"Lost Diary of Thomas J. Beale."

Sorry wrong Robert Morriss. I went down that road years ago until I found the right Robert Morriss and Sarah Mitchell and their genealogy.
Exactly. They had to choose good Robert Morrise or Robert Morriso or Robert Morriss or Robert Morri.
They succeeded. This Robert was good. Many people spend much time on this bullshit. They needed to save time, I don't know why.

I realize this is an older video (at least i assume it is), but I'm surprised to see you promoting it as though it's accurate when we now know through highly accurate core sampling and aerial photos that the tree is just over 80 years old. This completely changes what was believed about the tree. Any carvings on the tree would have originated a good 100 years after the civil war, not around the civil war as was believed, and there is no evidence to connect the carvings to any buried treasure. Are you going to be issuing any formal corrections to your claims given the new evidence that has emerged?

The "talking tree" in question, a beech tree located in the Danville National Cemetery throughout the years:


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No I will not be issuing any such thing. As I said what is there is there. It has been checked out and everything is as the tree claims it to be. All compass readings after being corrected for the 8 3/4 degree deviation is all correct. The treasures are there. If you have a hang-up about the tree that has nothing to do with what the tree is saying. I have seen thousand year manuscripts copied and re-copied and they latest version may only be 200 years old but all of them are accurate as far as what is stated. You will have to find another tree to"bark" up.

No I will not be issuing any such thing. As I said what is there is there. It has been checked out and everything is as the tree claims it to be. All compass readings after being corrected for the 8 3/4 degree deviation is all correct. The treasures are there. If you have a hang-up about the tree that has nothing to do with what the tree is saying. I have seen thousand year manuscripts copied and re-copied and they latest version may only be 200 years old but all of them are accurate as far as what is stated. You will have to find another tree to"bark" up.
But for the fact there are no compass readings on the tree (not sure you claimed there are) but much of what you showed in pictures was literally written in/over by yourself.

A follow up question I made earlier, will you share the unedited photo's, without any of your writing over them with what you think they read?

My answer will always be no. I told you to get your own photos. You have people in Danville on the Historical Society you claim gets you all this information so find it for yourself. I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. I verify things for myself through research. I have put up links that prove my side of the trees age just as you have. Why do you want to keep posting and trying to prove me wrong. Do you know anything about deviation of a compass. If the readings on the trees are off 9 degrees today proves that the carvings were made around 1866 as that is the only year in history that the Magnetic North Pole was the same as the True North Pole. That gives the age of the carvings as being made during or a little after the Civil War. Have you got photographs of the other 6 trees still standing in the Black Cemetery behind the National Cemetery or the White Cemetery of Greenhill Cemetery? Of course not you don't even know where they are. Do you own work and leave me the hell alone.

My answer will always be no. I told you to get your own photos.
I did obtain my own photos and they do not show anything that even resembles dates or compass readings, hence why I have asked for your photos. The only photos you provided were photos that you had altered by drawing over them, which is why I asked for the unaltered photos which you inexplicably refuse to share when it would clear up any doubt within seconds. You are willing to share altered photos, but not unaltered photos?

I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. I verify things for myself through research.
It's called peer review. You are the one publicly making the claims and publishing books which means your peers will question the science, your facts and your methods. You should have expected and welcomed this. Any legitimate historian I've met in the past was eager to discuss and defend the facts and were even willing to change their minds when presented with new, compelling evidence as above all else, their goal was historical accuracy.

I have put up links that prove my side of the trees age just as you have.
Your link was to a tree age estimator based on circumference. When I countered with links that stated it needed to be halved in trees that aren't growing in the wild with no competition, we hit a stalemate. I then gathered further corroborating evidence:

1. First were the aerial pictures, which undisputedly show the tree as a very small young tree in the 1950's and could not have originated anywhere near the Civil War time period. (See picture attached in previous post)

2. Second, my contact in Danville sent me a picture that showed the tree grew up through the graves, thus displacing two of them, meaning the tree had to come along well after the graves were laid. (see attached picture below and if you look closely you can see the displaced graves laid flat off to the sides of the tree)

3. Lastly, to corroborate it all, and before the results could be published due to the thread being locked, core dating was completed which is the most accurate form of tree dating as you count the actual growth rings of the trees. It put the date of the tree at 1939. It is impossible for the tree to be anywhere near the age of the civil war thus its carvings couldn't have appeared on the tree until a good 100 years after the civil war.

