Hey TT
Just been through some of my old stuff regarding the Valverde Derrotero.
Forgive me for posting in fits and bursts, but I've just had a big move and there are things all over the place and my papers date back to many years on this.
Anyway, I was corresponding with this chap who was pretty methodical and professional in his research, and we came to the conclusion based on various bits of evidence and likelihood, that if the derrotero was genuine and existed, then in all probability it pointed to a gold mine in the Llanganatis mountains. As I've said previously, all this Atahualpa's ransom and llama-loads of treasure is simply not true and was a detail added well after any event. During the strife after the Spanish conquest, there were many tribes resentful of Inca rule who did more than most to aid the downfall of the Incas. They provided resources, auxiliaries, scouts, porters and translators for the conquistadors. They knew that the invaders lusted after gold. If there was such a mythical hoard in the mountains would the remaining Incas and loyalists be able to hide and secure it even from them??
There was a Spaniard in the early part of the 19th century who was shown a rich location of placer gold in the Llanganatis mountains by his Indian wife. He would periodically visit the site surreptitiously and remove enough to fill a small sack or two and bring it back to Quito. He then used to have it assayed and smelted into bars before selling it to the local financial institutions. This raised the suspicions of the local magistrate and the villagers of the local native girl. The Spaniard and his wife both left for Spain with a trunk or two of "private articles". After many years of living well in Spain, the Indian wife died and the Spaniard was in ill health. Nearing his end he left a letter for the king of Spain at that time giving instructions to a "fabulous location". He said that the king could assume control of this mine that 'belonged' to the Spaniard, if the king would grant some sort of pension and land concession to the heirs of the Spaniard and his native wife. This letter and 'derrotero' were what was sent to Quito for the local governor to look into, and the as they say, 'the rest is history'.
The above is my belief on what may have happened all those years and centuries ago.
There was no Inca ransom, hidden treasure cave, sailors finding the location and then mysteriously dying and suchlike.
Simply a location to a good spot to find some gold in its natural state.
It took many years of research, but I reckon that this is what took place.