"Lost Diary of Thomas J. Beale."

I’m here to further my metal detecting knowledge as well as learn about actual treasure hunters hunting real treasures and not fictional ones.

It’s a good thing that fictional tales are debunked with actual scientific evidence so that others are not fooled into believing the fiction and thus can focus their interests on real, documented treasures.

I’m here to further my metal detecting knowledge as well as learn about actual treasure hunters hunting real treasures and not fictional ones.

It’s a good thing that fictional tales are debunked with actual scientific evidence so that others are not fooled into believing the fiction and thus can focus their interests on real, documented treasures.
Stop right there! There is nothing that verifies that the Beale Treasure is fictional...

To the non believers, why are you here on this forum?

By your account, only believers should participate in a forum? Asked and answered in post #54. By the way, I'm neither a believer or non-believer, I'm simply interested in the actual facts of cases like these and am equally satisfied whether they confirm or deny a claim.

You add nothing but distain and skepticism for those who believe in the possibility of the treasures existence.

I add nothing?! That's demonstrably and comically false. If you believe I added nothing by uncovering the fact the tree is only 82 years old and literally changes the entire timeline of the claim by 100+ years and makes it impossible that claimed historical figures from the 1800's carved names, dates and treasure map keys into the tree in question, then you aren't interested in the truth at all.

For those who believe in there own theory you have distain and skepticism for those whose ideas differ from your own and revel in the deconstruction of their narrative.
I don't speak for others, only myself, but I have no disdain for Franklin. Disagreement should not be conflated with disdain! I'm only interested in what the facts bare out. Facts, don't feel disdain, they are nonpartisan and don't choose sides, they bare out what they bare out. I have no doubt you or anyone else wouldn't be accusing me of "disdain" or "attacking" if the tree core sample showed the tree to be 300 years old and confirmed the claims! You're apparently only making these accusations because it disproved the claims, not confirmed them.

No one will actually know the truth until all possibilities have been exhausted and the treasure, real or not is found or lost in the analogs of time...
Well, I've made a huge start to uncovering the truth. To completely upend the entire timeline and disprove that anyone carved any treasure maps/keys in this tree in the 1800's is a huge step in ascertaining the truth. It doesn't mean treasure doesn't exist, but it sure means as originally claimed, there is no evidence this tree was the key to any treasure.

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By your account, only believers should participate in a forum? Asked and answered in post #54. By the way, I'm neither a believer or non-believer, I'm simply interested in the actual facts of cases like these and am equally satisfied whether they confirm or deny a claim.

I add nothing?! That's demonstrably and comically false. If you believe I added nothing by uncovering the fact the tree is only 82 years old and literally changes the entire timeline of the claim by 100+ years and makes it impossible that claimed historical figures from the 1800's carved names, dates and treasure map keys into the tree in question, then you aren't interested in the truth at all.

I don't speak for others, only myself, but I have no disdain for Franklin. Disagreement should not be conflated with disdain! I'm only interested in what the facts bare out. Facts, don't feel disdain, they are nonpartisan and don't choose sides, they bare out what they bare out. I have no doubt you or anyone else wouldn't be accusing me of "disdain" or "attacking" if the tree core sample showed the tree to be 300 years old and confirmed the claims! You're apparently only making these accusations because it disproved the claims, not confirmed them.

Well, I've made a huge start to uncovering the truth. To completely upend the entire timeline and disprove that anyone carved any treasure maps/keys in this tree in the 1800's is a huge step in ascertaining the truth. It doesn't mean treasure doesn't exist, but it sure means as originally claimed, there is no evidence this tree was the key to any treasure.
And there is none to the contrary...the only fact to the Beale treasure is the copy write and nothing more...any other "Fact" to the story is opinion and all are entitled...wait and see, fact now is based on time...

By your account, only believers should participate in a forum? Asked and answered in post #54. By the way, I'm neither a believer or non-believer, I'm simply interested in the actual facts of cases like these and am equally satisfied whether they confirm or deny a claim.