Do you know anything about deviation of a compass. If the readings on the trees are off 9 degrees today proves that the carvings were made around 1866 as that is the only year in history that the Magnetic North Pole was the same as the True North Pole.
No compass readings have been shown to be on the tree in question and we looked over the entire tree for them, second, even if they were or had been previously there, they are from the modern era, not from the Civil War era, as the core dating unarguably confirms.

Have you got photographs of the other 6 trees still standing in the Black Cemetery behind the National Cemetery or the White Cemetery of Greenhill Cemetery?
No I don't, they are not the subject of this discussion, but if you'd like to provide pictures and locations of them and their carvings to have a civil discussion about them, I'd be more than willing to look at them and research them and we can even get core samplings of those to help date them.

Picture of the beech tree in question, note to both sides of the tree are two graves lying down that it displaced that were previously in line with the existing row of graves (which continue behind the tree) and note how it is about to displace even more graves. Compelling circumstantial evidence in its own right that the tree grew up well after the graves were laid, thus displacing them as it grew in diameter:

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Good news Franklin, I've uncovered even more corroborating evidence that dates the tree to well past the Civil War.

- First attachment, this is a map of the Danville National Cemetery from 1892, approx. 30 years after the Civil War. This map is significant because it shows that there were no gaps in between headstones in a row. Rows were laid out 10 feet apart with each grave in a row 5 feet apart.

-Note that since this 1892 map was produced, they've added 2 rows of graves at the bottom, 2 rows in the middle, and 1 row at the top in the grass drives. They also added 2 or 3 graves at the end of the rows on the right side of the map closest to the wall. I've circled approximately where the beech tree would be on the map, but the main point of the map is to show there are NO GAPS in between the headstones in a row (excluding grass drives).

-Second attachment, is you and your associate, and you can clearly see the row of graves, the tree growing up in the row, and the two stone plaques for the displaced graves off to the left side.

-Third attachment, a closeup of one of the plaques placed in lieu of the displaced headstones

Conclusion: This is irrefutable evidence that the tree grew up in between the gravestones and did not exist when the graves were laid and didn't even exist near the turn of the century. Aerial photography further showed it to be a young tree in the 1950's and was corroborated by tree ring core sampling as to have been "born" in 1939.

Map of Danville National Cemetery with the Beech Trees approx. location circled. Note there are no gaps in between headstones in a row, rows are 10 feet apart and graves in a row 5 feet apart:


Picture of Franklin and his associate. Note the row of headstones the tree grew up in and how the tree grew in diameter and eventually displaced two of the headstones lying off to the side (so far, it's about to displace even more headstones):


Lastly, a closeup of one of plaques they lied in lieu of the displaced headstones:


As I have told you many times before, it makes no difference as to what is there is there. Sentinels that watched over these treasures whether they carved them when the treasures were buried or two, three or more generations. It is still carved onto the tree regardless and the information on the tree as been field checked and verified. There were three Holly trees in the movie, "Confederate Gold" on the history channel. They could not have been old enough either as one of them is only one foot in diameter. Yet the carvings are on these Holly Trees, giving directions to that Beech Tree in the National Cemetery and they have directions to treasures also. So as I said keep sifting for information to discredit or disapprove me, but for me it makes no difference whatsoever. I have followed these directions and located the caches in the nearby cemeteries. But, I can not recover the treasures because the directions to them are on maps buried in the National Cemetery and I can not dig them up. But I will recover these treasures. As soon as I can recover one of the smaller treasures of about 32 tons then they will give me access to the maps.

I reveal it because I am angry at NARA people.
Well, here I start here my last message about most important hint in Beale papers. There are who quotes about numbers, having words 'enumerated' and 'renumeration'.
First quote.
Amongst his guests and devoted personal friends Jackson, Clay, Coles, Witcher, Chief Justice Marshall, and a host of others scarcely less distinguished, might be enumerated.

The point here is that all 5 (or more) persons mentioned, died after Robert Morris (January 20, 1734 – May 8, 1806). All of them are here:
US President Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845)
Henry Clay
9th United States Secretary of State
Isaac Coles (1747-1813)
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from Virginia's 6th district
In office March 4, 1793 – March 3, 1797
Vincent Addison Witcher (1837 – 1912)
was a Confederate States Army Lieutenant Colonel during the American Civil War. Disbanded in Lynchburg.
John Seashoal Witcher (July 15, 1839 – July 8, 1906)
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from West Virginia's 3rd district
In office March 4, 1869 – March 3, 1871
John Marshall (September 24, 1755 – July 6, 1835) was an American politician and lawyer who served as the fourth chief justice.

