogema and the Kensington Runestone. The Apple Lake triangle's position on the LUE clue is the lower right quadrant just above the point of the middle larger triangle.
apple lake.webp

lue map genuine 2.webp

I remember talking to you about Apple Lake back in 2013. I was in that country then or the year after and drove through the town of Ogema to check something out for you, but I'd have to go through some old emails to see what it was - something to do with a Masonic temple I think. By the way, an anagram for the town name is Omega. Interesting.

Re Apple Lake, it's heart-shaped and lies on a section line very near a township line on the state's surveying grid. This relationship tp permanent surveying monuments may or may not be significant, both locational and numerically.

I remember talking to you about Apple Lake back in 2013. I was in that country then or the year after and drove through the town of Ogema to check something out for you, but I'd have to go through some old emails to see what it was - something to do with a Masonic temple I think. By the way, an anagram for the town name is Omega. Interesting.

Re Apple Lake, it's heart-shaped and lies on a section line very near a township line on the state's surveying grid. This relationship tp permanent surveying monuments may or may not be significant, both locational and numerically. has been that long ago. Thanks for your help, over the years.
I have a question that maybe you can help me with. If a person knew all the survey grids across the country, could they figure out the shortest distance, between two points, over a distance of several hundred miles? If that route could be calculated, landmarks could be picked or established along that distance and named to show a connection with each other.

This map shows the information that I found in the middle of the column. The longitude of the blue vertical line is 104 deg 40'. That coordinate is a couple miles east of Segundo. I think I was wrong about the column being the Mississippi River. The vertical lines appear to indicate longitude.

lue map genuine 2.webp

This link shows a sky chart and the ecliptic and galactic lines that are similar to what is on the LUE clue.

The numbers on top show hours and there are 15 deg between each hour. They can be used to find longitude.
The numbers on the right side show degrees. They can be used to find latitude.

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I found the coordinates. 38 deg N and 87 deg W at the intersection of the red line from Treasure Mountain to Montvale, Virginia and the east side line of the black Masonic symbol.
I found the coordinates. 37 deg N and 104 deg W at the intersection of the red line from Treasure Mountain to Montvale, Virginia and the west side line of the black Masonic symbol.
On the star chart, 38 deg N and 87 deg W is about the middle of the pentagon shaped constellation, Auriga. On the LUE CLUE, this would be under the circle within a circle in the upper right quadrant. I think the oblong shaped object, at that point, might indicate a mirror image from the sky to the ground. The constellation Auriga would be the sky part and the five point setup at the Treasure Mountain end of the red line, would be the mirror image on the ground.
Tylenol break.
free mason logo.webp


lue map genuine 2.webp

The middle column in the LUE clue has 13 vertical lines, including both sides. I have a book that shows a clearer picture of the LUE clue and there are 13 lines. The bold, steep curve intersects the middle line of the arrow in the center of the column. The five lines of the arrow represent five google Earth paths that go east from Treasure Mountain and over the five treasure related locations associated with Treasure Mountain. Only two of these lines go all the way through the column, the bottom two lines that pass over Culebra Peak and West Spanish Peak. There's a small segment of the middle line inside the column that is part of the line that goes over Blanca Peak. I thought this intersection of the steep curve with the center line segment might be the starting point for a line that bisects the two lines below it. So, I went to google Earth and did that. I started the line at the point where the middle line intersects the west side of the Masonic symbol and went south 180 deg, bisecting the bottom two lines. The longitude at the starting point is 104 deg 40' and it's the same coordinate at the two intersections below it. I believe the longitude of 105 deg W is a part of LUE clue lore. This line also passes a couple miles east of Segundo, Colorado where Von Mueller lived.

Good stuff Mdog. It's great seeing all your layouts and explanations. Looks good, very interesting stuff,thanks .

Good stuff Mdog. It's great seeing all your layouts and explanations. Looks good, very interesting stuff,thanks .
You're very welcome.
I don't know what the solution to the puzzle is but I believe you have to have the LUE clue, the Kensington Runestone mapping and the star chart to solve it.

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I just read a comment from a member on one of the older LUE threads. He mentioned that Von Mueller made many references to the idea that the LUE is mentioned frequently but under other names. So, does this mean that the LUE is an umbrella term that covers several different treasure legends.
There is nothing on the map that would indicate a number of treasure related locations, so Von Mueller must have had additional information.

I think I figured out where Von Mueller came up with the 105 deg. On the star chart, the two curves intersect at the summer solstice, this is at 6hr. This is also the point where the Auriga constellation is located. On the LUE clue, the two curved lines intersect near the fall equinox position in the middle of the column. There are 13 vertical lines in the column, so let's put the intersection at 13hr. That would be 7hr from the summer solstice point to the fall equinox point. There's 15 deg in an hour so that would be 105 deg. 105 deg longitude W is the longitude that West Spanish Peak is on. West Spanish Peak is the eastern point of the Treasure Mountain and Auriga setup.
lue map genuine 2.jpg


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In the LUE legend, Black Lake, New Mexico is mentioned as a place where LUE treasure was found. The longitude of the Black Lake is 105 deg 15' 49" W. At the Auriga setup in Colorado, one of the Auriga points is at Black Mountain. Black Mountain is on the longitude of 105 deg 15' 49" W. I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that black, in a terrain feature, is a code name related to these sites.

In the LUE legend, Black Lake, New Mexico is mentioned as a place where LUE treasure was found. The longitude of the Black Lake is 105 deg 15' 49" W. At the Auriga setup in Colorado, one of the Auriga points is at Black Mountain. Black Mountain is on the longitude of 105 deg 15' 49" W. I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that black, in a terrain feature, is a code name related to these sites.

I think I figured out where Von Mueller came up with the 105 deg. On the star chart, the two curves intersect at the summer solstice, this is at 6hr. This is also the point where the Auriga constellation is located. On the LUE clue, the two curved lines intersect near the fall equinox position in the middle of the column. There are 13 vertical lines in the column, so let's put the intersection at 13hr. That would be 7hr from the summer solstice point to the fall equinox point. There's 15 deg in an hour so that would be 105 deg. 105 deg longitude W is the longitude that West Spanish Peak is on. West Spanish Peak is the eastern point of the Treasure Mountain and Auriga setup.
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View attachment 2141578
impressive work mdog.. reminds me that KVM referenced the NatGeo article on solar & star alignments of Bighorn Medicine Wheel as a LUE clue.


Im having trouble finding the article via Google; NatGeo does a good job of locking content behind their paywall. I know I've got the article PDF on my desktop computer and will look for it and share if you need it.

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