Lost Adams Diggings Found!


This marker is on the Stone Map Trail:


It's likely the area that Adolph was looking at when he was killed. It's also where his body was probably found.....prior to the made up story. Read Sims Ely's description of where Ruth's body was found.

Take care,


cactusjumper said:

This marker is on the Stone Map Trail:


It's likely the area that Adolph was looking at when he was killed. It's also where his body was probably found.....prior to the made up story. Read Sims Ely's description of where Ruth's body was found.

Take care,


Loved those 2x2's, and really loved the lighter pvc. Before they were ruled acceptable, we had to use 4x4's on the corners and discovery point, plus drill a 10'-deep validation hole on each claim.


I figured that to be the case in that I'm sure there are a lot of people who doubt this is the Lost Adams and I don't blame them or anyone. It sure does need a lot more research to say the least. Everything I've written so far is true.


I appreciate your great understanding considering some of the remarks I've made and if anyone was closer to the site, I figured if you were interested then I figured if you wanted to check it out, that would be great. I can't go there due to my poor health, back surgeries gone bad, can't drive nor could I tolerate travelling there or anywhere at the present time. I'm hoping maybe next spring I'll make it a point to go there if I'm feeling any better by then.

My biggest concern is for the writer Mr. Jensen in that I can't find him since he claimed he found the Lost Adams here and being a professional writer, plus the fact it's apparent he did a lot of research into the true story. I also type very fast so plinging these responses and my own statements takes a few moments so it's not like I'm infatuated with this, just concerned and I figure there's enough basis here to write a story and maybe with more research if I had time to write a book. I checked with BLM and thee were not paper claims and I have to put in a written request to get the information. Like Springfield I have too many other thihgs to do but if it will hep someone else near the area who's interested, then there you go.

I do believe this is the LAD though, considering all the research I've done alone myself. I could go into a real long explination, but I don't think too many people are that interested besides, the place is already exposed and I can't go there myself. I'm just not a selfish person and I've even passed up a chance once from a radio station that offered to pay to start a new business for me of any type but there was a limit on the amount of money they were going to spend. I could have said yes but I had to get back to California to be near my daughter and I actually enjoyed the next person say yes when they called them afterwards. This happened in Toledo Ohio over ten years ago now. I enjoy seeing others win. I just don't believe there is any gold left in the area either and I'm sure Jensen if he found the site where the cabin was, then he most likely pulled the gold out himself. Who knows why he's vanished if so, I just hope he's OK. It's rather sad how many people are out there who will jump other claims or hurt others for gold. My biggest interest in this now is to write th movie script and maybe book. For those who are interested in going there, then I only want to mention that cosidering the history at this place to use extreme caution like maybe not camping there at night, only workng in the day and making sure they know their surroundings etc and abve all, leave the area as they found it as much as possible.

Thanks everyone for the great conversation. You're all great sports!

Phil A


Hey, thanks for the information. I actually have asked who owns the claim and it wasn't Jensen. I have to write to get the information and you're also correct in that I need to call and see if there's a fee, but I will call the same really nice lady who helped me at the Santa Fe Office who told me the last time I called that as far as she could tell, these were in fact real mining claims and they expired which is kind of odd because as I also mentioned, there was a sort of Navy Military Academy http://energyreserves.com/ near the area. I can't find the official name of the canyon so I refer to it as Del Oro. If you look closely from aerial views, there's a lot of detail in this area being a very old and long term meeting ground of sorts, especially on the higher north east areas above the canyon around the Low Falls where the area was dug out by what looks like heavy equipment. This area was mined, there's no doubt about that at all and they mined a very significant amount of dirt and wouldn't have done so just to explore the area. There is always a chance they didn't realize this was the LAD and someone mined the area until Mr. Jensen came along at about the same time a year before the claims expired. I don't know if Mr. Jensen used the heavy equipment or not but the fact he hasn't been seen I guess doesn't mean a lot either, save he stated in his web site he was going to continue to keep everyone up to date and nothings been updated since. I sure get a bad feeling but that could just be my not feeling well with my injuries.

Phil A

Phil A.

Has your doctor prescribed high levels of pain medication? Is Nevada a county in
Northern California? You said you removed the box full of fist sized nuggets but
could not pry any out? So you used explosives, not to loosen the fist sized nuggets,
but instead to cover with rocks and dirt? You could write a book and make a movie
about that. But I wouldn't mention the Naval Academy out in the desert. They
probably want to keep that secret.