So these persons were kind of guests to Robert Morris in a cemetery. 'Might be enumerated' - yes, of course, they might be enumerated, especially if they were a solders. All gravestones in military cemeteries were enumerated. Please do not forget that Morriss/Morris house and Arlington are related.
Second quote. Word 'renumeration' written like it on purpose. It is not a mistake.
to remain in his house for more than twenty years, and until he died, without ever receiving the slightest renumeration

The question. After his death renumeration happened ...? Few words about quote 'more than twenty years'. We know that Arlington cemeteries established in 1864. Here I add one fact revealed by my own research. In year 1885 numbering of graves in Arlington cemetery oldest section started to change, it is present section 13. Initially numbers were sporadic, after a reform numbers become linear, as it is now.
In case we wanted to know old arrange of numbers, we have two options. Either find all old photos of Arlington cemetery done before 1885 or go to NARA and do a request.

Here I publish one photo from year 1877.

Number 2906 - letter H.
https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e1-ba22-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 photo by Kilburn Brothers. No. 323. Soldiers' Cemetery. Arlington.

Present location is.

Here is second option details.
Register of Burial Lots at Arlington National Cemetery, 1894 ?; With Reference to Correspondence in Series 89 Relating to the Burials. This series registers individuals buried in lots 1 - 1,263 of the Arlington National Cemetery.
NAID: 614779
HMS/MLR: NM81 623; RG92E623
Creator: War Department. Office of the Quartermaster General. Cemeterial Branch. (8/19/1867 - 1895)
Types of Media:
Bound Volume
3 linear inches
1 Volume, Oversize
Access: Unrestricted
Use: Unrestricted :-)

I post here a photo of this books cover.

This volume contains old grave numbers and deceased people names.

The interesting facts about captain Ferdinand Charles Hutter (1831 – 1885). Between 1861 and 1865 he was Quartermaster assistant in CS Army. His father Major George Christian Hutter served in US army as Quartermaster (in Fort Gadsden, Florida) and Major Paymaster in the U.S. Military until 1861. Ferdinand married Mary Power Lyons in Richmond in 1864. She was the daughter of the Honorable James Lyons leader of the Richmond Bar, and member of the Confederate Congress. The Quartermaster General’s Office (QMG) is responsible also for graves numbering.

Have a good Valentine's day!

I reveal it because I am angry at NARA people.
Well, here I start here my last message about most important hint in Beale papers. There are who quotes about numbers, having words 'enumerated' and 'renumeration'.
First quote.
Amongst his guests and devoted personal friends Jackson, Clay, Coles, Witcher, Chief Justice Marshall, and a host of others scarcely less distinguished, might be enumerated.

The point here is that all 5 (or more) persons mentioned, died after Robert Morris (January 20, 1734 – May 8, 1806). All of them are here:
US President Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845)
Henry Clay
9th United States Secretary of State
Isaac Coles (1747-1813)
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from Virginia's 6th district
In office March 4, 1793 – March 3, 1797
Vincent Addison Witcher (1837 – 1912)
was a Confederate States Army Lieutenant Colonel during the American Civil War. Disbanded in Lynchburg.
John Seashoal Witcher (July 15, 1839 – July 8, 1906)
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from West Virginia's 3rd district
In office March 4, 1869 – March 3, 1871
John Marshall (September 24, 1755 – July 6, 1835) was an American politician and lawyer who served as the fourth chief justice.

So these persons were kind of guests to Robert Morris in a cemetery. 'Might be enumerated' - yes, of course, they might be enumerated, especially if they were a solders. All gravestones in military cemeteries were enumerated. Please do not forget that Morriss/Morris house and Arlington are related.
Second quote. Word 'renumeration' written like it on purpose. It is not a mistake.
to remain in his house for more than twenty years, and until he died, without ever receiving the slightest renumeration

The question. After his death renumeration happened ...? Few words about quote 'more than twenty years'. We know that Arlington cemeteries established in 1864. Here I add one fact revealed by my own research. In year 1885 numbering of graves in Arlington cemetery oldest section started to change, it is present section 13. Initially numbers were sporadic, after a reform numbers become linear, as it is now.
In case we wanted to know old arrange of numbers, we have two options. Either find all old photos of Arlington cemetery done before 1885 or go to NARA and do a request.

