Lost Adams Diggings Found!

Thanks for the information and I understand what you are stating. The fact is, the original party of 23 men had mules, large pack mules, that's also twenty three horses which gave them all they needed to build the cabin. The stumps should also be there. Unfortunately, since I was given only two hours to live three years ago, I am still in ill health and am lucky to be alive this long but am slowly getting better with age.

I've decided to go this way instead, I would rather see someone else get the gold as long as they will at least try to see what they can do to find Ron Jensen as well. Here is some of the history I have so far I have verified through various government sources including BLM.

True Recent History behind the LAD
About the time that Ron Jensen the writer who claimed he discovered the LAD in 2008, there was a type of Navel Academe located nearby the same area. There were also a huge number of gold claims located in the same area. Whether or not the gold claims were in Jensen’s name is not clear or if his was among these, however after checking with BLM I discovered the Naval Academe pulled out of the area about the same time Jensen may have vanished.
1. Did Jensen somehow come across those who may have been part of the Naval Academe who may have been the owners of the claims come across Jensen, thus Jensen meeting with ill fate?
2. Although the Naval Academe was located nearby, were the Academe officers or top brass involved in the huge amount of gold claims located in the area?
3. There was a show similar or could have been like the show “Unsolved Mysteries”, that showed a Naval Academy Cadet who was fooling around in the area and accidently came across the area of the burned down cabin, where he found the compartment containing the Coffee Pot filled with gold nuggets. I remember watching this particular episode that for whatever reasons has been pulled from all databases. I can’t find the episode anywhere. Why has the one episode also suddenly disappeared from all databases?
4. Was the Naval Academe a foreign Academe from another country like Canada?
These questions are part of the unsolved questions I have developed over the past year while researching this area. I personally believe the gold located under the fireplace hearth has since been long dug up. I remember the narrator of the show mentioned the Cadet that found the gold was also interviewed and so was the narrator also involved in the disappearance of the gold?

One of my personal friends on Facebook was in fact Leonard Nimoy who hosted a couple of shows such as In Search Of, and others and I am sure that one episode showed a Naval Academe Cadet that found the pot of gold nuggets. Mr. Nimoy accepted my friendship on Facebook after I wrote him a message that I also lived next door to him briefly in North Lake Tahoe, Incline Village which was the truth. When I sent Mr. Nimoy a personal message with the question regarding the LAD, I also mentioned the Academe and the Ancient Apache Chiefs. Mr. Nimoy did not reply but rather took me off his friends list and then announced suddenly he was moving to Canada to the town of Vulcan from where he is from originally, to retire and he refused to answer my question regarding the one episode of the Naval Cadet who found the gold and it was thought the area may be the LAD. The fact is, I don’t remember whether or not the one episode was in fact hosted by Mr. Nimoy or not. I am in no way accusing Mr. Nimoy of anything at all, but am stating only true facts in that I sent him the question in the message before he took me off his friends list. Maybe he was just tired of people asking the same question. Besides this I felt more comfortable with Mr. Nimoy off my friends list because too many people I didn’t know wanted to befriend me based on him being on my list of friends on Facebook and he was not just a “Like” interest but a real “friend”. Why would he decide to leave the country so quickly and say he wasn’t going to return? I’m sure there is nothing more to this than coincidence personally.

Wherever there are fault lines, in areas where there are mineralized rocks, you will for the most part also find large and small quantities of gold due to mineralization and the way water works besides geothermal forces over many thousands of years. Here is a great link that explains how the process of gold depositing in nature evolves over time:

Fact: Adams said many times that he believed the LAD was located near or at the area of where the Continental Divide was located because he could see natural fault lines in the area as well which ran through the same areas of where the gold was located.

In the book Apache Gold and Yaqui Silver, Adams stated that when they finally arrived at the pumpkin patch, he noticed that there were irrigation ditches and what looked like geothermal forces at work. The area where the pumpkin patch was is still there today. Adams said that when they reached the diggings, they came to a canyon with walls only about a hundred to fewer feet high and that they descended down into the canyon from going through a gulley that went from south to north and that the gully was so tight in spots the horses and man barely fit through. Then they came to the Secret Door that has since fallen as well from the great earthquakes since. The tall slender monument also fell according to the witnesses who barely escaped with their lives, one such witness may have been Mr. MacKenna also mentioned in several books and who also knew of where the Canyon Del Oro was located. MacKenna also had a rather bad experience prior with the Apaches and refused to go back into the canyon for fear he may meet up with Apaches again and said the area looked as though it was hit by a huge earthquake.

