Beale Treasure Revelations

Franklin. According you, the text is so accurate. How did authors managed to do such mistake; instead of 'remuneration' they wrote 'renumeration'?

I see you are just a "Tenderfoot" and just starting out on treasure hunting. You will find that beliefs in treasure hunting change as much as the weather. No single person has 100% belief that a treasure exist until they see it with their own eyes. Treasures and finding treasure is mostly what an individual wants a treasure to be. I have researched and checked out hundreds of treasure stories only to find out through research that the story never happened at all. When that happens I move on to research another treasure story and etc..... But the "Legends" such as the Beale Treasure, the Confederate Treasury and other large treasures you will never find enough research to toss them to the side as there is always that lingering and hoping that the story is real. Sometimes you find enough research saying it is real then on the other hand you find more research saying how it could not have happened. But to find these treasures you have to persevere and keep looking for more research either helping you to find the treasure or to give it up all together. And no one is going to give up the search all together because there is not enough research out there to verify the story one way or the other. I have written and published two books on the Beale Treasure. (Same with the Confederate Treasury and the Knights of the Golden Circle. I have written two books on this treasure also) The books contain research that no other treasure hunter has been able to find or to verify. I have found them and verified them. Such as Robert Morris and his wife, Sarah Mitchell. No one knows their genealogy but I have found it. No one has found the location of "Hunter's Hill" but I have found it and verified it's location. I have also found "Roslin" and verified all of these with Deeds, Court Records and Google Earth. They said the Washington Inn was not built until after Thomas J. Beale had came and buried his treasure two separate times in 1819 and 1821. I have all the Deeds and Maps, owners and I have verified that the Washington Inn was finished in the Spring of 1817. The Washington Inn was constructed of brick and stood 3 stories high and had over 20 rooms with 40 beds. I have even found out that Robert Morris leased the Washington Inn from the Spring of 1818 until 1826. So the foundation for the House or Treasures of Thomas J. Beale are that more likely to have happened. Does not mean that it did happen or that the treasures were buried but it is enough to keep one searching and hunting to recover 4 tons of gold, silver and jewelry. The book also contains a hand-drawn map believed drawn by the hand of Thomas Jefferson Beale as it was found in a Bible with the name on the cover in fancy gold writing Thomas Jefferson Beale. The names of his associates were in the back of the Bible. There is even a tombstone found belonging to the son of James Beverly Ward, James Beverly Ward Jr., that was killed in a hunting accident at the age of 15.

All depends on whether you can obtain permission to dig. Then you can dig and see if the treasure is still buried? I have two locations I want to dig. But so far no permission. One of the locations is in my new book on the hand-drawn map of Thomas Jefferson Beale. The other I found by researching on Clayton I. Hart and his brother George L. Hart.

If you came on the forum just attack other's post, why are you here? Contribute some information or research of your own and quit attacking other posters. You are pathetic.

I came here to read and learn about metal detecting and then saw the treasure legends section and started reading.

The more I read, the more tomfoolery I found such as yours.

I just asked a simple question as to why in one post you state there never was a treasure and in other posts advertise your book about the treasure (that never existed according to you).

Then you start attacking me by calling me, “pathetic”.

Rather than do that please explain your contradicting posts.

Both please end the insults.

This is the Legends forum.

noun. plural legends. Britannica Dictionary definition of LEGEND. 1. : a story from the past that is believed by many people but cannot be proved to be true.

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I came here to read and learn about metal detecting and then saw the treasure legends section and started reading.

The more I read, the more tomfoolery I found such as yours.

I just asked a simple question as to why in one post you state there never was a treasure and in other posts advertise your book about the treasure (that never existed according to you).

Then you start attacking me by calling me, “pathetic”.

Rather than do that please explain your contradicting posts.
I've often said that if I had a nickel for every story of buried treasure I would spend all those nickels and lie about burying them. The truth is, these stories are almost never proven true.

I've often said that if I had a nickel for every story of buried treasure I would spend all those nickels and lie about burying them. The truth is, these stories are almost never proven true.
And when the stories are proven true, you have to find another treasure that has not been proven to be true.

And when the stories are proven true, you have to find another treasure that has not been proven to be true.
This isn't supposed to be a deriding question, but do you have any examples? I can only think of Forrest Fenn and The Secret. But those don't really count because they were created to be like the 19th century treasure legends. There are also all kinds of hoards that are found, but those are usually found on accident. I can't think of any treasure that has been found using decoded ciphers, etc.

I remember one a couple years back that was found by following codes and clues and it's value was upwards of $400 Million. You should be able to find some stories on the Internet. I know of three that has been found by decoding ciphers and signs. One was found using a map. These treasures are found all the time. Most people do not report their find because of taxes. You take the Beale Treasure, someone may have already found it but are not talking. Still it would be just as great to just solve the mystery even if the treasure has already been recovered.

