Lost Adams Diggings Found!

Filemaker01 wrote
So then this image then is most likely actual positive proof Jensen found the gold and that this is the lost Adams diggings and canyon del oro. In fact, the gold was all gone long ago by those who didn't realize it was the lost Adams and Canyon Del Oro and this also proved to be the case because they never pulled out the gold under the fireplace and that Jensen did so which is the final stamp on proving this is the Canyon Del Oro and Lost Adams Diggings and Zig Zag canyon. This makes a lot of sense in the descriptions were all refering to the Zig Zag canyon as being plural as in one zig and one zag, not many zig zags or zigs and zags. This is wonderful in one way to finally know this is a fact now and not just a hoax, another guess or story made up by some family wishing to make a buck from being associated in a book or article with Adams, or like Adams did, for a few free drinks.

Well that is one great thing about hunting lost MINES instead of buried treasures; a treasure could have been dug up and removed years ago and we may never have heard about it; a mine could be found and claimed, but just the fact that you are out there searching works in your favor; a surprising number of excellent mines have been found over the years by folks out searching for some lost mine or other, which they failed to locate but in the process of searching found a vein or placer that made them rich men. So even if a lost mine has been found and mined out (I respectfully disagree on your conclusions on this, because I want to see gold before awarding that gold pan) just by getting out there with gold pan and detector, you just might find something as good or even better! It has happened more times than you might think!

Good luck and good hunting to you Phil and everyone, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. I will be out of touch fairly often for some time, so I hope you will forgive me if it takes me quite a while to post a reply. Thank you in advance.
Roy ~ Oroblanco


Thanks, I see what you mean. I've decided to backtrack Jensen and found the same information regarding the surgeon and he was correct in that Adams was treated by the doctor and Adams did give him the same map Jensen posted on his website www.lostadams.com So he was correct. I went much further and found more than enough information to write another book and entire screenplay that should be pretty accurate and I think I may have found where Adams lived and worked his business.

The entire story is real and now I'm certain above any other story I've seen that the canyon I wrote about and place the photos of is for sure the same Canyon del Oro. The evidence, hyrogliphs, and I'm absolutel sure the artifacts are all there, save for the gold which has been found to the point that it's pretty much pinched out completely. It looks like it's been gone over with a fine tooth comb. You can even see where the cabin fireplace was before being knocked over by the Apaches and the nuggets were taken not too long ago, so either the top brass of the nearby Naval Academy found it as I know there was a TV show that told the story of a cadet finding a couple of huge gold nuggets, then not long after, the show has been taken out f any database for obvious reasons, in that they must hae realized that it was the Lost Adams and decided to pull the show. Smene with influence at the network that aired the show was able to have it pulled from the archives. Then Jensen found it was well around 1998, only he had proer claims to the LAD and he then vanished. or at least I cant find a single person who he wrote for or anyone who's read his materials who have seen him since he claimed he found the LAD.It's Jensen I'm more worried about than any gold. If anyone has located Jensen or knows if he's around and alive and doing well, please let me know? I would sure appreciate it. Thanks


Hi Everyone,

Well, I have some bad news. After going back over and retracing Mr. Jensen's work, I disovered something that it turns out is sad news, at least for me. Apperantly, the canyon that Mr. Jensen referred to can't be the one I found in that, and as I missed, I appologize for this, but it turned out Mr. Jensen claimed he had to park the vehicle they used and had to cross two other canyons to gain access to the canyon in question. Although I believe I found the canyon as well that resembles the one I posted in many ways, does actually fit the discription much better. Also, I'm having other doubts as to Mr. Jensen's story in other ways, in that for one, Mr. Jensen seems to have disappered after claiming he found the cache of gold hidden by the Adams party. So then if so, where are the photos and proof? Why hasn't he showed all his fans or those who followed his articles the proof? All I found now after adding it all up and after making the new discoveries, there is no road going into the canyon Mr. Jensen found and the one I thought was the canyon has a road. The canyon with no road is about six miles long and there are remains of an old cabin minus the timber used. I just can't say now for sure and am not as sure as I was. Until Mr. Jensen comes forward with actual photographs, witnesses then I have to for now believe his story is either a hoax, maybe true without proof, or he was met with ill fate, killed or hurt so bad he can't post or write anymore articles, or chose to not share the proof for whatever reasons such as taxes or whatever, until he does so then I'm disregarding his web site and his word altogether.

