Real quick:
Might not apply here, but Ill explain where my head goes when I see 5 or 7 caves or tunnels or whatever.
It's about consciousness, or the internal temple made without hands, the biggest mystery of all. Ill explain my perspective:
There are 5 main ways that the OUTSIDE world comes INSIDE of us. These can be seen allegorically as caves, steps, ladders, tunnels, etc.... They are SIGHT. SMELL. TASTE. SEEING. HEARING. They can also relate allegorically to the 5 visible planets.
With those 5 senses, our inner consciousness sees the outside world, from its cave, tunnel or house made without hands.
If 7 is the number used in the story, then they are including the sun and moon, which represent our active-ego consciousness (sun), and our sub-consciousness (moon).
So we have ego and sub consciousness and the ways with which the outside world comes inside, namely, the 5 senses. 5 + 2 = 7, the number of completion.
It's all allegory about YOU and the gold is internal. My opinion. But I also think people who weren't mystics took this knowledge literally and after a few thousand years of people taking mystical knowledge literally, turning mystical knowledge into literal stories.... well here we are looking for cities, caves, gardens or etc.... (FYI, if you want to find these "cities or caves" you need to close your eyes and stop thinking, which is the block between ego and subconsciousness.... Dorothy did it by being knocked out)
The 7 cities of Cibola are really YOU. The Garden of Eden is really YOU. The emerald city is really YOU and so are all the characters in it. Neo, Trinity and Morpheus (The Matrix) characters are all YOU. Many many many ways to say the same thing. A tale as old as time, still being told........
Maybe there is real physical gold out there that lines up to the ancient mystical consciousness science (as I like to call it), but imo it seems there are just a whole lot of ways that the mystics described this ethereal thing called consciousness.
How do you describe consciousness in a way that people understand? How do you put the invisible, indescribable and unthinkable to words

Allegory. It's the only way.
People who cant/dont/wont think mystically or allegorically believe the gold is external to them......
Remember, have the power to go home WITHIN YOU all along.
That said.... I could be misplacing this mystical knowledge into a real story about real physical gold and I sure would like to find that physical gold too

That would be nice...but seeing as how this map is heavily Masonic, I dont think Im far off here. I may be wrong, but I dont think Im off by much.