Here I publish one photo from year 1877.
View attachment 2069460
Number 2906 - letter H.
https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e1-ba22-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 photo by Kilburn Brothers. No. 323. Soldiers' Cemetery. Arlington.

Present location is.

Here is second option details.
Register of Burial Lots at Arlington National Cemetery, 1894 ?; With Reference to Correspondence in Series 89 Relating to the Burials. This series registers individuals buried in lots 1 - 1,263 of the Arlington National Cemetery.
NAID: 614779
HMS/MLR: NM81 623; RG92E623
Creator: War Department. Office of the Quartermaster General. Cemeterial Branch. (8/19/1867 - 1895)
Types of Media:
Bound Volume
3 linear inches
1 Volume, Oversize
Access: Unrestricted
Use: Unrestricted :-)

I post here a photo of this books cover.
View attachment 2069459

This volume contains old grave numbers and deceased people names.

The interesting facts about captain Ferdinand Charles Hutter (1831 – 1885). Between 1861 and 1865 he was Quartermaster assistant in CS Army. His father Major George Christian Hutter served in US army as Quartermaster (in Fort Gadsden, Florida) and Major Paymaster in the U.S. Military until 1861. Ferdinand married Mary Power Lyons in Richmond in 1864. She was the daughter of the Honorable James Lyons leader of the Richmond Bar, and member of the Confederate Congress. The Quartermaster General’s Office (QMG) is responsible also for graves numbering.

Have a good Valentine's day!

I reveal it because I am angry at NARA people.
Well, here I start here my last message about most important hint in Beale papers. There are who quotes about numbers, having words 'enumerated' and 'renumeration'.
First quote.
Amongst his guests and devoted personal friends Jackson, Clay, Coles, Witcher, Chief Justice Marshall, and a host of others scarcely less distinguished, might be enumerated.

The point here is that all 5 (or more) persons mentioned, died after Robert Morris (January 20, 1734 – May 8, 1806). All of them are here:
US President Andrew Jackson (March 15, 1767 – June 8, 1845)
Henry Clay
9th United States Secretary of State
Isaac Coles (1747-1813)
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from Virginia's 6th district
In office March 4, 1793 – March 3, 1797
Vincent Addison Witcher (1837 – 1912)
was a Confederate States Army Lieutenant Colonel during the American Civil War. Disbanded in Lynchburg.
John Seashoal Witcher (July 15, 1839 – July 8, 1906)
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from West Virginia's 3rd district
In office March 4, 1869 – March 3, 1871
John Marshall (September 24, 1755 – July 6, 1835) was an American politician and lawyer who served as the fourth chief justice.

So these persons were kind of guests to Robert Morris in a cemetery. 'Might be enumerated' - yes, of course, they might be enumerated, especially if they were a solders. All gravestones in military cemeteries were enumerated. Please do not forget that Morriss/Morris house and Arlington are related.
Second quote. Word 'renumeration' written like it on purpose. It is not a mistake.
to remain in his house for more than twenty years, and until he died, without ever receiving the slightest renumeration

The question. After his death renumeration happened ...? Few words about quote 'more than twenty years'. We know that Arlington cemeteries established in 1864. Here I add one fact revealed by my own research. In year 1885 numbering of graves in Arlington cemetery oldest section started to change, it is present section 13. Initially numbers were sporadic, after a reform numbers become linear, as it is now.
In case we wanted to know old arrange of numbers, we have two options. Either find all old photos of Arlington cemetery done before 1885 or go to NARA and do a request.

Here I publish one photo from year 1877.
View attachment 2069460
Number 2906 - letter H.
https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/510d47e1-ba22-a3d9-e040-e00a18064a99 photo by Kilburn Brothers. No. 323. Soldiers' Cemetery. Arlington.

Present location is.

Here is second option details.
Register of Burial Lots at Arlington National Cemetery, 1894 ?; With Reference to Correspondence in Series 89 Relating to the Burials. This series registers individuals buried in lots 1 - 1,263 of the Arlington National Cemetery.
NAID: 614779
HMS/MLR: NM81 623; RG92E623
Creator: War Department. Office of the Quartermaster General. Cemeterial Branch. (8/19/1867 - 1895)
Types of Media:
Bound Volume
3 linear inches
1 Volume, Oversize
Access: Unrestricted
Use: Unrestricted :-)

I post here a photo of this books cover.
View attachment 2069459

This volume contains old grave numbers and deceased people names.