Thanks to everyone who has been so kind and respectful. I'm going to the new canyon personally so then I will post photos and video once I am back. You all are the best forum members I have found so far and I hope to be back soon with better proof.
I do have a lot of other proof and I will post once I am convinced with evidence in hand. Will be back soon, thanks again everyone.

Phil A

HIO File, no problem, you would be encouraged if you knew just how many times I veered off a bit (?) on the search for Tayopa. Eventually I hit it, just as you will.

Rember, if you don't try, or get back up and try again, you cannot expect success.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp

Please don't take this personally as nor will I and I totally do appreciate what your saying. However, some developments came up on this place and now I've even had times when I've been rather worried about my own safety since I wrote I found it. I'm going to just explain everything in short detail because I am sure this area has been long tapped out of the obvious eminse amount of gold that was there at one time, regardless of whether or not it was the Lost Adams. I also took down the photos of the actual canyon itself after some other things I discovered in that I'm now rather afraid of posting the location because I'm very afraid someone may try to go there personally and may be met with some sort of hostility, that's not to say that the ranch or buildings there may be ligit or whatever.

If it is the same canyon Jensen found, the writer for the web site lostadams.com, I was maybe wrong as to the date he actually found it and if so, then it turns out he maybe vanished for now more like close to nine years and not two as I thought was the case or since 2008 when I thought he was last heard from. Besides, three hundred active gold claims being worked what looks like very secretly since about the same time and what may be under a different name and the fact there may have been a foriegn or at least a private Naval Academy that was also using the area as part of their training gounds. Then I thought that as in my last post, the dates didn't match because Jensen wrote that there was no roads going into the same canyon, but now since yesterday I discovered the new road may only be less than five years old or at least was not there when Jensen then reported he had found the canyon and was going to post more and then can't be fund anywhere that I could find and I do know the Internet, went through college for seven years to learn computer science and writing, jornalism and for my masters degree in programming, with concentrations in cultural anthropology, archeology, geology and have many classes I added that weren't required in physics, astronomy etc. Anyway, I've also researched many thousands f databases for a longer time searching for lost treasures as a hobby considering I started prospecting for the last thirty years at least until I had major lower back and hip surgery and nerve damage to the point I could only get up out of bed for three to four hours until recently. I'm starting to feel a bit better now, but was given less than two hours to live about three years ago at one point. I'm hoping to be able to prospect again in person so to speak in the next few years, but until then I still have to lay down for most of my day or I can only stand to be up for less than five hours a day and haven't been able to sit or bend over much at all since.

However, I also started to recieve a lot of phone calls from who I found out were mostly Canadian that is until I asked to see their ID's they wanted to take me personally and pay all the expenses. Two guys in a truck followed me, approched me and then sped off when they saw I had my cell phone out and pointed at them which happened only a few weeks ago now.

It turns out the area was a huge silent operation to the point they used heavy equipment and now the ones who had the claims pulled out under what the lady who helped me at BLM said looked rather suspicious when I checked on the history of the area started to file my own claim there. What's worse is, it turned out I may have been right on the money when I stated it may have been an actual ancient burial ground or at least located in another part of the canyon itself. It also turned out there was a very large population of Native Americans there until the Apache wars and they were all moved out of the area. What 'm really afraid of is that whoever is there now if there is anyone living in the buildings there near the new road, may not be too happy abou people just showing up there and digging, even if it is BLM land for the most part.

Whatever, I sure don't want to see anyone see it posted and then are met with some ill fate. so I am not stating where it's located for that sole reason but if anyone does see or hear anything on the Internet or elsewhere, in libraries, whatever about Jensen, please let me know? I do believe this area should be legally investigated by the people in case it is something that should be or should have been a national monument. At least I can say all I've stated here considering everything I've written is so far true but then I believe it would be better for a professional law enforcement to investigate first or at least a University with real professionals. If I could go there I would not anyway, I think it may not be a good idea until it's really investigated with a law enforcement agency that will take it seriously.

