Lost dutchman mine possibly found!

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@Roger Rantz,
I do believe you said you would move to youtube as they paid more (per view) - kinda wish you would ... You have showed us zilch, but boasting of rich relatives and police connections - what the heck has that got to do with the LDM? I'd say "Good riddance" - with the possible exception of a good comedy show.

Its coming, but some of you wont be allowed to see IT. Posting threatening video's, etc...

Screenshot_2020-01-04-21-53-47.webp dagger, bull pass aka saddle, rock horsehead, backwards thumb

Jeff howlett if My thread doesnt concern you 0-zip, then plz stay off of IT. U had to look up the lost dutchman mine to find my thread which implies youre still looking for IT. Well here it is againView attachment 1807267View attachment 1807268View attachment 1807269

Roger, please read our rules and you do not have the right to tell members not to post, the thread belongs to TreasureNet as soon as you hit <Enter> on opening post.

To other members, treat Roger with the same respect you expect, end the attacks and insults or find you cant post for awhile. New members will be treated with respect!

Any insults or mocking after my post will result in lost of posting privilages for awhile so proceed with caution.

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They said i had no proof that the dutchman was here? So gave them proof that both the dutchman and Capt Pauline Weaver was here along with the real weavers needle. They also said a newbie cant win the award, that's jealousy!! Awe, Awe, awwwe lol View attachment 1826083View attachment 1826084View attachment 1826085

You've made a claim and provided your evidence you believe supports your claim. You posted your claim and evidence to a public forum which means, by default, your evidence is now under peer review and will be scrutinized, hopefully with an open mind by those who would judge as well as by the claimant. You believe it to be the lost mine (I think you even indicated you'd take a polygraph) but the belief of a claimant is irrelevant to the claim being made.

Also the challenge has been made of "prove me wrong". But as in all claims of discovery, the burden of proof is always upon the claimant, never upon those judging the claims. When famous explorers found a new land and went back to their king, their retort to skepticism wasn't "prove me wrong" for no one can prove a negative.

Without tangible, verifiable and peer reviewed evidence to validate a discovery, it can only rise to that of a "claim". The "gold standard" of all evidence (i'm kind of punny), would be actual photo's of the gold rich veins. Photo's that clearly and concisely document the find and the claim and are verifiable as to their authenticity. Legend has that this mine was one of the richest gold bearing mines ever and therefore would actually be one of the easiest pieces of evidence to provide and we all are excited and anxious to see them!

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You've made a claim and provided your evidence you believe supports your claim. You posted your claim and evidence to a public forum which means, by default, your evidence is now under peer review and will be scrutinized, hopefully with an open mind. You believe it to be the lost mine (I think you even indicated you'd take a polygraph) but the belief of a claimant is irrelevant to the claim being made.

Also the challenge has been made of "prove me wrong". But as in all claims of discovery, the burden of proof is always upon the claimant, never upon those judging the claims. When famous explorers found a new land and went back to their king, their retort to skepticism wasn't "prove me wrong" for no one can prove a negative.

Without tangible, verifiable and peer reviewed evidence to validate a discovery, it can only rise to that of a "claim". The "gold standard" of all evidence (i'm kind of punny), would be actual photo's of the gold rich veins. Legend has that this mine was one of the richest gold bearing mines ever and therefore would actually be one of the easiest pieces of evidence to provide and we all are excited and anxious to see them!
the pics will come, i understand the excited and anxious. I am also impatient, have found this site for over three years now. I am and have dumped a lot of money into IT. I will get more on ground pics as soon as i can, but it is no easy task

I would also like to note my phone is cracked. Auto correct on my phone is constantly interfering with my word.

the pics will come, i understand the excited and anxious. I am also impatient, have found this site for over three years now. I am and have dumped a lot of money into IT. I will get more on ground pics as soon as i can, but it is no easy task

Thank you for the reply, we will await those pictures. A little bit of friendly advice as you've said you've dumped a lot of money into it over the past 3 years and I might humbly suggest a modest investment in a quality camera or Go-Pro to document your discovery. In this age of discovery, it's the bare minimum required in any explorers tool kit and mandatory to lend credibility to any claims of significance...

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Thank you for the reply, we will await those pictures. A little bit of friendly advice as you've said you've dumped a lot of money into it over the past 3 years and I might humbly suggest a modest investment in a quality camera or Go-Pro to document your discovery. In this age of discovery, it's the bare minimum required in any explorers tool kit and mandatory to lend credibility to any claims of significance...

Agreed, phones dont work out there, not even hummers lol0423181643a.webp0501181932.webp

Roger, please read our rules and you do not have the right to tell members not to post, the thread belongs to TreasureNet as soon as you hit <Enter> on opening post.

To other members, treat Roger with the same respect you expect, end the attacks and insults or find you cant post for awhile. New members will be treated with respect!

Any insults or mocking after my post will result in lost of posting privilages for awhile so proceed with caution.

Good morning Treasure Hunter,
Just checking, this does go both ways, right?
If we get attacked, or falsely accused just for asking a question.
I don't think it is to be a one way street, is it?