Although Hollywood made the movie MacKenna’s Gold, they show Adams being killed by a party of renegade US Calvary Soldiers which in fact may be true. According to some, Adam’s body was found near Pie Town on the final expedition. Again, Adams returned to the area of where the Continental Divide is located in New Mexico believing the canyon was located there. Instead of going back to Springerville, Adams also always started out in Arizona on his last few expeditions and went too far north and then east because the area looked somewhat familiar and he thought he saw the mountains north which were not In fact what he saw while at the original LAD when the party was killed by the Apaches.

Whoever files a claim in the canyon I have shown to be the LAD, you will need to go through the Santa Fe NM BLM office to do so. You will also find as I did there were three hundred claims that were allowed to expire about the time the Naval Academe pulled out of the area and Jensen said he found the LAD himself and then has not been seen since. Whoever also files more claims will need to also file with the county where he canyon is located. Each claim will cost $180.00 plus there will be fees to pay the county. I have that information for anyone interested. I’ve also decided to throw fate to the wind in my part of all this and if someone has read my messages, I only hope they will share with me any profits from the gold if they find any. Personally I believe the area has been tapped out and the gold under the fireplace was possibly discovered by the Cadet of the Naval Academe that was there or by Jensen himself which may be why we have not heard from him as well since 2008. So there you go. I can’t afford the claims needed and am too disabled to even work the claim as well either. I’m hoping that by giving this information, anyone who is interested in going to the canyon will take great care in that the area could be hostile in some way which may also be why Mr. Jensen hasn’t been seen since.
Good luck to you all and it’s been a great pleasure to talk and discuss this with you all. I especially want to thank the owners of the forum web site for being so kind and allowing us to post of this subject here as well.

Thanks again everyone, please take care,
Phillip Anderson, lovefishn@hotmail.com

To Springerville,

I mean nothing personal and I'm really hoping you may be interested in helping to located a possible missing person, but for whatever seems to be personal reasons or what you may have against me, or whatever why you seem to want to make negative statements such as stating the area where you said "IF" it's the same and then by calling it more of a small ravine, the fact is, Adams in every account described the canyon as "The prettiest 'LITTLE' canyon" he had ever seen. The walls are a minimum in the lowest parts of the canyon ninety to a hundred or more feet tall and more in other areas, it is a actual canyon. That hardly qualifies as a ravine. OK? I seriously hope that if I go missing or am in trouble or being held hostage that if someone is trying to help me, that you aren't right on top of everything he explains in order to try and debunk what is said for your own personal negative reasons. Now, I've done all I can to try to get help with this and I'm hoping you will take this seriously or if not, please don't try to persuade others into not being interested. Please? In fact this is more a larger canyon than a smaller one and can be seen from a very high altitude, even though it has changed over the last hundred fifty years just as much as other canyons and considering the huge earthquakes in the area and faults where most gold is always located, the entrance has changed, among the other things I mentioned. It's a CANYON, OK? I mean no offense in any way and am grateful you do seem interested, and I'm hoping that if you are close you can help in a positive way. It's also obvious you have not done much research whatsoever and nothing compared to all the years others like Jensen and myself and others have done, who do take this seriously. At first, I had a feeling that you may plan to go there regardless of laws of claims and mineral rights, but again, please understand, this may be a very hostile area and please protect yourself if you do go there do appreciate that you said you won't remove others valuables without their express writte permission on their claims. I know you won't as you said this claim I do have is my business but again, I don't know you and you seem to anxious to debunk what Im trying to say and I do in fact enoy constuctive criticixm but please, if you are interested themn help, if not please don't try to keep others from doing so.

I'm going to post the persons name at BLM who did the research and found the three hundred claims thee that expired about the time Jensen went possibly missing and the Naval Acadamy pulled out.

