Lost Adams Diggings Found!

To: Joe Ribaudo, CactusJumper, Springfield, Oroblanco, Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp, the owner of this great forum web site,

Thanks again and as I said, it's a real honor to have read the great posts you all have taken the time to reply to and to give the information you have and contsructive critisizm and everything else you all contributed. It's nice to know that I found those who can share something so valuable as to hopefully find Mr. Jensen above all else and to ensure that if one of you do figure this out and are able to find the gold you will hopefully share with me as well for giving the information, Otherwise, I will email you all with the information of the next webmeeting I'll have set up for those of you who are interested in forming a group to prospect the area to see if there is any gold left, if this is really an Apache Chief Burial ground as some of the parts of the legen go, but could be wrong as well as I could be wrong. However I do believe through years of not just my own research but from other real research in the field by Mr. Jensen who may have met with foul play or could be sitting in his new mansion reading these posts and laughing at his success and how we can be concerned for others like us, with the same adventurous spirit that gives those like us an even richer meaning in life. Please take care and thanks again,


Phil Anderson

Speaking for all of us, muchas gracias amigo Phillip, and I hope that you will keep us posted with your discoveries and adventures. :thumbsup:

Loke said:
Now - a lot of people seem to put faith in the cabin ruins and possible stonework left.
Just how much time did they have to build a cabin? 8-10 days and how many people? - and digging for gold at the same time?
To _my_ mind, that spells more of a lean-to than a proper cabin ...

Just my 2c-worth ...


I suspect you are closer to the truth about what their 'cabin' really was, based on the amount of time they had to get it done. If it were built of logs, even if burned down by Apaches later, the stumps from the trees might be a clue for it is only logical that they would choose trees that are close to the location where they wanted to build. The fireplace would have been stone and mud, no cement so the mud would be long-gone by now too.

Of course finding a bunch of old stumps certainly isn't going to prove the site must be Adams diggings either, just a possible clue. I thought the stumps idea would help me find the Lost Cabin mine in Wyoming but found out that logging has been done in some surprisingly remote places.

Yes, good luck to all. One minor point of confusion: since you revealed your search area location yesterday when you posted the fourth photo containing Google's lat/lon coordinates, I noticed that it lies 100 miles, more or less, north of Jensen's purported discovery in 2001 (see my post on this thread Dec 20, 2009). If you read the military report Jensen relies on, it's clear he was basing his claims on the old placer workings discovered by his troops on the lower Rio San Francisco. Perhaps you are working with additional information that was not contained on Jensen's website.


I guess this is the day you have chosen to accept volunteers for the LAD recovery. One
small thing I noticed from one of your posts was that nobody with "gold fever" need apply.
I suspect this excludes the majority of posters to this thread. Too bad, I would have loved to
finally meet the Tramp himself, not to mention Oro, Joe and Springfield.
Don Jose could probably get on site the fastest, unless he brings more than one mule. Oro
might be the one to come after you, not sure if he has a plane. As for me, I can be in Pietown
Sun afternoon. I hope that wee motel is still around in Quemado. Excellent enchiladas.

Untill our trails converge,

Lastleg wrote
Oro might be the one to come after you, not sure if he has a plane.

Coming after him! Yikes! :o Just kidding buddy, taking your statement out of context to make it sound funny. You would be able to get there much quicker than me. I am not free to leave here just yet, but hopefully soon. I sure don't have a plane, and my old pickup probably wouldn't make the trip, but I do wish our friend luck and hope to see him return with some photos of all the gold they find! :thumbsup:

All this chat on the Lost Adams has given me incentive to dig out what we have for sources, so far only Dobie's book has turned up and some old topos but it is enough to get ideas. If I can talk the boss lady into a bit of a side trip, there is a place I still would like to check out, assuming the snows don't get too danged deep. Don't worry about me claim-jumping Phillip, the spot I want to check is quite far away from the area where you are looking.