Take care of yourself,

Phil A

Maybe you found Jensen. Trouble is he has no head. Poor guy. :icon_scratch:

I was not trying to insult you friend. I was worried about your health. You
seem to have recovered sufficiently to make the trip.

You don't need a journalist or I might volunteer, not. You need one of those guys who finds lost persons for a fee. I recently was searching for a friend's
relatives in Florida after his death at the VA hospital in Texas. I found a man
who does searches full-time and he found one quickly. Nice guy, did not even
charge for his services because my friend was a decorated veteran.

I am not going looking for the LAD since I have a relative who did. He put
boots on the ground for many years and he did it solo. If he couldn't score
I know I wouldn't either. His quest led me to have an interest in this thread.

So good luck to you Phil and let us know how it goes.



Hey groovin dude, Not to worry. I'm seeing the person in the photo differantly than you. He's not in a laying position. He's in a dog style position, leaning on his hands and knees over the spot where the gold nuggets were buried. You can see the back of his head, and even the outline of his back pockets which are white or an off color, if you look very closely, it will all appear. You can even begin to see the outline of his heals on his boots, and a little higher resolution will reveal much more. Whoever it is, is a bit heavyset, but agile enough to dig on his hands and knees as he's doing in the photo.

I know a lot of people have made claims, but for all it's worth, I'm totally here mentally and have had all the time one needs to put together hundreds of different stories and look at other places. Even though there are many common things in every story as far as geographics, points of interested mention by Adams who spoke with openly to a lot of people, there is only one place like this, with the fallen monument called Shaking Rock and other things like the secret door, the maps, terrain, area and direction of travel and an article I found that has been rarely mentioned and maybe even purposely deleted as the short documentory has been regarding the Naval Cadet that found a lot of gold in this same place and was on national television. There are others who I've spoken with elsewhere and are PhD's, researchers etc. . A news paper article was also found from a small town that pointed out there were over twenty men heading in the dame direction with pack horses a traveling in that direction and at the same time the Adams party where headed there. I f i had the time and patience to do so online, I would prove beyond any reasonable doubt, the place I mentioned is in fact the LAD, and Canyon Del Oro. I"m absolutely positive a archeological studie will prove this as well, besides testimoney from the Naval Academy personel involved, minus whatever evidence has been purposely tamperred or removed from the area, I know for a fact, I can prove this to be the LAD. The saddles, various skelitle remains, etc will prove this as well. The Governor even wrote back and the Sheriff is putting off until BLM and others can look closer. THe photo was actually taken in 2008 and I'm not sure yet but may have been at the same time Mr. Jensen may have vanished.

I do enjoy discussing this and appreciate a good advocate, it's appreciated.


Phil A


"He's in a dog style position, leaning on his hands and knees over the spot where the gold nuggets were buried."

Are you sure those gold nuggets are not buried in a crock? This sound a lot like a story I heard some time ago, except it was the lost crock legend.....or something. :dontknow:

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo


Depending on which book you read as to the real stories Adams himself told that led to great works or short stories like the one I mentioned "Apache Gold Yaque Silver", you'll find the nuggets were collected by all the prospectors who found sixty pounds over a few days digging. They continued to dig but gave part of the gold to the group that went to get supplies and were found dead with the supplies, so they sold and used part of the gold to purchase the supplies. Then Snively also known as the Dutchmen because he was of Germanic decent, asked the others if he could hold and take his own share and left the day before the raid on the rest of the survivors. I believe this coincides with another legend of the Superstitions. So then the remaining gold was buried under the fireplace floor where it was an ancient sunken hole made with bricks or squared rock, like an old oven, or whatever that they covered with a piece of flag stone. Then they built the fireplace over it, which of course the fireplace rocks have fallen but the remaining compartment where the gold was hidden, was burried under the still burning timbers used to build the cabin the day it was burned down by the Apaches and with the Chief Nana watching, who was well known and even photographed and lived in this area as well, and tribes from other various nations lived on the upper eastern part of the canyon where Nana told the Adams party not to go to. According to another Apache legend, there was also a real burial ground in the area known for only Apache Chiefs. Gotch Ear also told the Adams Paty that the gold they were finding wasn't the real gold and that the real gold veins were higher up in the canyon, but again Chief Nana forbid the Adams party from going there. Unfotunately, a mule was loose and one of the miners retrieved it from the area higher up where he found the Golden Egg nugget where they were told not to go to by Cheif Nana. If you look down from the highest point from the eatern top of the canyon west into the canyon from where the tibes lived down onto the canyon, and from the air, you can see the area does look like a goose with a wing covering an egg which is the one haystack looking hill near where the cabin was built. The maps I showed fit every single discription and is the area. Chief Nana was known to favor and live and hide out in this area as well.