Thanks agaain, seriously, I mean that in a positive way to you and everyone.

Phil A

Well, I have some good news,

There are two and maybe soon three law enforcement agencies that were so interested they placed video cameras with night vision onto the area where the cabin was where there are signs there was in fact a cabin there, or was and onto the other more important areas. I just found the email in my account. At least we will know if anyone has been on the claim I have there now. I just wish i could afford enough claims for the entire area as I said.

Later gators,

Phil A

I had hoped that those who figured out where the LAD was would be able to wait until Wednesday to discuss the location in question which is why I continued to discuss what I did considering what those posted about handshakes and all, my bad, but then, my claim in a way. I’m thinking of not claiming the area or getting rid of my claim anyway since I have no way to get there right away and it’s too late for me now anyway which I also put that into the equations and figured that if the location were revealed then purposely by someone who cared less of what I wrote and only asked a few things of people but we can at least learn from some other way and still have the meeting with those who are interested for Wednesday or sooner or consider this as part of the fist meeting and those who are in fact wanting to file claims legally to do things the correct way or have a meeting sooner. I will give the information of where to file the mineral right claims later tonight and who I talked to who is anxious to help those who are interested at BLM. I know that it would be rather exciting to find the other vein of gold that must be there and as a group who owned the mineral rights could have even sold the claims to a company willing to protect the burial grounds and help to restore the area using newer mining methods where the only damage is temporarily underground until filled back in after the gold is extracted and it could be one of the longest veins ever found. I tried to explain why it was important to wait until Wednesday several times but there are those who just couldn’t wait so they revealed the location which I had no choice but to be honest, so I am sorry to those who feel like they lost out in some way and wanted to be part of some sort of group. The fact is, sometimes there are those who only initially think of themselves which is the start of Gold Fever and a very sad part of prospecting with inexperienced one or two in a group, but then one can’t succeed unless like me, take their chances of at least trying. A huge vein like the one described could do a lot of good for a lot of people, even if the price of gold went back to where the price should really be considering GPA and that entire sector on the charts moving averages which is about $380.00 an ounce theoretically. I did put a lot of work into this as you can tell I spend a lot of time just writing and researching every day since I know how to do so properly on computers and all. The main thing I was concerned with as I also stated many times was others safety in that an inexperienced person may try to go into the area and get hurt, so I am sorry someone had to say where it was before I had no choice but to say so myself in order to make sure one doesn’t go in alone and that if there is anyone there hurting other people to protect the area illegally won’t do so knowing they would only get caught now anyway.

It’s all an interesting thing to me anyway, I had a friend whose trees were poisoned by someone who called and made death threats for him to turn the property over while the caller made terrorist threats and demands. The first peace officers who looked for signs of the trees that were poisoned soon after the calls and the refusal of the owner turning over the properly, the officers looked for drilled holes in the trees and where they then sprayed in weed killer like Weed be Gone or Ortho weed killer, and the officers left without finding anything initially wrote in their reports they could not find the suspected drilled holes. Then the next door neighbor took a look himself and was also a sheriff and found there what looked like drill marks in the side of the trees that were most prominent and where the first inexperienced peace officers failed to look because it was just too apparent the drill holes would be in the most open closest spot that should have been the easiest to find. The Agricultural Commissioner and Captain of the Sheriff’s department then came out to the property and found the drill holes where the trees were poisoned which were right out in the most open area and wrote in their reports the trees were in fact poisoned at least a year or two earlier and could not have been faked by the owner of the property. One tree fell on the person’s house and would have killed him if the tree had not dried out due to a very hot few summers and arid area plus the fact the trees are Poplar which is sometimes used in place of Balsa wood for hobbyists because it’s a very light hardwood and even burns so clean that it’s used for fireplace pellets, so the tree did little damage and only cost a few thousand dollars to fix the awning and house. I think the same thing holds true with the LAD. People weren’t looking in the most prominent areas of where it would be and then the earthquakes, weather and climate damage to the canyon and other changes caused so many to overlook the real location just as Adams made the same mistake that Adams did because he always started at the same starting point and went up the wrong rivers and galleys that Adams knew would eventually take him near the Continental Divide because there were also huge fault lines running north and south. The guide Gotch Ear also obviously ran them in circles a few times to confuse them on purpose while the skies were cloudy as Adams said himself so they couldn’t tell where they were. Gotch Ear the guide was maybe even setting them up knowing they would be attacked by the Apaches before the friendly Indians moved out that were maybe not Apache who were on the war path against any man not Apache. I also read in more than one book that the guide Gotch Ear was also killed by the Apache because one of the party thought they saw the two horses the Adams party traded with Gotch Ear were seen with the party that attacked them. It could also be that the entire thing was a trap in the first place and Gotch Ear was either forced or purposely himself drew in the Adams party to the area of gold the Indians could have also placed in the lower area there to distract and then murder the Adams party. It could have been some sort of planned war game by the Apache as well, with only with real weapons to learn strategies in killing those who invaded the Apache lands. Anyway, I will post the BLM information now that someone revealed the location before Wednesday before I had to do so to protect the area and the interests of the burial grounds and especially Mr. Jensen in some way as soon as possible in case he’s still alive or maybe being held against his will or something by someone other than the rancher there who may not know he’s in the same place the LAD was that Jensen I believe found and thought it was the lost Adams as well and may have something to do with the expired three hundred mineral rights claims that expired for no known reason in the exact same area in 2008 when Jensen claimed he found the LAD in his web site. He paid for a ten year deal when he created the web site and I checked the Whois database for web site owner names and other contact information about Jensen there either and I just don’t think it is a hoax but I’ve been wrong before and could be here as well which I’ve also said all along.