Oh one last thing - some well respected treasure hunters had a theory that the coffeepot full of gold was found and recovered by treasure author John Mitchell. In support of that theory, they found a zig-zag canyon and camp, and buried under an old campfire they found a short piece of railroad rail, like that used by many people as a sort of jackleg anvil. The connection suggested was that Mitchell, a railroad man, had found the pot and took it, replacing it with the rail; and in support of this it was pointed out that Mitchell is described by editors as a "wealthy mining man" in the foreword of one of his books, which is odd since he spent his life working for the RR which certainly didn't make him wealthy. Anyone have an opinion on that theory? Thank you in advance;

I spent the last eight years in college because I was too disabled to work. I studied and completed all the courses I need for my computer science degrees, archaeological forensics, locating lost or stolen items of value, journalism, minors in Mass Media, writing for media, scripts, screenplays, acting etc. I'm very serious about what I post here and I feel kind of bad for going off the handle in my earlier posts about being called a liar which sadly enough of my part it turned out I was wrong about that while considering I've told my share of boners in my time, LOL. However I would never joke about one of my passions in life such as this. I've been tinkering with writing a movie screenplay for a new movie or story about the Lost Adams considering there really aren't any good recent movies regarding this most fascinating story. I don't think a movie like that would be too big of a budgetted film, but of course actors are expensive etc, but a B grade with newer upcoming actors may do fairly well. Writing about this subject seems to have made more money than the gold ever did anyone. I guess I'm a bit of a diehard on things like treasures etc.


According to most of the writings about the cabin, the cabin was made of wood from the nearby small forest just upstream and to the east on a slope. The logs were cut using primative methods so they could not have chosen logs that were very big. There is plenty of shale rock in the are which would make it easy to make axe heads if necessary but they must have brought tools that were loaded onto the pack mules they had. There were 23 total in the Adams party and only two or three survived of which one was the Dutchman who left early with what he wanted. The party that went out after supplies made it back with what they went after and it was a nine day round trip, which is another key to the mystery, however they were found at the opening of the secret door. Now, there were actually two doors and according to the legend on most all accounts, when they first arrived at the canyon, they went down into the canyon through a type of gully that was very tight and narraw in parts. Then they saw the hundred to two hundred foot monument that has since fallen due to the earthquake, that while standing, the shadow from the sun at a certain time of the day pointed to the first or second secret door or to the rest of the "Z" canyon.

I'm absolutely positive the area north was or is an ancient Apache and possibly earlier peoples burial grounds for Chiefs only which in a big way would be like finding the "Valley of the Kings" in Egypt. The archeological worth would be enormous and we can learn a lot of what the Apache were like and how they evolved. I still say that once the gold is located if not already where the cabin is, the area north should be protected by law and should be reporded if found. I already officially reported the area to the proper authorities as well but was told I can still file a gold claim so it's still claimable. Unfortunately, the area also looks as though it's been worked rather well besides the possible huge recent scandel I'll report about at the next netmeeting I'm schedualing for next Wednesday for those interested in attending.


I know I accidently included part of the coords on Google earth, too funny. I'll bet a few good folks got a laugh about that as I did, however please keep in mind I could have done that on purpose. : ) Actually, I think it's high time to reveal the area anyway and am hoping to find good people such as yourself to be in on a group effort with the main goal in mind of finding Jensen and making sure he's safe. I would have honestly most likely never posted any of this and gone after the gold myself if I weren't disabled and more importantly thought little of Mr. Jensen, however he did a lot of work on this and deserves to be found if he's in trouble or hurt and stuck somehow or being held against his will or whatever, he's lucky to have followers like those of us who studied his research as well. Sad I know but I believe that out of one bad thing in life one can find several good things to come out of it if they try, no matter how bad it can get. Such as when a well loved person passes away at an old age, and suffered for years before they pass, the one good thing may be that they aren't suffering anymore, etc.