I add nothing?! That's demonstrably and comically false. If you believe I added nothing by uncovering the fact the tree is only 82 years old and literally changes the entire timeline of the claim by 100+ years and makes it impossible that claimed historical figures from the 1800's carved names, dates and treasure map keys into the tree in question, then you aren't interested in the truth at all.

I don't speak for others, only myself, but I have no disdain for Franklin. Disagreement should not be conflated with disdain! I'm only interested in what the facts bare out. Facts, don't feel disdain, they are nonpartisan and don't choose sides, they bare out what they bare out. I have no doubt you or anyone else wouldn't be accusing me of "disdain" or "attacking" if the tree core sample showed the tree to be 300 years old and confirmed the claims! You're apparently only making these accusations because it disproved the claims, not confirmed them.

Well, I've made a huge start to uncovering the truth. To completely upend the entire timeline and disprove that anyone carved any treasure maps/keys in this tree in the 1800's is a huge step in ascertaining the truth. It doesn't mean treasure doesn't exist, but it sure means as originally claimed, there is no evidence this tree was the key to any treasure.
The one thing that eludes you is the key...Any and all have the power to poses it and it has been given to all along time ago..."If God wishes to love the fifth generation to come he will reveal the intent of the dead and with my help!"

Stop right there! There is nothing that verifies that the Beale Treasure is fictional...
You sift in the sand hoping the tide will bring something in, hang around the playground looking for lunch money or coming the public beaches for a lost wedding ring. May looking around and old out house but what treasure legend have you tried to solve?

To the non believers, why are you here on this forum? You add nothing but distain and skepticism for those who believe in the possibility of the treasures existence. For those who believe in there own theory you have distain and skepticism for those whose ideas differ from your own and revel in the deconstruction of their narrative. I myself am skeptical of theories that vary from my own but it does not give me the right to belittle someone else. Maybe they are right and I am wrong or vise a versa.

Evidently, Irony isn't dead. A little research into your post history reveals you violating the very platitudes you're preaching above. Disdain: Check. Skepticism: Check. Belittle someone else: Check Insults: Check Demanding Proof: Check

In the future I'd recommend before you call out others, be sure to make sure your own house is in order as it's not a good look for you and shows your bias.


Your on the wrong treasure legend, Oak Island is another forum! This is the Beale Treasure forum and Sinclair had nothing to do with it...

Evidently, Irony isn't dead. A little research into your post history reveals you violating the very platitudes you're preaching above. Disdain: Check. Skepticism: Check. Belittle someone else: Check Insults: Check Demanding Proof: Check

In the future I'd recommend before you call out others, be sure to make sure your own house is in order as it's not a good look for you and shows your bias.

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You want to talk about a treasure legend not a problem... let's talk!

And a little more research and I uncovered that this is a common tact you use, accuse others when they disagree with something you believe in, even going so far as to use the same wording accusing them of "disdain and skepticism" and "asking them why they are even here" as if ONLY you and those you agree with have a right to voice an opinion.

It appears to be a common tactic with several members on the forum when someone presents contrary evidence or disagrees with something they believe in: try to label them a "villain" or accuse them of "attacking" and being a "skeptic" to badger them into leaving the thread or getting the thread locked. However, The Emperor has no clothes and you're on mute from here on out. I'm going to keep on searching out the facts and let the facts speak for themselves...


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And a little more research and I uncovered that this is a common tact you use, accuse others when they disagree with something you believe in, even going so far as to use the same wording accusing them of "disdain and skepticism" and "asking them why they are even here" as if ONLY you and those you agree with have a right to voice an opinion.

It appears to be a common tactic with several members on the forum when someone presents contrary evidence or disagrees with something they believe in: try to label them a "villain" or accuse them of "attacking" and being a "skeptic" to badger them into leaving the thread or getting the thread locked. However, The Emperor has no clothes and you're on mute from here on out. I'm going to keep on searching out the facts and let the facts speak for themselv

There's no mute...let's talk...let's hear you rendition of the solve...come on, you have no problem disproving others, lets hear yours...or would you rather talk Oak Island, I have talked to Rick and Marty, have you?