To everyone,

I hope your all doing well. I decided that since I'm not able to put in my corner posts and not able to physically go after any treasure, if there's any still left after what I've found out anyway. I'm going to leave this one up to fate in that I know I met the right people here, everyone. Springfield, I hope you find the treasures you seek in life and to everyone else, may you find everything you seek in life. Thanks for sharing with me as well. I've decided not to go through with completing the claim and just can't afford it and have too may other physical problems here. I hope if you all find any treasure there, which I am personally positive is the LAD, may you find enough to help a lot of people which is where the real treasure lay, in those we care about, people, cultures, and know when one's time comes, they can lay back the final time with a smile on one's face knowing they did the right thing, that a lot of people ate, enjoyed and found each other to enjoy the better things in life which is helping each other. If whoever finds treasure there and are willing to share, you know where I am. I may or may not be around for a meeting on Wednesday but I hope you all can work together and find that friendship is one real treasure you will enjoy in life which is more than a lot of very wealthy people can say. This is where it's really at and is much rarer than all the treasures out there waiting to be discovered.

Happy Treasure Hunting All! :)

Phil A

There is one other thing I'd like to mention here,

I pray that those who do find this place to be the LAD can do something others who found it in the past few hundred years can do something much better. This was once a peaceful place where many different very beautiful peoples and cultures came together to celebrate the lives of their leaders and with other cultures and was a place of peace and love for melinia. A very powerful and spiritual place where those who came, left with good memories of others they took the time to learn about and made friends they could remember and depend on later in life. I hope that the cultures and laws can be respected that had or have a stake in this place that suddenly through greed that spawned hatred, turned very evil and so many lost their lives seeking and then lost this place because they could not respect each other. I hope that in the future, those who find this place can turn this back around into a place of respect, fondness for others cultures, where weapons won't be allowed and that people can sit and reason without greed and hatred but with love and respect for each other. There are good people still left in this world and I know those here in this forum are some of those people. Maybe there is a reason why and that this is the reason that it was again exposed to us all. Please, in the name of humanity and respect for all, make this again a place where all can come, enjoy and leave with more than they left that will somehow enrich everyone with knowledge and something to learn from in a positive way.

May peace and happiness be the result of what you find in this place, whether or not it's the LAD. At least it's a starting place. If there is no gold left, there will be the real treasure of everyones willingness to make this place a good place once again for many years to come where we can all learn from as to what happens when greed takes over..

With much respect to you all and the Apache People, those other Native Americans who were here first and who we can stil learn from so everyone succeeds in life in a much better way so everyone wins through knowledge and learning.