I'm hoping Jensen is fine and getting a good laugh but to me something smacks of ill fate here and I'm very concerned for him more than anything else right now and even if we can all form a group, I would like to keep that one thing above all else as the reason why we should go into this area but prepared for the worst case scenerio. Only the most experienced should apply but I'm also sure everyone can find a job to do as a group or club, part time of course. As I mentioned previously, I do have other treasures that I'm not talking about and they are easier to get to as well only I'm sure like other pockets found they usually play out in a short time but can be a great find if shared with one group of people. We'll see how this goes first.

Thanks again you all. This is a great forum to say the least!

Phil A

filemaker01 said:

I know I accidently included part of the coords on Google earth, too funny. I'll bet a few good folks got a laugh about that as I did, however please keep in mind I could have done that on purpose. : ) Actually, I think it's high time to reveal the area anyway .....

What troubles me about the canyon you've targeted is the fact that it is not a canyon, but more of a mild ravine only 100 feet deep, more or less, with mild sloping sides for the most part - hardly a spot difficult to find. The rancher who lives a mile away down the dirt road to the south probably rides up and down those slopes on horseback or ATV checking on his livestock. This in no way tallies with any of the LAD stories I've read, even Baxter's through McKenna, which you've referred to. There isn't a 'canyon', let alone a difficult one, for 20 miles. I might have expected that you would have chosen a location 50 miles more or less closer to the Rio Grande, which would have been in line with the McKenna version, Snively's story at Pinos Altos, and especially Brewer's account through Tenney. Also, I still am at a loss to link this location to Jensen's target area, which is definitely in rough, hard to access terrain. Anyway, I'm sure you have your reasons - the best of luck on your search.


What I meant by "Gold Fever" is that there is a huge difference in looking for gold or anything else as a hobby, for fun, entertainment and pleasure. Real Gold Fever is when one can't take their mind off the gold or target, and become so filled with hatred and greed that they are willing to kill or hurt others to keep them from having a share themselves. Some cases have been reported where those who have this mental illness actually also run a mild or even a high fever during their rages when they hurt or kill others for gold. It's so sad. If you've heard of the river of gold in S. Cali, that was found and even filmed, one of the party who were climbing out of the shaft that lead to the underground river of gold, threw in a case of dynomite and killed his own brother and the rest of the party including a Hollywood celebrity who took actual pictures. I know where the entrence is but there are at least one or two others nearer the ocean. Some even believe Gold Fever is an actual mental illness and Jensen experienced some of those who went on a few of his earlier expeditions as having Gold Fever that he got away from and didn't invite to future expeditions. I doubt anyone is like that here and we will have to create a way of a system once the initial group is formed of bringing in new members by vote and looking at things like criminal records, etc. I have little faith in credit reports in that everyone these days owes some credit card company, although I don't, and I never use credit save to mortgage my property but it's already paid off to the point that I owe so little that with the homestead I filed won't allow the seller to foreclose on my property that after about five years turned into a real treasure in itself. I was so lucky to find a property nobody wanted for over fifteen years that went through several real estate agencies and then the new resort, casino, hotel, amphetheatre for huge concerts, park, tennis courts are all within thirty feet of the front gate of my place across the street. Too funny, now its one of the most wanted properties by a lot of people, including a bank that tried to have Caltrans claim eminent domain, however because of the treaty with the Pomo, nobody can legally use eminant domain and considering I have one of the few natural gas wells in this part of the county and own the mineral rights, I can put in generators and sell electricity back to the grid or sell to a company that will pay royalties. I only need to find a way to fill tanks to sell to the public. My place is stiting on top of one of the biggest natural gs deposits west of Texas that's produced by shale rock wich means that it replinishes itself so no mater how much is taken, the shale produces as much more. I was really happy to hear about this when I found out.


