Hey groovin dude, Not to worry. I'm seeing the person in the photo differantly than you. He's not in a laying position. He's in a dog style position, leaning on his hands and knees over the spot where the gold nuggets were buried. You can see the back of his head, and even the outline of his back pockets which are white or an off color, if you look very closely, it will all appear. You can even begin to see the outline of his heals on his boots, and a little higher resolution will reveal much more. Whoever it is, is a bit heavyset, but agile enough to dig on his hands and knees as he's doing in the photo.
I know a lot of people have made claims, but for all it's worth, I'm totally here mentally and have had all the time one needs to put together hundreds of different stories and look at other places. Even though there are many common things in every story as far as geographics, points of interested mention by Adams who spoke with openly to a lot of people, there is only one place like this, with the fallen monument called Shaking Rock and other things like the secret door, the maps, terrain, area and direction of travel and an article I found that has been rarely mentioned and maybe even purposely deleted as the short documentory has been regarding the Naval Cadet that found a lot of gold in this same place and was on national television. There are others who I've spoken with elsewhere and are PhD's, researchers etc. . A news paper article was also found from a small town that pointed out there were over twenty men heading in the dame direction with pack horses a traveling in that direction and at the same time the Adams party where headed there. I f i had the time and patience to do so online, I would prove beyond any reasonable doubt, the place I mentioned is in fact the LAD, and Canyon Del Oro. I"m absolutely positive a archeological studie will prove this as well, besides testimoney from the Naval Academy personel involved, minus whatever evidence has been purposely tamperred or removed from the area, I know for a fact, I can prove this to be the LAD. The saddles, various skelitle remains, etc will prove this as well. The Governor even wrote back and the Sheriff is putting off until BLM and others can look closer. THe photo was actually taken in 2008 and I'm not sure yet but may have been at the same time Mr. Jensen may have vanished.
I do enjoy discussing this and appreciate a good advocate, it's appreciated.
Phil A