Phil A : )

Our amigo filemaker01 wrote
To everyone,

I hope your all doing well. I decided that since I'm not able to put in my corner posts and not able to physically go after any treasure, if there's any still left after what I've found out anyway. I'm going to leave this one up to fate in that I know I met the right people here, everyone. Springfield, I hope you find the treasures you seek in life and to everyone else, may you find everything you seek in life. Thanks for sharing with me as well. I've decided not to go through with completing the claim and just can't afford it and have too may other physical problems here. I hope if you all find any treasure there, which I am personally positive is the LAD, may you find enough to help a lot of people which is where the real treasure lay, in those we care about, people, cultures, and know when one's time comes, they can lay back the final time with a smile on one's face knowing they did the right thing, that a lot of people ate, enjoyed and found each other to enjoy the better things in life which is helping each other. If whoever finds treasure there and are willing to share, you know where I am. I may or may not be around for a meeting on Wednesday but I hope you all can work together and find that friendship is one real treasure you will enjoy in life which is more than a lot of very wealthy people can say. This is where it's really at and is much rarer than all the treasures out there waiting to be discovered.

I can understand your concern that someone or several of us here, are rushing out to jump your claim before you could get the corner monuments put in etc. While it is certainly possible, there is a factor that apparently you have not considered; that is how convincing your case for this site as the Lost Adams is. I think you will find that most of the people reading and discussing this topic are not going to be convinced. No fault of yours, and I hope you are not offended; it is because most people judge more by actions than words. So they see that you, whom are saying you believe this site is the Lost Adams, are not willing to go there your self - so why should they? After all, if the finder doesn't think it worth his while, it surely isn't going to be worth the effort for any of us right?

Not saying that everyone reading this could be trusted NOT to run out and jump your claims, for there are sure to be at least a few unscrupulous people among a group the size of the membership of T-net, plus our discussions are open to the public and read by the public. Just saying that most are going to choose not to visit your site based on the fact that you won't. You see what I am getting at? There have been plenty of wild-goose chases perpetrated by 'jokers' including even a few here on T-net, so we learn to be cautious when offered information such as you have proposed. If you doubt what I am talking about just check into the threads in the Lost Dutchman mine section.

I too have some physical problems due to a bad back, but I assure you that if I located a spot that I was convinced was the Lost Adams diggings, I would find a way to get there. Necessity is the mother of invention and there are many aids available to humans including horses, mules, burros, quadrunners, six-wheel buggies, 4WD vehicles, full-tracked vehicles, snowmobiles, dog teams, or if it is truly inaccessible there are helicopters. Yes each of these methods of travel are expensive but so what? If the site is truly the Lost Adams there is enough gold to buy your self several helicopters and an ocean going yacht to boot. So you see, from our perspective, it looks rather as if you might be (not saying you are) another joker trying to send us treasure hunters off on a wild goose chase since you are not willing to go to your own site.

A person I much admire, when confronted with insurmountable obstacles in his path, said "We must find a way, or we will make one." If you truly believe your site is the Lost Adams, it should be worth your while to figure out a way for you to get to it. Heck you could probably find a couple of strong strapping fellows who would pack you in to the site on their backs.

Good luck to you Phillip, I keep getting the impression from your posts that you are leaving us <permanently> but hope you will keep us posted. I look forward to hearing what you find.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

About this book
Re: Lost Adams Diggings
October 03, 1999 at 12:35:40
In Reply to: Lost Adams Diggings
posted by audigger53 on September 30, 1999 at 06:49:59

I have done a fair bit of research on the Lost Adams digging in the AZ State records for old maps, research libraries at AZ State U., and the Superstition Mountains Historical Society records. I am fairly well convinced that Ron Feldman and Mic McPherson found what was the Adams diggins several years ago. Their book, Zig Zag Canyon - The Legend of Gold Gulch, tells about their several year search and finding of the Lost Adams. I have spoken with Ron several times on the Adams and believe he has located the actual site. He reached the conclusing that a man named Luke Longmore found the cache of nuggets buried under the burnt out cabin fireplace based on information from Maurice Landrew, who was the other fellow that escaped from the Indians with Adams.

If you want to obtain a copy of Ron's book, contact Elaine Schrader at Pro Mack South Mining Supplies store in Apache Junction 602-983-3484.