I know it may look like a ravine from what little I actually posted but I promise it is a full size canyon but is a smaller one but again, I checked many times over and it is exactly the size and the same as Adams discribed and I'm sure after we have the first meeting when I will hopefully be confident enough to reveal the location, everyone will agree and especially after I show you all the proof I have which I've only given away a very small amount of what information I have. I'm hoping to see the looks on peoples faces on camera when they realize what was found here and the recent history behind it.

I hope you can be there as well Springfield and I'm sure we can all agree on an informal handshake as we basically already have in a way, but we will see what happens after the first netmeeting.

Thanks again.

You know, it's the funniest thing, I know right now and can verify with actual press releases from the time when these incidents happened, where there is over forty to eighty tons of equal amounts of gold and silver bars that went down in over a hundred to a hundred and fifty feet of water and was much too deep to recover when these ships lost their loads of these precious metals in the early 1800's, however since the long drought, the same lake is only a few feet deep but the government has so many laws that if anyone were caught pulling the gold and silver bars would go to jail for a very long time. You can actually see part of the hull of one of the boats that sank with many tons of silver bars from the surface. However I do think it's possble to form a company and make a deal with Uncle Sam to recover the gold and silver bars for a twenty percent take of the total net worth. Too funny, but it would take a few professionals to make up the paperwork needed and prove to the government that we have the knowledge and prior experience and equipment to go after the treasure there. Too funny! : )


As I mentioned, and thanks for the information, but as I wrote, I have more than enough evidence through government records and the fact that as I wrote, the area where I'm talking about had a couple of very huge earthquakes that took down the tall walls that are now gone, besides the land pennensulla that fell. Also, if you read any real known accounts of the very true story of Adams, you can actually follow only one of two or three paths to where the trail ends and the rest is speculation other than from documents found to be related to the story.

If you are interested, and close to the area I would like to tell you where I am talking about if you can maybe do a little checking on Jensen as well. I'll be happy to give you the information I have on everything if we can also work something out if the gold is still there. Remember as well that almost every canyon, the soil and most of the earth is made of what was once ocean bottom and made up mostly of very small crustations and other things besides soil that turns to mud very quickly. Terrain changes too drastically especially in these areas where the rock basially melts any time there is rain or snow run off as well. What was there two hundred years ago is half there now and changed drastically.

Anyway, I'll be around,

Thnks again,


I should have also mentioned, the area I'm talking about, I already own the mineral rights to the areas where the gold is. As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, the only people that I feel should pay for the claims are those other than myself, which is why I said what I said, although I can see how you or others can infer that into my wanting to have others pay for the claims because I know the location. I would not have posted what I did unless this weren't so. OK? : ) Even if you found the area, it's seriously illegal to go onto another's claim, and take the minerals of any kind.

Anyway, the Sheriff is in the area and checking as I also reported this to the government including the BLM. Again, I guess we will see what happens. Anyway, I do have the real location as I mentioned and am willing to share with anyone willing to pay for their share of more claims if they are willing to work something out on the split. Again, please pay attention to everything I'm writing here.

Phil A

Hola File: Fascinating data, I can only wish you the best of luck. In any event keep posting here , but without the critical "x".

Don Jose de La Mancha & Mule

Too funny,

I get a kick out of Springfield, but the fact is, I didn't give him or anyone the critical x. Even if he did figure it out, there are others there now working the claim, so all he would find is nothing for him anyway. ; )


In answer to the burning question, whatever happened to a simple handshake, I guess Springfield answered the question and the question is "him", he's the perfect example.

I can't wait to hear from him if he was dumb or criminal enough to go there thinking he'd get away with it.

Later, looks like I'm better off finding a more honest few to make deals with anyway,


I have absolutely no interest in becoming involved in your affairs. I don't know what gave you the idea that I have any interest in visiting your claims, but you can rest assured I don't. Good luck with your projects.