Phil A

I should or maybe shouldn't mention this, however, I've seen things happen in my time in real life where even the most skeptical would try to prove me wrong and only find out these things really happened and are very true which also helped me develop credibility with various parts of the government, anyway I'm going to just come out and say this: It's almost as if there is just enough informaiton for an enthusiest to be lured into this area and maybe never seen again for whatever reasons or is some sort of joke which I seriously doubt. I've seen worse things happen and people are almost capable of anything anymore these days.

Phil A

One true story happened in Calavares County California that made national news and there are more and more incidents of this sort of thing happening more and more over the last twenty years, but a man put out various stories to lure people to his cabin where he carried out the worst types of tortures and killings that was recorded by another man who then wanted to sell the tapes but was caught after the serial killer committed suicide. There are also areas where it's been found people try to protect by offing those who come into the area and this area if it is the Adams then does have a history of this sort of thing going on. Anyway, I guess there's only one way to find out with a real investigation by someone in law enforcement who has the time to check it out considering how remote the area is. Going into unfamiliar areas is very dangerous these days.


Now I see a mistake I made in who was the other survivor with Adams. I stand corrected. Also, I disagree with Ron Jense's first newspaper article clippings he posted by John Barbee that he states "there are very, very few land treasures that are ever found". The fact is, first one has to ask themself about what treasure is to themselves and others in that one man's trash can be another man's treasure. This holds especially true for those thinking more on a monetary scale and how what one finds, effects their current situation compaired to their over all goals in a monetary sense.

The fact is, treasures are found every day depending on what defines as treasure. Treasures can be almost any type of thing a group or single person appreciates for many various reasons and is worth anything in monetary value. Gold itself in many various forms is found all the time as well. Massive veins of gold right now are being worked in secret and are found by surveyors and prospectors that can consist of one person to entire teams of people. Every government has a treasurer and departments that locate treasure to pay their deficits and hold in great reserves treasures that were found almost daily. Many people never report what they find of value or will sometimes horde treasures for themselves in secret locations called Caches and rarely die without leaving clues as to their locations. Anyone with enough knowledge, experience, tools, tenacity and time to spend looking will find something of value and often items they had no idea was of value monetarily. I knew a guy who claimed he picked up a rock and without thinking, threw it into a river. As the rock left his hand, he realized it was a huge black diamond and was never able to find it again. Huge hordes of gold and treasure have been found in every state but is usually taken over by the government and military who is given the secret jobs of retriving the treasures and gold to be spent by the government on future secret weapons, research etc. There are even old chipsets and curcuits now that are few and from the first personal computers that people collect and will pay a nice price for.

It's really a shame that this place was so ransacked and all the gold pinched out. All that's left there now is sand and gravel which is why the three hundred claims there were allowed to expire. I just wonder if they put the artifacts that were found somewhere that can be found someday.


