THIS is a INTERESTING "read"...
Ferdinand C. Hutter, Anonymous Author of Ward's Pamphlet.
NOW! Major F. C. Hutter (CSA) was PAY-MASTER; being "SUDDENLY called to Richmond, Va." as Yanks were approaching from Pettersburg, Va., HE was IN CHARGE of CSA Treasury to pay VIRGINIA REBELS for their service in VIRGINIA... AND! "RICHMOND STORES" (State of VIRGINIA $$$$$$$$) to "hide" in Lynchburg, VIRGINIA and "POINTS" WEST in WESTERN PARTS of VIRGINIA per General Robert E. Lee to CSA PREZ Jeff Davis...
F. C. Hutter was brother to E. F. Hutter, who saved Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS (SECRET book of CSA Gov't - 1 of 3) from BURNING in Danville, Va. E. F. Hutter gave his book (VLoN) to his son-in-law (an attorney), then went on in Lynchburg, Va. HISTORY as a WEALTHY "builder" (Rivermont Company), who "did" Rivermont Avenue. OTHER wealthy ex-REBS were Gen. Jubal Early, retired as WEALTHY Attorney in Lynchburg; Gen. T. T. Munford (CSA) with much WEALTH from his biz in Lynchburg, VIRGINIA & HUGE Farm on Coffee Road in Bedford County, VIRGINIA; and finally, a JEWISH REBEL & FREEMASON, who was in charge of the Lynchburg, VIRGINIA "Home-Guard", after being WIA (wounded-in-action), WEALTHY BIZ-man, who MAY have known KABALA (JEWISH MYSTICISM) as a "Coding Device" during the CONFEDERATE WAR; more on him, LATER! ANYWAY, Major F. C. Hutter had access to ALL that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! BTW, the Hutter Bros., J. B. Ward were COUSINS... AND! Grand-sons of J. B. Risque, who had the FAMOUS duel with THOMAS BEALE, Sr. of Fincastle, VIRGINIA over Julia Hancock, DIRECT descendant of JOHN HANCOCK, one of the signers of TJ's DOI (Declaration of Independence)... THAT is why I think HANCOCK is "Key-Code"... used like TJ did with L & C. HH!