There is no “solve“ for something that never actually existed. Even doing research here on Treasurenet one can find so many holes in the constantly changing beales story that its obviously total fiction.

The fact that the absolute empirical evidence produced here to totally disprove the statements about the tree in the book generates comments that still support the false story is intriguing.

Similar to biden saying that there is no border crisis.

In a way I am glad that no one else can do what I can do nor can they see what I see. In the "Patch" or "Pie Face" as it is called is where you will find about Captain Cheek. You will also near it find a "Large Mexican Cache" even gives the amount of Mexican silver dollars 165,326, which is 33 Kegs of 5,000 each and 326 left over from the Keg, John Hendren busted the head off to give to people cashing in paper money at $60 to $1 in silver. The other 6 kegs were sent to Greensboro, N.C. and eventually to Jamestown, N.C. to pay General Joseph Johnston's troops. They were given $7 for each group of 6 men. Most of the men gambled for the other $1. Some got large pennies to split among 6 men.
You seriously got all of that information out of simple round circle that kind of looks like a face if you use your imagination? There's no way all that information is contained in a simple face so I'd guess what you actually did was find a story first about "Pie" Face and the 33kegs and 5000 silver dollars etc and then attached the story to this "face". Also, what evidence do you have that attaches this carving, even if it is a face carving, to events that happened over a 100 years before it even existed?

Absent compelling evidence to the contrary, since its a modern carving, it's infinitely times more likely it's just what it is: a carving a kid made of a face. Also, to me, it doesn't even appear to be a carving, it appears to be an old knot/scar to me and is consistent with a dozen or so other similar round natural spots on the tree, see pictures.




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Most of the fantastical fiction posters here have zero evidence and will attempt to divert the obvious problems with their story by adding other fictional facts, starting a new thread about yet another treasure, or disappearing for a while.

Most of the fantastical fiction posters here have zero evidence and will attempt to divert the obvious problems with their story by adding other fictional facts, starting a new thread about yet another treasure, or disappearing for a while.
What I'm quickly learning is what these treasure stories/legends all have in common is they'll have a story (from an old book, newspaper, journal etc) giving it the heir of credibility and they'll then go out and find say, two stacked rocks or a carving in a tree, and despite having not one shred of evidence who stacked the stones or carved the tree, when they were stacked/carved, what the stacker or carver actually meant by them and then they'll attribute the story to the stone/carving because somewhere in the legend or lore or story, or KGC symbolism, there's a face, or snakes or staked rocks etc...

We see a classic example of that above. I haven't read the book, but I have little doubt it's directly claimed in the book that these carvings were carved by mason's or the like, in the 1800's and then the treasure stories attached to them when the carvings were found. And now that we know the carvings are a good 100 years newer then originally attributed the whole story about 33kegs and 5000 silver dollars has absolutely nothing to do with this "face" or "snake" carvings on the tree.

Now that, doesn't mean some of these treasures don't exist
, it just proves beyond any reasonable doubt that this tree and its carvings and the claims made about them, have nothing to do with any treasures or keys from these legends.

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Pudding…Pudding…Who’ got the pudding?

Ed T

Most of the fantastical fiction posters here have zero evidence and will attempt to divert the obvious problems with their story by adding other fictional facts, starting a new thread about yet another treasure, or disappearing for a while.
Also, to add to my above post, what i find they also often do is when legitimate questions are asked that put them in a bind or the facts start turning against their belief, they'll villainize you (accuse you of "attacking" them) as an excuse as to why they aren't going to answer any more of your questions, when in fact, they just can't any longer answer your questions without conceding that their beliefs weren't correct.

Now, these next three pictures, raise more questions than they answer. First, if they are from the tree in question, we know it's modern writing, not authored by masons or other various characters from the 1800's, so it begs the question, what do they actually say, who carved them and when (1960's, 1980's, 2000's)?