The interesting facts about captain Ferdinand Charles Hutter (1831 – 1885). Between 1861 and 1865 he was Quartermaster assistant in CS Army. His father Major George Christian Hutter served in US army as Quartermaster (in Fort Gadsden, Florida) and Major Paymaster in the U.S. Military until 1861. Ferdinand married Mary Power Lyons in Richmond in 1864. She was the daughter of the Honorable James Lyons leader of the Richmond Bar, and member of the Confederate Congress. The Quartermaster General’s Office (QMG) is responsible also for graves numbering.

Have a good Valentine's day!

Juskevicius I think it best if you would start your own thread. This really has nothing to do with this thread I started "Lost Diary of Thomas J. Beall"​


As I have told you many times before, it makes no difference as to what is there is there. Sentinels that watched over these treasures whether they carved them when the treasures were buried or two, three or more generations. It is still carved onto the tree regardless and the information on the tree as been field checked and verified

It absolutely does make a difference, in fact, it changes just about everything.

Just some quick off the top of my head things it changes:

-Your claim that this is "Master Tree" is no longer true.

-The compass readings you reference are now off given the tree is 100+ years younger and magnetic drift isn't what you thought it was and the compass readings DON'T prove the carvings were made in 1866 as you claim they do.

-The "snake" carving on the tree you claim pointed to treasure that was buried near the time of the civil war at the base of the tree, couldn't have been pointing to any treasure at the base of this tree as the tree didn't even exist until nearly a 100 years later!

-Historical figures you claimed carved their names and dates into the tree, could not have.

-Dates in the tree would not have been carved into the tree when you thought they were and therefore don't indicate what you think they did.

Also, after learning the tree was born in 1939, you can't just than move the goalposts a 100+ years and say some later generations carved it without any evidence. You'd need evidence to make that claim of which you provided none. You'd need to track done the descendants, which could be as many as 8+ generations later then those you claimed originally carved it (for example i'm 52, my grandma is 95, mom is 75, my son is 32 and his son is 4, which is 5 generations in my family in just 95 years!). You'd need to prove they were part of this secret society, prove they had knowledge of this treasure and prove they carved it and when they carved it. You can't just make these claims without evidence.

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GoDeep Here is the issue I have with your remarks as I can disapprove each and everyone. But for me I have better things to do like finding and recovering treasure. If I am right my reward is treasure. If you are right, what is your reward? Absolutely Nothing. That's right yours is a waste of time while my reward is treasure. If I were paid to sit down with you and argue these points of yours I would, but to be frankly you are only wasting my time. As for the compass readings you refer to could be off is not true, it depends on the distance from the target. If a target is less than 100 feet away over a period of 72 years the compass would only move one degree and less than 2 feet movement of the treasure target. If a hole is dug 8 feet by 8 feet, I could still find the treasure as it has not moved but less than 2 feet from the center of the compass reading. I will not badger with you any longer. You find your reward which is nothing but satisfaction and I will find my reward which are the treasures.

As for the compass readings you refer to could be off is not true, it depends on the distance from the target. If a target is less than 100 feet away over a period of 72 years the compass would only move one degree and less than 2 feet movement of the treasure target. If a hole is dug 8 feet by 8 feet, I could still find the treasure as it has not moved but less than 2 feet from the center of the compass reading. I will not badger with you any longer. You find your reward which is nothing but satisfaction and I will find my reward which are the treasures.
There you go again, completely moving the goal posts when your claims are contradicted. Recall you said that the compass readings PROVED the carvings were from around 1866, now we know they were wrong and they didn't prove it.

Recall you said this only days ago:

If the readings on the trees are off 9 degrees today proves that the carvings were made around 1866 as that is the only year in history that the Magnetic North Pole was the same as the True North Pole.

If I am right my reward is treasure. If you are right, what is your reward? Absolutely Nothing.
Completely untrue, my due diligence in collecting evidence has corrected the historical record in regard to this particular tree and any claims made about it over the years (not just by you either, others have made claims about it too). Striving for historical accuracy has always been my goal. In fact, I hope someday you do uncover an actual barrel of gold. Peace.

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Old singles tackle is all over Franklin, he just can't stand somebody looking for something he just might find .you better quit looking before he gets mad like he goes off like fireworks at any oak island post. Single-track is just looking out for you and really hates to see you waste your time.....
The only time I ever waste is responding to Stingletrack.

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