You've made a claim and provided your evidence you believe supports your claim. You posted your claim and evidence to a public forum which means, by default, your evidence is now under peer review and will be scrutinized, hopefully with an open mind. You believe it to be the lost mine (I think you even indicated you'd take a polygraph) but the belief of a claimant is irrelevant to the claim being made.
Also the challenge has been made of "prove me wrong". But as in all claims of discovery, the burden of proof is always upon the claimant, never upon those judging the claims. When famous explorers found a new land and went back to their king, their retort to skepticism wasn't "prove me wrong" for no one can prove a negative.
Without tangible, verifiable and peer reviewed evidence to validate a discovery, it can only rise to that of a "claim". The "gold standard" of all evidence (i'm kind of punny), would be actual photo's of the gold rich veins. Legend has that this mine was one of the richest gold bearing mines ever and therefore would actually be one of the easiest pieces of evidence to provide and we all are excited and anxious to see them!