I know this thread is getting kind of old. I've been so busy with school, working and getting my place fixed up I haven't had a lot of time for this. Anyway, I can absolutely prove beyond any reasonable doubt, the location of the LAD, you can compare the map Adams drew to the aerial map I have of the place. Then when you check Google Earth you can see for yourselves how well it matches the entire story, besides the fact the pot of gold nuggets was found by Ron Jensen but I and others I've worked with in finding Ron Jenson www.lostadams.com , all claim he's basically vanished. The area is one I would still personally be weary of going into without at least some serious planning in not getting caught by anyone from around the area even though it is BLM land, but then again, since there are various earthworks made over thousands of years and what looks like a burial mound or what's left of a burial mound, and many signs of human habitation there in large numbers over thousands of years, one can see the chambers of the graves were most likely pilfered and eroded over the last hundred years or so. I would be willing to reveal the location since I reported it to the Governor after many months of research and working with BLM in Santa Fe discovered there were over 300 gold claims filed there just after Ron Jensen claimed to have found the pot of gold, then may have vanished soon after, the claims basically expired without reason or cause. It's obvious to me this area has been worked over for many years and is maybe protected by those who may know about the gold but are maybe very aggressive on protecting the location without even having the proper permits or claims. Plus the fact, if this is a highly sensitive archeological area then they wouldn't want universities or archeologists getting involved, but there has to be a lot of evidence of the happenings like the cabin burning down, graves of the minors or supplies that are buried after the attack. Sno-Ta-Hay does mean Chiefs under this place or buried here. Once anyone compares the aerial maps to the one drawn by Adams, there is no disputing whatsover this is the real factual place and there can be no other that looks like this place, you can see the two rivers they crossed, and all the other landmarks besides it fits in every way the route to where the Adams expedition started. I'll check back in a few months to see if anyone's found Jenson, so far, he's still missing. I have no intentions of going there myself, the gold is most likely gone besides the archeological rich area, is just too hot for me to touch, besides there are much better treasures to find anyway that haven't been found yet unlike the Adams diggings. I may come back and give the location again soon or a few months when I'm sure the government is there with the University to check the area out and there is no more disputing it's archeological importance.

Phil A

According to the USGS, every inch of the United States has been gone over by professional prospectors at one time or another, with very little left in gold and minerals to be found as far as valuable minerals etc. I say this is absolutely untrue. I worked for the California Department of Forestry, hiked endless streams and rivers throughout Northern California, Oregon, Nevada while inspecting many areas where I found humans have never touched or dared to go into especially in such a vast wilderness that still remains while lands are being forfeited, sold cheap and have never been surveyed while the mountains have risen that much more over the last two hundred years since the earliest prospectors while erosion over the same time has revealed what is now a nearly completely different terrain altogether. The rivers replenish themselves every forty or fifty years of gold while they are now being rediscovered as being completely again replenished of gold and gemstones over the last two hundred years since the earliest mines were open. Only a handful of real large treasures or hordes have been found while there are still countless hordes of all sizes still waiting to be found that are documented while one must do their due diligence in researching. Other forms of treasures found above ground are found every weekend at yard sales, swap meets where most of the time they are ignored as cheap old dusty items only a trained person educated in knowing what to look for, usually find and still can never know what every form or different item may be worth in other areas any one expert is not familiar with. The treasures are out there, the only hope there is in finding them is in actually doing the work needed to actually find them.

Happy Prospecting! :)



Ladies & Gentlemen: provocative bit of speculation he he he.

This is an aerial view of Tayopa, looking East.

(x) is the zigzag trail leading to the hidden entrance (e). A short ways inside, you will encounter the falls (f) on your right exiting from the Para mo canyon. The twin peaks will be found just to the west, out of sight in the picture known as the Cerros Chapos. Continuing up the Tayopa canyon, then turning left is the Skull Cave of the Apaches. So--

A) We have a canyon complex that is approx. 10 days south of the Border.
B) It was used by the Apache as a stronghold - skull Cave.
C) Nana was supposedly in the area in the same time frame.
D) The entrance is by a zigzag trail in the Arroyo
E) The entrance is a hidden one, between two huge rocks
F) To The west are the Cerros Chapos or the twin peaks
G) the falls are on the right, exiting from the Paramo canyon which was claimed to be a very rich gold Placer.

There is more, however, as you can see, it can easily be made to fit the lAD and could explain why it has never been found. They were looking in the wrong area. The same as for Tayopa?

Can It be that Tayopa and the Lost Adams Diggings are the same?

Something for you to chew on for a bit.

He he he

Don Jose de La Mancha

Where is this location???

G'morning Dreamer: You asked -->where is this location?
Chihuahua, Mexico, a few thousand meter from Sonora, old Mexico. Do you want precise data ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Mr. Springfield, I have no way of knowing if you are still wit us. I am a new member, one that joined only out of interest in The Black Range. I have lived near the top end of Lampbright for twelve years now and have digging evidence on my little place east of the nun. We will be able to see the old girl for awhile longer , until the mine blocks our view.
Anyway it sounds as if you know the country and I would much like to talk with you.
Mind yer topknot!