One needs to take into consideration the great huge earthquakes that were reported here as well and the faults that are very apperant in Google Maps besides the BLM software, you can see there is an aweful lot o geo activity here which makes it a great candidate for gold. Plus the fact that water flows into the canyon floor as discribed by adams into the faults also makes it a perfect area where gold will deposit over many years time.

I also know of other people who knew about this being the LAD when the Naval Academy found it in the 1980's or early 1990's and it pulled out and closed around 2008. This is the CDO or LAD alright, and it's only a matter of time and I hope a short time before the evidence still remaining will prove so and it can be reserved for everyone to enjoy and see and would be a great tourist attraction that could bring money into the area and maybe a national treasure, especially if the tales from bot Adams and the Apaches are true about an ancient Apache Chief burial ground being there as well which that area should be closed off to the public for now anyway by law until it's studied firsr to know for sure. I'm telling you, this is a great place to start and for those who are interested with me there is great postential for credits in jornalism and writing if anything if we can work together. I also know of where there is supposed to be another underground river of gold, but that is another stor I would also like to share if this works out to be worth anything to the people. I just really hope Jensen is OK. Thanks again for keeping this active.

Phil A


I have never spent a lot of time or research on the LAD, but I have dabbled in the legend. I own and have read: "Gold: The Adams Gold Diggings......" by W.H. Byerts (1919); "The Lost Adams Digginngs: Myth, Mystery and Madness" by Jack Purcell; "Zig Zag Canyon....." by Ron Feldman and Mic McPherson; "Apache Gold & Yaqui Silver" by J. Frank Dobie; "The First Hundred Years Of Nino Cochise", Both of Mitchell's books and probably a dozen other books that give an account of the Lost Adams. :read2: :read2: :read2:

In addition to that, I have researched the George Mason Adams family back to William Adams, who was born about 1739 in Lancashire, England. William married Mrs. William Adams ;D who was born around 1741.

Other than that, I have not really paid any serious attention to the Adams legend.

Hope you have found it.

Good Luck,

Joe Ribaudo

Hi Joe,

as you know i can only read about these places and treasures on here, so i don't really get much chance to post,
but can you tell me the name of the town in Lanc's that Adams came from and i'll see what i can dig up regarding his earlier history and possibly his wife's name, (just for histories sake),



I'm not sure that anything else was mentioned, but I will look at some of the descendents and see if there is anything more specific. "Mrs. Adams" came from the family records......so I'm not sure there is any more to find. :dontknow:

I like your wanting to dig for the history. :icon_thumright:

Take care,



"as you know i can only read about these places and treasures on here, so i don't really get much chance to post,
but can you tell me the name of the town in Lanc's that Adams came from and i'll see what i can dig up regarding his earlier history and possibly his wife's name, (just for histories sake),"

The town was "Bury".


If you scroll down to "history" it's an interesting read.

Good luck,



They're all great reads and unfortunately, they are all not really clear as to who Adams really was, but there are some good guesses and maybe some truth. There were most likely more than one Adams and I'm sure many parties looking for gold. The legend is so broadly discribed, however like Jensen said on his web site and in his other writings, there is a certain forensics and science to finding the location as you and everyone pretty much agree with each and all.

From the information I've found or at least the most plausible from reading everything I have so far, is that Adams owned a furniture store in what is now Los Angeles where he lived with his wife and possibly son or sons. This would be a great place to start as far as records for his business, which would make him one of the first owners of this type of business, which was also moving the furnature and other goods from back east from cities like New York, Chicago, more likely from the largest cities where he would buy the furnature wholesale or work out a contract to sell on consignment which is even more likely. Adams lost most of his rigs, some of his horses when it all began where he was tricked into chasing the Indians at first then realizing once he was out chasing the thieves, the partners of the Indians stole part of his other rigs full of supplies and possibly furnature r frieght. The path they took to the Canyon is pretty clear once one realized the area where I believe is the Lost Adams. Adams also kept a ledger which if was in a saddle he buried or placed in rocks or if he did bury it well enough could still contain informaiton or maybe even the ledger and other stuff. Adams got rid ofthe saddle and let the hrses go free and walked out of the canyon on foot to trick the Indians from finding him and Brewer. Anyway, it needs a lot more research regardless.