I can tell you that Mel Fisher was on the property when he was up there in 1989. He had a confirmation of gold on the property from the Colorado School of Mines.
Hi Albert,

Been a loonng time, eh? What do you know about Mel's involvement with the Beale treasure? There was a story about it in one of the treasure mags, then nothing more. I once emailed Taffi with some questions but never got a reply.

I'm wondering what convinced him in the first place to get involved, and then what convinced him to bail out. What confirmation of gold do you think he had?

- Carl

Hi Albert,

Been a loonng time, eh? What do you know about Mel's involvement with the Beale treasure? There was a story about it in one of the treasure mags, then nothing more. I once emailed Taffi with some questions but never got a reply.

I'm wondering what convinced him in the first place to get involved, and then what convinced him to bail out. What confirmation of gold do you think he had?

- Carl
Carl, There was an old black lady living in a log cabin somewhere in Florida. She claimed she had the codes cracked. Mel Fisher believed it enough to come up to Montvale, Virginia and Bedford County to investigate. I was hunting in upper North Goose Creek above Montvale and I got ran off the road on US 695 that runs along Goose Creek by an extra large track hole that was capable of digging about 22 feet deep. The excavator belonged to Mel Fisher's people. He used the old Wilkerson Mill property he purchased about 100 yards from the Paschal Buford Tavern with the old chimney out back of the older tavern owned by his father, Henry Buford. Mel Fisher used this property as a base operation at the mill. His helicopter had flew over the old mill dam with a magnetometer and was picking up a strong signal behind the dam and along the cliff on the south-side of the branch. Of course I already knew there was a vein of low grade uranium in that area and that is what the magnetometer was picking up from the helicopter. I and my brother, Eddie made 29 trips up there in 10 days while Mel Fisher was up there. Each round trip was 180 miles. I had deciphered the Code Paper #1 and I wanted to get a contract with Mel Fisher which I did after he had went back home for the Winter in 1989. He vowed in the newspapers that he would return the Spring of 1990, but he never returned. I think he never came back due to poor health. All those double rum and coke and of course smoking cigarettes. I had two investors and treasure hunters from Florida that wanted to come up and check the area out I had deciphered. So I sent Mel Fisher a letter asking him to release me from contract so I could go on treasure hunting. In the contract I had to be within 100 feet of the location of the treasure and if I were, I would receive 5% of the treasure when recovered. Motivation, Inc. was the name of his company. He came to Peter Veimeister's book store in Bedford City inquiring about the Beale Treasure and with Peter's new book just published, Mel Fisher purchased a hundred copies and took the books back to Florida to entice and seek out investors for his project. I forget the name of his investor but I met him and Mel Fisher in Key West that Christmas, 1989. I would not swear to it but I believe his name was Chris Widener. He sold his yacht like $60,000 or more investing it with Mel Fisher as a partner. There were other partners also. I know of a lady Doctor in Lynchburg, Va., she invested something like $20,000 for one percent of the treasure and others followed suit. Landowners actually came to Mel Fisher to get him to search their properties. This way Mel Fisher did not have to go and ask the landowners for permission. Mel Fisher sold the property at Wilkerson's Mill and with the investor's money, he most likely made a hefty profit? It's good to talk to you again Carl. Are you back in North Carolina? Send me a message. I would love to tell you what I have located and I am fixing to go and try to recover some huge treasures. I tried giving it to the USA Government 12 years ago to pay off the National Deficit but they only threatened to put me in jail. So now I am going to recover these treasures and if...............well you know. Good to hear from you again.

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Mel Fisher showed my brother, Eddie and I a walking 50 cent piece he had found sluicing the mill dam. He also had a wedding band with the name of Elizabeth Helms inscribed inside the ring. Mel Fisher said the ring belonged to Thomas J. Beale's mother. But I found out Elizabeth Helms lived just up stream from the old mill. In the late 1950's while they were making US 460 into a four lane highway one of the construction workers went inside the old stone mill house to relieve himself. In the Northeast corner, he saw rocks piled into the corner. He investigated and found a kettle of gold coins. He hurried as fast as he could to get the coins to the trunk of his car spilling a few along the way. He went down the road and filled his car up with gas and he has never been heard from again. That is the reason Mel Fisher was scanning the old well near the mill house with scanners. But he did not find any of the gold coins unless they were never recorded.

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Thanks for the info, had no idea you were involved with Fisher's operation. No, I live in Washington state now, east side near the border. Big gold mining area, but all hard rock.

Besides magnetometry, what else was Fisher using?

I remember one a couple years back that was found by following codes and clues and it's value was upwards of $400 Million. You should be able to find some stories on the Internet. I know of three that has been found by decoding ciphers and signs. One was found using a map. These treasures are found all the time. Most people do not report their find because of taxes. You take the Beale Treasure, someone may have already found it but are not talking. Still it would be just as great to just solve the mystery even if the treasure has already been recovered.
Sound pretty interesting. Got any links?

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