GoDeep, If you take those three photos you have posted and look at the other photographs I posted, you can see they came from the same beech tree.
Now if you look at those three photographs taking one at a time like so: Your #1, I have circled the "snake's head" shows it is the same part of the beech tree now you can only see two of the three fingers of code because it is a little higher up. Now, to take these photos I had to be there at different hours of the days to take photos of parts of the beech tree while the Sunlight illuminated it. Now this took about three months and 90 trips to Danville of about 60 miles roundtrips or about 5,400 miles. Then, I had to take hundreds of photos from different angles to make it reveal what was on the beech tree. Then I had to get on the computer and use contrast, light and different enhancements to make the letters come out where I could read them. It is easy for you to take only a few seconds or minutes and say there is nothing there. The first three months working night and day, I had found nothing. My partner was on the phone with me every day or every night asking me what I had found. I told him I had looked everywhere and I had found nothing. As we talked, I told him that then I spotted something. I can not tell you what I saw as it gives the whole thing away. But, anyway then I went over 1,000's of these photos one at a time looking for what I saw, then the story started coming out. Now everything is not on that one beech tree. There are as I said 7 more and 6 are still standing. Three are Holly Trees, the three Holly Trees were featured on "The Search for the Confederate Gold" on A&E with Hillbilly Bob Brewer of Arkansas and John London of Texas. They were paid $5,000 each plus expenses for the show. Their information came from two partners that had doubled crossed me to them. I have a copy of the Email they sent to Hillbilly Bob Brewer. I found it on the Internet. But anyway, at the time, I only knew of four trees the other was a sort of beech tree but more of an iron wood tree down next to the Confederate Monument Circle. I had not found another large beech tree that stood down in the Southwest corner of the Freedman's Cemetery. The one I sent you a photo of with the "RD" and entwined snakes. In the tails of those "Snakes" it was pointing up the hill towards the wall of the National Cemetery. It had how many feet and the compass reading. I went the direction and the amount of feet and found the other beech tree in the National Cemetery. Now this tree I had looked at about 8 years earlier, but not then having books on how to read what was on the beech tree, I saw nothing but something that was interesting. Later, after learning their call signs and attention getters, I was able to finally know what the signs meant.
Now for the other photograph #2, you posted is "the snake head with a part of it's back and all three of the fingers of code. The photograph #3, I underlined in "red" the letter "A" circled in yellow "grant" with the letter "r" very faint, then circled in red is "889" and the circled orange is "large" with the letter "L" of "large merging with the stem of the "9" in "889" Below that is the location of these "889 Large Brick" in Tennessee. There is another "889 Large Gold Brick and 8 each 30 Gallon pots filled with over $5,000,000 in gold coins here in Henry County, Virginia. How this got here in Henry County, Va., can be found by what was going on in Danville, The Capitol at that time. When, Varina Howell's escort to Charlotte, N.C. returned to Danville, he mentioned the hustle and bustle and the readiness of the Confederate Army to build up their fortifications in and around Danville. Something else is mentioned about wagons loaded with treasure going towards Martinsville, Va., in a roundabout way to get to Lynchburg, Va. because the other roads and rails were being used wagons, trains and the army to come to Danville from Lynchburg and Richmond. Well at about this same time, in a book about the last battle in Virginia occurred at Martinsville, Virginia Courthouse. This was Yankee General Stoneman's men raiding and forging for food and supplies. Well this caught the wagon treasure train in route to Lynchburg, Va., in a bind. They knew a lot of the folks in the area and one of them faced court martial for desertion. He became the sentinel to guard and protect the treasure concealed on his property. His name is listed on the beech tree, the inventory of the treasure and it's contents. I guess if you want any more information, I will have to post the whole book here for you to read.