I disagree that this book shows the location of where the Lost Adams Diggings was located. The other survivor had the last name of Brewer for one thing. I don't dispute they found a cache of gold, but it's very debatable if the area is the LAD. It's just too easy and there is little history that proves anything in the area mentioned in the book. In my own opinion.

There is no Ron's Books located anywhere in Arizona or NM, I only found one in New York and can't find the book mentioned. I called the phone number three times with and without "1" then the area code and phone number and it's disconnected and not in service. I can't find the book anywhere on the Internet so it's not really published then unless someone can give me the SBN number or whatever. Thanks for the information though, just because I couldn't find the book doesn't mean the book doesn't exist, only that it must be a home published book. If I can find the book then I'll be more than happy to read that version. I do have a siminal title but it's not the same book and this claim made in the book shows a gourd and vegitable modern garden, a small area of short walls that show an entrance to a mountainous area but no canyon whatsoever and claims there was a small amount of gold nearby that was played out but it did mention an old cabin made of brick, not wooden logs so there is no way it is the LAD, mostly because it's just way too far east in NM and the names mentioned being tied to a survivor of the LAD party is in no way the survivor.

The best way to check the area where I mentioned is to go there but not alone. I will be happy to give directions and a friend of mine who said the Sheriff put up cameras in the area I am not sure if it's reliable information. The sheriff wrote me afte I communicated with the governor and they don't have the time or money to spend looking for Ron Jensen and they couldn't find him n their initial database search either, so as far as I am concerned, he is still missing. The area I showed is the same area. I just hoe he's OK and that Mr. Springfiled can give us more information as to whether or not he filed a claim there and if he found anthing. Somehow I trust Mr. Springfield in that I believe he would be honest about this.


Phil A


I found the book,
Here is the informaiton:

The one review by a rather reliable source states the book is basically fiction and the author hasn't proved anything at all as to whether or not he found the actual cabin or not. Wouldn't it be funny if it'e the same place I and Mr. Jensen found? Anyway, it's fiction and taken from exerpts of Four Days from Fort Wingate:

Paperback: 253 pages
Publisher: Sunstone Press; 1st edition (May 1994)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0865342121
ISBN-13: 978-0865342125
Product Dimensions: 8 x 5.5 x 0.5 inches

Here is the one and only review:

2.0 out of 5 stars Feldman's book isn't bad as a work of fiction, September 18, 2003
By Jack Purcell (Placitas, NM USA) - See all my reviews

This review is from: Zigzag Canyon: The Legend of Gold Gulch (Paperback)
fiction is the catagory it should be in. Unfortunately Feldman placed the book into a mooshy catagory between the two. If a reader wants an interesting read this is one. If a reader wants to know facts about the Lost Adams Diggings the goal is more likely to be achieved by reading Four Days From Fort Wingate by Richard French.
Feldman's shakey premise that the Adams Diggings is where he says (and that it's been found) is based on an even shakier bibliography taken mostly out of Apache Gold and Yaqui Silver by Frank Dobie, then misquoted. The fact that he's presented it somewhat as fact by giving a bibliography distracts somewhat from what would otherwise be a pleasant and interesting read. If you find yourself tempted to believe anything in this book check the footnote references he uses to support his premises and follow them back to the original document text. The Feldman book is historical fiction. Nothing more or less.

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End of Review:

So then this means nothing and proves nothing. I'm still convinced ninety nine point nine percent the canyon is the one in question ensen and I located. . I've decided that I'm going to go there in the spring if my back is feeling better by then and I'm in better health. It's the saddest thing, I would never lie about this or anything that involved forums of whatever. I found a metal box once near Nevada Ct in an area where I went prospecting one da by myself. I found a very odd crevice up on a wall I scaled that was invisable from the ground by the river below. I then found the area had a lot of nuggets in a little pond and I noticed a manzenita schrub growing out of three rocks piled on top of each other. I had to use what tools I had to remove the roots grown over the rocks and then dug down and foud a handle on the side of the box rather rusted so I had to dig around the box which took about five hours and when I pulled the box out, t was filled with gold nuggests with some the size of my fist. This was long before cell phones with cameras were around and I had no way to pull the gold out and the box was too fusted and wieghed at least a hundred pounds. I put the box back into the ground and everything back the way I found it and used about a dozen m080 explosives I normally used for crevicing for gold, and bew the area in on top of itself before I left the final time. I filled my pockets with what smaller gold nuggets and left as the snow started flying. All I was wearing was a t-shirt, jeans and a belt holding my rospecting tools and pan and small sluece box. I was afraid of being caught near someone elses claim and went to the assayers offic where I sold my gold about once a week I found while working the lower areas and the god wieghed about four and a half pounds I brought out. I looked up the claims and there were no claims filed on the area where I found the box of gold and little pond. I figured I would go back in the spring to get the rest of the gold in the box and pond, but then my back was injured. I had major major surgery to my lower back and hip and then another accident that caused the surgery to my back and hip to fail so I've been in what is called Fatel Pain since and was given less than two hours to live three years ago and diagnosed with pulmonary embolisms to both lngs and was told by the doctors there was no way I could survive. I did and the only problem I have is with remembering names and had problems with the finals in college that semester. I made it through and plan to go back to find the box. I know where it is. Too funny, I did a lot of research and found a legend of a box buried with gold nuggets by a guy who went back east after not being able to find the box again after a few years of trying. He finally gave up. I just hope it's still there when I go back.

Talk to you later all, please consider helping to find Jensen, thanks, Phil A

Check this out,

Here's the real underlaying issues here in this canyon regardless of whether or not it's the true lost Adams which I believe is:

  • Whoever had control over this same canyon as a private military naval training academy I believe knew about the gold.
  • Either Mr. Jensen or the military naval academy filed three hundred gold claims in the same area which is already estabished to be a prime location for the existance of rather large pieces of gold and especially a significant amount of finer gold.
  • Mr. Jensen would be the sole owner of the gold if he was the only person to file such a claim and did all his homework, but ohhh, wait a minute, Mr. Jensen hasn't been seen around for a while, since he posted he found it and the evidence was the closest known to the actual true story that most of those who have done their homework know.
  • Now back to a simple bit of algebra: Who got the gold? The military instillation or Mr. Jensen?
Maybe one can see why I don't think it's a very good idea to go there in person anyway right now? This is supposed to be public information anyway, so who got the gold? Who's missing? Who allowed the gold claims to expire at the same time the private academy closed? Hmmmm, yeap, it's a mystery alright and a legal one? Who else other than BLM, myself, those in the forum and Mr. Jensen if he's anywhere to be found. Interesting..... to be continued

Phillip you mentioned Jack Purcell; he is a member here at T-net known as "Highmountain"; if you would like to communicate with him just drop him a PM.

filemaker01 said:
.... looking for Ron Jensen and they couldn't find him n their initial database search either, so as far as I am concerned, he is still missing. The area I showed is the same area. I just hope he's OK and that Mr. Springfiled can give us more information as to whether or not he filed a claim there and if he found anthing. Somehow I trust Mr. Springfield in that I believe he would be honest about this.


Phil A

I'll repeat for you, as simply as possible: I have no interest in visiting the site you've provided nor will I be filing any mining claims there. End of story.

By the way, the fact that you cannot locate Ron Jensen may be that his real name is something else. Have you considered this?

PS to Phillip - ditto to Springfield's note on Jensen, we don't know if that is his real name or a pseudonym. Also, the fact of 300 claims being filed may be a red flag; you mentioned that they all were allowed to lapse at the same time. To me, that would indicate the claims were most probably 'paper claims' filed on pure speculation alone, in hopes that some mining company would want them. It used to be a common practice and tied up huge areas in the western states, and people would hold hundreds and hundreds of mining claims for generations on pure speculation, but the huge increase in fees to maintain ownership did help weed out a vast number of those purely speculative mining claims. I know from personal experience, that a good many of that type of mining claim would not meet the legal requirements for they often didn't bother putting up the corner monuments, discovery monument, let alone having made an actual mineral discovery. If you go to geocommunicator there is a feature that allows you to pull up old and closed mining claims, it is amazing how many there were which have been abandoned and most of them were pure speculation without any discovery or monuments set up. Anyway it might behoove you Phillip to do a bit of research on those 300 mining claims as to whom was the owner(s) how long they held the claims, and any other history you can turn up. Might help your case or may not, but if it were myself, I would definitely want to know about prior claims and especially why they were allowed to lapse; it suggests that there may not have been enough gold to make it worth while to hold them.