Mr. Springfield, I have no way of knowing if you are still wit us. I am a new member, one that joined only out of interest in The Black Range. I have lived near the top end of Lampbright for twelve years now and have digging evidence on my little place east of the nun. We will be able to see the old girl for awhile longer , until the mine blocks our view.
Anyway it sounds as if you know the country and I would much like to talk with you.
Mind yer topknot!

Indabush, check your TreasureNet Private Messages. I would be glad to answer your questions about that land east of the Nun in the Lamp Bright Draw area.

The Lost Adams Diggings is found, but not where Jensen thinks it is. In fact, the canyon is currently covered in valid mining claims and I would doubt that any of claim owners knows the history of the canyon they presently have a claim in.

It is also not the canyon that Marshall Bulle claims is the canyon. Although his canyon matches the Allen Map in great detail, it is not the canyon. I believe the Allen Map is real, but not related to the Lost Adams in any way. In fact, I believe that the "Adams Canyon" story is composed of more than 4 different stories / events that were constructed by the author James McKenna, for his book... Legends of the Black Range.

Marshall Bulle also claims the canyon is in the Black Range. Here is the issue with his claim. There were never any huge deposits of gold found in the Black Range, only trace amounts. If you read the mining reports, from the 1800's on, there were only silver and lead taken out of that mountain range. Not gold.

The true Adams Canyon is in New Mexico, just across the border as Adam's claimed, is a hidden canyon with two waterfalls, has a zig zag canyon and is a days ride from the "Sno-Ta-Hay" canyon the guide was originally taking them to.

In fact, I have a friend that worked for a mining company, in the fabled "Sno-Ta-Hay" canyon, and was recovering gold nuggets the size of a pocket watch. This was in the mid-80's.

I know where the canyon is. In fact, I discovered I was actually jumping a claim, in this very canyon. There weren't any claim markers, but when I researched the canyon, in the BLM's database, I discovered that there was in fact valid mining claims on that area.

A lot of people have asked me in the past... Is there a lot of gold? My answer to that question was that I was able to recover a 10th of an ounce of gold from just 3 five gallon buckets of sand. And this is after many years of mining history in this very canyon.

There are many reasons why so many searchers have not been able to locate the canyon. But, what helped me finally figure out where the canyon is was based on a chapter of Jack Purcell's book "The Secrets Behind the Legend The Lost Adams Diggings".

Was the canyon as Adam's described it... Yes
Did the canyon have lots of gold... Yes'
Was the canyon a favorite hide out for the apaches... Yes
Did it have two water falls... Yes
Did it have a zig zag canyon... Yes
Was the canyon just across the Arizona / New Mexico border... Yes
Was the canyon near the Continental Divide... Yes
Was the canyon near a famous, regularly traveled trail... Yes
Was the canyon a days ride from the "Sno-Ta-Hay" canyon... Yes
Can I give you the GPS coordinates of this canyon... Yes


Indabush, you are close, but on the wrong side of the Nun. The canyon you are seaking is on the west side of the "Neeling Nun"

The Lost Adams Diggings is found, but not where Jensen thinks it is. In fact, the canyon is currently covered in valid mining claims and I would doubt that any of claim owners knows the history of the canyon they presently have a claim in.

It is also not the canyon that Marshall Bulle claims is the canyon. Although his canyon matches the Allen Map in great detail, it is not the canyon. I believe the Allen Map is real, but not related to the Lost Adams in any way. In fact, I believe that the "Adams Canyon" story is composed of more than 4 different stories / events that were constructed by the author James McKenna, for his book... Legends of the Black Range.

Marshall Bulle also claims the canyon is in the Black Range. Here is the issue with his claim. There were never any huge deposits of gold found in the Black Range, only trace amounts. If you read the mining reports, from the 1800's on, there were only silver and lead taken out of that mountain range. Not gold.

The true Adams Canyon is in New Mexico, just across the border as Adam's claimed, is a hidden canyon with two waterfalls, has a zig zag canyon and is a days ride from the "Sno-Ta-Hay" canyon the guide was originally taking them to.