I'm working on a new essay but also writing a movie script. The journey stats from Springerville where they met Gotch Ear and the last town they were most likely at acording to Adams was Springfield where they camped between two peaks that are alone and there is only one place that could be and there must be come evidence still there one could use a metal detector to find. I also think it would be easy enough to find artifacts at the canyon I mentioned. It may take some time but the University of NM and maybe Arizona may be interested as well. I plan to go there to find evidence of the Apche Chief burial ground but that is I'm sure mostly speculation but Hollywood did do their research before making the movie they did.

Thanks again, any and all information is a good thing.



Thanks for the name of the town, it was when you mentioned Lancashire, living there i just thought i may be able to add a name or two to the George Mason Adams family history that you have researched,



Do you have the 150' long "door" that can be touched on both sides at once? :read2:

Joe Ribaudo


I'm not sure what you mean by a door 150' long that can be touched on both sides at once, but the fact is, regarless of the size, touching opposite sides as in the inside and outside is possible by placing one's hands on the outside and inside, are you asking do I have arms that long? Well, it depends on who my friends and or associates are who are also interested in that the place I stated as being the LAD really is in fact the LAD.

I found some students and a teacher who are very interested in actually going to the place I found as did Jensen, to do some research and find out just how much damage was done to the area, by those who may have wanted to cover it up or may have destroyed evidence of this also being an ancient burial grounds, either way there are still witnesses out there somewhere. Luckily I also found some people who are also interested in Jensen's possible vanishing as well. A lot more people are beginning to be more and more convinced Jensen and I were correct. One way or another we will know by hopefully this time next year.



If you're talking about the Secret Door mentioned by Adams at the LAD, I already showed where it partially still is and what was taken out by heavy equipment to put in the new road going through the area. Shaking Rock fell over from the earthquake according to reliable witnesses and Adams himself, there's also a map that showed the secret door that matches very well to the one I've mentioned. Anyway, the next and only thing I or anyone can do is to go there. I'm also researching the actual medical records the doctor wrote who treated Adams after finding him in the desert with Brewer, the other person who survived and was also treated, however the records aren't clear yet as to why he died or how long it took from exposure if that is the case. Anyway, thanks for the questions.


According to the books I've personally favored regarding the Lost Adams and Canyon Del Oro, among other treasures, Adams was from the Los Angeles area and may have started or moved his business from a southeastern state. I've been researching West Adams relations and family tree. I've found two candidates but first I have to do a bit more research before posting. There is one related to West Adams who was one of the first businesses that moved furniture and had one of the first furnishing stores in the area of LA in 1864. I'm sure that Adams must have left behind writings and they are still in the family attic somewhere so to speak. Even if some claim to have found these, they have to be able to verify using professional verification methods.


I recieved some information today in my email regarding the image of what looks like somene digging on their hands and knees in the spot where the gold was buried by the Adams party under the firesplace flagstone where the gold was hidden. Apperantly Jensen may have placed a huge image or what looks like someone digging in the spot to prove to others that it was in fact the spot Jensen found and to prove he did in fact find the gold there as discribed by Adams and the others who survived the attack by Chief Nana's orders to burn down the cabin and kill every man in the party.

So then this image then is most likely actual positive proof Jensen found the gold and that this is the lost Adams diggings and canyon del oro. In fact, the gold was all gone long ago by those who didn't realize it was the lost Adams and Canyon Del Oro and this also proved to be the case because they never pulled out the gold under the fireplace and that Jensen did so which is the final stamp on proving this is the Canyon Del Oro and Lost Adams Diggings and Zig Zag canyon. This makes a lot of sense in the descriptions were all refering to the Zig Zag canyon as being plural as in one zig and one zag, not many zig zags or zigs and zags. This is wonderful in one way to finally know this is a fact now and not just a hoax, another guess or story made up by some family wishing to make a buck from being associated in a book or article with Adams, or like Adams did, for a few free drinks.

I'm planning to be there in a few weeks now to meet with archeologists from the University and from a rather well museum to see how much evidence was destroyed of the ancient Apache burial ground and what we can find of the cabin and men that parished in the attacks by the Apaches.

I am aware that this may not be all the proof needed by those who are scepticle but who cares about nay sayers and debunkers anyway? Too funny. I also should mention that I found a one Morgan Adams who may have left behind his own ledgers and accounts of the adventures. Unfortunately Adams was also charged with murder officially after he gunned down one of the warriors he saw on horseback who was visiting the post he was recovering on. Adams escaped to California where he continued working with the family's business in LA.


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