You sir, crack me up!!!! I'm honestly sitting here laughing my assets off. Springfield, I'll tell you what, on my word right here, if you will just do me right on this, I made a deal with myself considering I am disabled personally and can't get there. You showed me that you are in fact honest then by posting and there's no way you could have had time to go there. If you will agree to help find Jensen, I will in fact give you the location and all the information I have but keep in mind that the area may be considered to be hostile where the real treasure may still be. So, on your word, I wlll share this with you, if you will be honest and make sure to keep my half safe when or if you find anything. I'm talking about the gold if it's under the area of the fireplace. I also want to preserve the area where the Apache Chiefs are supposed to be buried but again that may just be lore and nothing to that, however I trust you will do the right thing.

Please email me at lovefishn@hotmail.com and I'll give you my phone number and we can go from there. Is that OK? Ill give you the claim information as well. There are those there guarding the place and I'll get you the written permission or whatever else you need. Does that sound fair? Thanks for getting back to me you had me a little worried for your well being in that as I said you'lll need to be careful going to where I tell you it is. Even if you do you may not find anything.

Sound Fair?

Phil A

filemaker01 said:

According to most of the writings about the cabin, the cabin was made of wood from the nearby small forest just upstream and to the east on a slope. The logs were cut using primative methods so they could not have chosen logs that were very big. There is plenty of shale rock in the are which would make it easy to make axe heads if necessary but they must have brought tools that were loaded onto the pack mules they had. There were 23 total in the Adams party and only two or three survived of which one was the Dutchman who left early with what he wanted. The party that went out after supplies made it back with what they went after and it was a nine day round trip, which is another key to the mystery, however they were found at the opening of the secret door. Now, there were actually two doors and according to the legend on most all accounts, when they first arrived at the canyon, they went down into the canyon through a type of gully that was very tight and narraw in parts. Then they saw the hundred to two hundred foot monument that has since fallen due to the earthquake, that while standing, the shadow from the sun at a certain time of the day pointed to the first or second secret door or to the rest of the "Z" canyon.

I'm absolutely positive the area north was or is an ancient Apache and possibly earlier peoples burial grounds for Chiefs only which in a big way would be like finding the "Valley of the Kings" in Egypt. The archeological worth would be enormous and we can learn a lot of what the Apache were like and how they evolved. I still say that once the gold is located if not already where the cabin is, the area north should be protected by law and should be reporded if found. I already officially reported the area to the proper authorities as well but was told I can still file a gold claim so it's still claimable. Unfortunately, the area also looks as though it's been worked rather well besides the possible huge recent scandel I'll report about at the next netmeeting I'm schedualing for next Wednesday for those interested in attending.

Hola amigo Phillip and everyone,
We don't have a list of what equipment the original Adams party took with them but it seems safe to presume they had at least axes, possibly a two-man saw or bow saw. It seems logical that they would use the closest trees for logs, but size I would think would be a secondary factor in their estimation. A mule or team of mules can drag a surprisingly large log, and getting them up onto walls is a matter of setting up a pair of rails and using the draft animal to help roll it up the rails. This is all just speculation on my part, we have no way to know what the logs were like that they used since we don't have the actual cabin to look at.
<example of a mule skidding a log>

<photo by James H. Miller, USDA Forest Service, Bugwood.org>

Now imagine several men with several mules, and that it takes only minutes per log if the distance to the cabin site is not far and you get some idea of what was possible.

I can understand your enthusiasm and I have no desire to be a wet blanket, I do hope however that you are (mentally) prepared in case the site should turn out to be not the lost Adams diggings. In other words don't put all your eggs in one basket, comprende amigo? I have been to a couple of places that seemed to fit all the clues, all except for one tiny detail - there wasn't a speck of gold to be found anywhere in the canyon. It is good to be optimistic and hope for the best possible results, just so long as you will not be crushed or utterly discouraged if your site turns out to be a disappointment. 'Faint heart never won fair maiden'

Good luck and good hunting Phillip and everyone, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

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