In fact, I have a friend that worked for a mining company, in the fabled "Sno-Ta-Hay" canyon, and was recovering gold nuggets the size of a pocket watch. This was in the mid-80's.

I know where the canyon is. In fact, I discovered I was actually jumping a claim, in this very canyon. There weren't any claim markers, but when I researched the canyon, in the BLM's database, I discovered that there was in fact valid mining claims on that area.

A lot of people have asked me in the past... Is there a lot of gold? My answer to that question was that I was able to recover a 10th of an ounce of gold from just 3 five gallon buckets of sand. And this is after many years of mining history in this very canyon.

There are many reasons why so many searchers have not been able to locate the canyon. But, what helped me finally figure out where the canyon is was based on a chapter of Jack Purcell's book "The Secrets Behind the Legend The Lost Adams Diggings".

1. Was the canyon as Adam's described it... Yes
2. Did the canyon have lots of gold... Yes'
3. Was the canyon a favorite hide out for the apaches... Yes
4. Did it have two water falls... Yes
5. Did it have a zig zag canyon... Yes
6. Was the canyon just across the Arizona / New Mexico border... Yes
7. Was the canyon near the Continental Divide... Yes
8. Was the canyon near a famous, regularly traveled trail... Yes
9. Was the canyon a days ride from the "Sno-Ta-Hay" canyon... Yes
10. Can I give you the GPS coordinates of this canyon... Yes


I agree with most of what you posted. The most important part is that the canyon was a well-known and productive placer site for many years - never "lost" at all. In fact, until just a few years ago, recreational placer miners were still active in it. Serious operations with bigger equipment ended in the 1980s. The Forest Service bought a long stretch of the bottom of the canyon from the owners of the patented claims there and returned it to public lands.

1. Yes
2. Yes, several million dollars worth up to 1910 at $20.67/tr oz.
3. Yes, most definitely, in one of their primo permanent camps.
4. Yes, but subject to interpretation. What's a waterfall - a two foot drop or a 20 foot drop?
5. Yes, but subject to interpretation.
6. Not exactly. See 7 below.
7. Yes. See map below.
8. Yes, more than one.
9. No, since the site was the so-called sno-to-hay (if such a name existed).
10. 32.90N, -108.32W, more or less, is as good as any. The placer gold all came from Pinos Altos Mountain and settled in Bear Creek.


Adams was an unreliable witness, if he was there at all. That's why so may have looked in so many places and failed. However, using his confusing tale, along with other more reliable sources and documented history, the whole thing makes sense.

I must disagree. Of all canyons that produced a significant amount of gold, this canyon is the closest to the Arizona border. The mining belt drifts in a north-east path, leaving this area the closest.

As far as the canyon being "Sno-ta-hay", it wasn't. Remember, the men never made it to "Sno-ta-hay". The guide pointed out two peaks a days ride away to the north-east and said that is the canyon he is taking them to. However, we will stay here tonight. However, since the men found gold in this canyon, they never made it to "Sno-ta-hay".

The guide told them that the nuggets at "Sno-ta-hay" were the size of hens eggs. My friend and the company he worked for, found nuggets the size of pocket watches in the "Sno-ta-hay" canyon.

Another little bit of history:
As we know, Jacob Snively left the canyon early, with his gold, because he was afraid of the apaches. Smart guy. He went back towards Tucson and sold his gold. Then he ventured down to where the Gila River meets the Colorado and started a gold rush there. Was actually made mayor for a little over a year, then talked two other men into following him back to New Mexico.

When they arrived at "Sno-ta-hay" they discovered the placer gold and went down to La Mesa to strike their claims. This started the gold rush at Pinos Altos. How did Snively know where "Sno-ta-hay" was? The guide showed them several years earlier.

Everything fits except the dates that all of the books say it happened in. It was not the late 60's, but the late 50's. Snively started the gold rush in Arizona in 58, traveled back to New Mexico and struck his claim for Snively Gold Works in 62.

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