Off-topic gripe here, but it is against the law to remove or destroy mining claim monuments, so why is it that every time we check ours, they have been removed and often used for camping firewood? I have tried the stacked stone markers too, and some nitbrain inevitably tears them down too. We are thinking of switching to concrete posts for corner monuments at least, for they would not be attractive for firewood in the desert and would be a real job to tear down for kicks. Heavy steel pipe is another idea, but our neighbor's claim corners which were steel pipe were stolen, apparently for the value of the pipe. Just griping, sorry for the off-topic rant.

H ORO, apparently Mexico is ahead of the US. Here are examples of a Mexican mining monument. Not easily used for anything else, with all of the pertinent data on it

Don Jose de La Mancha


  • Mexican miming monument  Tayopa.webp
    Mexican miming monument Tayopa.webp
    39 KB · Views: 1,675
  • Mexican mining monumet  Tayopa 2.webp
    Mexican mining monumet Tayopa 2.webp
    45.1 KB · Views: 1,297
HOLA amigo!
I see, and agree they are not easily used for camp firewood or knocked down for 'sport'. I take it that Mexico had similar problems at one time?

Oroblanco said:
PS to Phillip - ditto to Springfield's note on Jensen, we don't know if that is his real name or a pseudonym. Also, the fact of 300 claims being filed may be a red flag; you mentioned that they all were allowed to lapse at the same time. To me, that would indicate the claims were most probably 'paper claims' filed on pure speculation alone, in hopes that some mining company would want them. It used to be a common practice and tied up huge areas in the western states, and people would hold hundreds and hundreds of mining claims for generations on pure speculation, but the huge increase in fees to maintain ownership did help weed out a vast number of those purely speculative mining claims. I know from personal experience, that a good many of that type of mining claim would not meet the legal requirements for they often didn't bother putting up the corner monuments, discovery monument, let alone having made an actual mineral discovery. If you go to geocommunicator there is a feature that allows you to pull up old and closed mining claims, it is amazing how many there were which have been abandoned and most of them were pure speculation without any discovery or monuments set up. Anyway it might behoove you Phillip to do a bit of research on those 300 mining claims as to whom was the owner(s) how long they held the claims, and any other history you can turn up. Might help your case or may not, but if it were myself, I would definitely want to know about prior claims and especially why they were allowed to lapse; it suggests that there may not have been enough gold to make it worth while to hold them.

Off-topic gripe here, but it is against the law to remove or destroy mining claim monuments, so why is it that every time we check ours, they have been removed and often used for camping firewood? I have tried the stacked stone markers too, and some nitbrain inevitably tears them down too. We are thinking of switching to concrete posts for corner monuments at least, for they would not be attractive for firewood in the desert and would be a real job to tear down for kicks. Heavy steel pipe is another idea, but our neighbor's claim corners which were steel pipe were stolen, apparently for the value of the pipe. Just griping, sorry for the off-topic rant.

Suggest sinking the pipe a couple feet in concrete and then filling the pipe with the same .
Makes the pipe more work than actual value.
That's what they are doing out here.

Thanks buddy - may well try that route; I don't think these vandals are willing to do a lot of work to steal, and that would make the pipe un-attractive.

Old Dog said:
Suggest sinking the pipe a couple feet in concrete and then filling the pipe with the same .
Makes the pipe more work than actual value.
That's what they are doing out here.

Back in the day when we were locating a couple hundred claims at a time, often in remote steep terrain, we used either 4' wood 2x2's driven into the ground and/or set in a rock cairn, or 1-1/2" pvc pipe set over a wood stake and in a cairn. As Oro mentioned earlier, this type of grid staking was speculative eyewash for the most part and the corners weren't meant to be permanent, only findable - the legal requirement. The pipe-in-concrete idea is a good idea for a couple of claims that you intend to work, such as placer claims.

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