Answer: I have no idea. I can't make out even one single word of it, they are half covered by shadows and so blurry you can't make out anything. I can't even confirm they are from the Beech tree in question. What is claimed a date, may be a date someone carved of a long lost relative that served in the Civil War (it is a Civil War graveyard after all!) or it may be a love poem with the last 4 digits of their phone number! Who knows without additional evidence!

Franklin, do you have any full, complete, well lit, legible photos of these carvings? Otherwise, these pictures are useless to submit as any type of evidence.




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GoDeep, If you take those three photos you have posted and look at the other photographs I posted, you can see they came from the same beech tree.
Now if you look at those three photographs taking one at a time like so: Your #1, I have circled the "snake's head" shows it is the same part of the beech tree now you can only see two of the three fingers of code because it is a little higher up. Now, to take these photos I had to be there at different hours of the days to take photos of parts of the beech tree while the Sunlight illuminated it. Now this took about three months and 90 trips to Danville of about 60 miles roundtrips or about 5,400 miles. Then, I had to take hundreds of photos from different angles to make it reveal what was on the beech tree. Then I had to get on the computer and use contrast, light and different enhancements to make the letters come out where I could read them. It is easy for you to take only a few seconds or minutes and say there is nothing there. The first three months working night and day, I had found nothing. My partner was on the phone with me every day or every night asking me what I had found. I told him I had looked everywhere and I had found nothing. As we talked, I told him that then I spotted something. I can not tell you what I saw as it gives the whole thing away. But, anyway then I went over 1,000's of these photos one at a time looking for what I saw, then the story started coming out. Now everything is not on that one beech tree. There are as I said 7 more and 6 are still standing. Three are Holly Trees, the three Holly Trees were featured on "The Search for the Confederate Gold" on A&E with Hillbilly Bob Brewer of Arkansas and John London of Texas. They were paid $5,000 each plus expenses for the show. Their information came from two partners that had doubled crossed me to them. I have a copy of the Email they sent to Hillbilly Bob Brewer. I found it on the Internet. But anyway, at the time, I only knew of four trees the other was a sort of beech tree but more of an iron wood tree down next to the Confederate Monument Circle. I had not found another large beech tree that stood down in the Southwest corner of the Freedman's Cemetery. The one I sent you a photo of with the "RD" and entwined snakes. In the tails of those "Snakes" it was pointing up the hill towards the wall of the National Cemetery. It had how many feet and the compass reading. I went the direction and the amount of feet and found the other beech tree in the National Cemetery. Now this tree I had looked at about 8 years earlier, but not then having books on how to read what was on the beech tree, I saw nothing but something that was interesting. Later, after learning their call signs and attention getters, I was able to finally know what the signs meant.

Now for the other photograph #2, you posted is "the snake head with a part of it's back and all three of the fingers of code. The photograph #3, I underlined in "red" the letter "A" circled in yellow "grant" with the letter "r" very faint, then circled in red is "889" and the circled orange is "large" with the letter "L" of "large merging with the stem of the "9" in "889" Below that is the location of these "889 Large Brick" in Tennessee. There is another "889 Large Gold Brick and 8 each 30 Gallon pots filled with over $5,000,000 in gold coins here in Henry County, Virginia. How this got here in Henry County, Va., can be found by what was going on in Danville, The Capitol at that time. When, Varina Howell's escort to Charlotte, N.C. returned to Danville, he mentioned the hustle and bustle and the readiness of the Confederate Army to build up their fortifications in and around Danville. Something else is mentioned about wagons loaded with treasure going towards Martinsville, Va., in a roundabout way to get to Lynchburg, Va. because the other roads and rails were being used wagons, trains and the army to come to Danville from Lynchburg and Richmond. Well at about this same time, in a book about the last battle in Virginia occurred at Martinsville, Virginia Courthouse. This was Yankee General Stoneman's men raiding and forging for food and supplies. Well this caught the wagon treasure train in route to Lynchburg, Va., in a bind. They knew a lot of the folks in the area and one of them faced court martial for desertion. He became the sentinel to guard and protect the treasure concealed on his property. His name is listed on the beech tree, the inventory of the treasure and it's contents. I guess if you want any more information, I will have to post the whole book here for you to read.


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