Agreed, phones dont work out there, not even hummers lolView attachment 1826148View attachment 1826149

A bit of ouch, but thankfully Hummers are cheap and plentiful, and since it's been 10 plus years since that model was last made, most all the re-sale value has gone out of it, so you won't be losing much value by thrashing it a bit in the desert . A great beater to go treasure hunting in for sure!

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marius..come on over...i'll spring for the horses and pack mules...if you know where it is..lets go dig it:occasion14:

Patience Dave. To this mine will go together.

Good morning Treasure Hunter,
Just checking, this does go both ways, right?
If we get attacked, or falsely accused just for asking a question.
I don't think it is to be a one way street, is it?


Dutch, it is not a one way street, it applies to anyone and everyone.....

Any insults or mocking after my post will result in lost of posting privileges for awhile so proceed with caution.

Maybe it's been asked before, but have you been inside the mine itself? I see a picture of a hole taken from the outside, but did you actually venture inside the mine?

Hello Roger

Just a rational observation from some one with no pecuniary interest in the Dutchman story. Retired after over 30 years in the exploration mining industry around the globe. I cannot comment on any claims on if you have found the Dutchman mine or not? Personally I see it as irreverent.

But I can give some free advice if you so chose to heed it.

1. Firstly I hope you have researched to see if your site in question is an active mining lease? If it already belongs to some one else you have nothing to bargain with.
2. I hope you have obtained the mining for your site and the leases surrounding around your site? Before would make anything public and post such things on the net or youtube. I would would be securing as many leases as possible around your site. Reason modern mining operations need room.

3. While promising rock samples is enough to interest exploration mining companies. Usually what happens there is deal made between the exploration company and the mine lease holder. The lease holder in most cases has to make themselves into a company then through corporations law make a legal deal with the exploration company that will get a percentage royalties if the site becomes a viable mining project. Or exploration company buys the lease holder out.

4. For any mining site to be viable an exploration company has to do an extensive geological survey of the site. Random rock sample might tell of the presence of gold at the site but it does not tell the size of the ore body at the site. Thus usually either in house or by contract Exploration drillers under the direction of the exploration companies geologist will decide to where to drill what we call in the industry "truth holes" in core samples are taken so geologists can make an accurate estimation of size and depth of the ore body.

It should be noted most modern miners are not interested in very small deposits that might be rich but not enough justify large scale mining methods. Because they work to economies of scale.

5. Once a comprehensive geological report is made. And an accurate assessment of grams per ton of excavated rock is within the viable economic perimeters of the site such as estimated size of deposit. This has to be done for them to get venture capital from investors to fund the project.Thus the cost of extraction must be less than the value of extracted ore per ton with enough profit margin to make a viable project. Most modern mines need quite a lot venture capital to make projects work. That said many fail because profit margins are too narrow to cope with changing fluctuating market prices of ore.

6. Depending on the exploration company and their resources they will develop the site into an mining project or on sell the tenement onto a more specialized mining company with more expertise and resources to mine the site efficiently. In turn usually the exploration company gets bought out and bigger mining company operates the mine or the exploration company remain as minor share holder. But usually regardless the lease holder will get royalties however some times payment is in the form of shares in partner companies.

7. For you I suspect you need to work out what you really want? Some recognition for mine or mine shafts that may or may not be the Dutchman? Or a money making share in a viable mining project regardless if it is the Dutchman mine or not?

I suppose you need to work out which is more important to you?

Anyway I hope this has been of some help.


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Unfortunately it is on federal land and they are not leasing it out, they took the land back a little before i paid burgess mining company to stake the plot. There is visble gold in small piles near the top of the trial. The most im allowed to do is take pics and video unless the government stops that two

Maybe it's been asked before, but have you been inside the mine itself? I see a picture of a hole taken from the outside, but did you actually venture inside the mine?

I hadnt explored every cave, there was maybe around fifty completely Hidden at this spot, but yes i did actually go inside two, or three if you count one the size of a bedroom. Some were still clayed up, only recognizible by a crack line that recessed in about a inch. That cant be opened without the governments approval and with archeologists. The first cave had a heart and a half heart painted in the back. Near the top of the trail a huge boulder was hoisted up and seemingly hangs by nothing. There are small piles of gold, which i cant really say small, because even though it looks like they dumped IT, it still looked pretty rich laying on the outside.

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Theres gold laying on the trail near the boulder that is hanging, which i do believe is the horse head the apaches hung up. The boulder is wedged up, nothing underneath it is holding it up. Its in a huge hole cut through the mountain, Maybe a telephone poles length or higher

Im also not sure when im going to get back out There, the coronavirus is slowing everything down. Its hard to put together a team who doesnt want to steal it, or break the law flying a drone, and summers to hot out there. It was 148 degrees in the hummer when i blew my tires and i had to drive back on a rim to get help. The second trip i took that cave pic, and suffered a nasty fall two trails from the top. The trail narrowed but i decided to climb a ledge to see if there was another Hidden cave, when i came down off that ledge, i slipped and went off the side another two trails down. The trails zig zag taking you up the south side.

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