Looking Outside The Box

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LOL! Newton Hazlewood was THE ONE who gave the THREE pages of FIGURES (NUMBERS?) to Clayton Hart to "copy"; Clayton changed the FIGURES/NUMBERS "slightly". THEN, he & his brother, George, became "Beale" Treasure hunters, interviewing J.B. Ward & his son about the "Beale" Story; since the Hart Bros. were from Roanoke, Va., the original papers of FIGURES/NUMBERS may be in the VIRGINIA ROOM of the Roanoke, Va. Library on Elm Street... dunno. AND THAT! Is MORE info than YOU have!

Not really, but ok. :laughing7: Shortly after the pamphlet was published I suspect just about everyone in the entire county had a copy of those "buried treasure" ciphers. Hazlewood included! :laughing7:

Just waiting to see what thread you use to tie all these random events up with. Whatever rock you're
turning over is recycled matter. I know it's just a phishing expedition.

Not really, but ok. :laughing7: Shortly after the pamphlet was published I suspect just about everyone in the entire county had a copy of those "buried treasure" ciphers. Hazlewood included! :laughing7:

Nah, just in the WESTERN part of VIRGINIA.

THIS is a INTERESTING "read"... Ferdinand C. Hutter, Anonymous Author of Ward's Pamphlet.

NOW! Major F. C. Hutter (CSA) was PAY-MASTER; being "SUDDENLY called to Richmond, Va." as Yanks were approaching from Petersburg, Va., HE was IN CHARGE of CSA Treasury to pay VIRGINIA REBELS for their service in VIRGINIA... AND! "RICHMOND STORES" (State of VIRGINIA $$$$$$$$) to "hide" in Lynchburg, VIRGINIA and "POINTS" WEST in WESTERN PARTS of VIRGINIA per General Robert E. Lee to CSA PREZ Jeff Davis...
F. C. Hutter was brother to Maj. E. S. Hutter, who saved Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS (SECRET book of CSA Gov't - 1 of 3) from BURNING in Danville, Va. E. S. Hutter gave his book (VLoN) to his son-in-law (an attorney), then went on in Lynchburg, Va. HISTORY as a WEALTHY "builder" (Rivermont Company), who "did" Rivermont Avenue. OTHER wealthy ex-REBS were Gen. Jubal Early, retired as WEALTHY Attorney in Lynchburg; Gen. T. T. Munford (CSA) with much WEALTH from his biz in Lynchburg, VIRGINIA & HUGE Farm on Coffee Road in Bedford County, VIRGINIA; and finally, a JEWISH REBEL & FREEMASON, who was in charge of the Lynchburg, VIRGINIA "Home-Guard", after being WIA (wounded-in-action), WEALTHY BIZ-man, who MAY have known KABALA (JEWISH MYSTICISM) as a "Coding Device" during the CONFEDERATE WAR; more on him, LATER! ANYWAY, Major F. C. Hutter had access to ALL that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! BTW, the Hutter Bros., J. B. Ward were COUSINS... AND! Grand-sons of J. B. Risque, who had the FAMOUS duel with THOMAS BEALE, Sr. of Fincastle, VIRGINIA over Julia Hancock, DIRECT descendant of JOHN HANCOCK, one of the signers of TJ's DOI (Declaration of Independence)... THAT is why I think HANCOCK is "Key-Code"... used like TJ did with L & C. HH!

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Just waiting to see what thread you use to tie all these random events up with. Whatever rock you're
turning over is recycled matter. I know it's just a phishing expedition.

Hang loose.....we do have a few real shockers/stunners in store for you. :thumbsup::laughing7:

THIS is a INTERESTING "read"... Ferdinand C. Hutter, Anonymous Author of Ward's Pamphlet.

NOW! Major F. C. Hutter (CSA) was PAY-MASTER; being "SUDDENLY called to Richmond, Va." as Yanks were approaching from Pettersburg, Va., HE was IN CHARGE of CSA Treasury to pay VIRGINIA REBELS for their service in VIRGINIA... AND! "RICHMOND STORES" (State of VIRGINIA $$$$$$$$) to "hide" in Lynchburg, VIRGINIA and "POINTS" WEST in WESTERN PARTS of VIRGINIA per General Robert E. Lee to CSA PREZ Jeff Davis...
F. C. Hutter was brother to E. F. Hutter, who saved Vattel's LAW OF NATIONS (SECRET book of CSA Gov't - 1 of 3) from BURNING in Danville, Va. E. F. Hutter gave his book (VLoN) to his son-in-law (an attorney), then went on in Lynchburg, Va. HISTORY as a WEALTHY "builder" (Rivermont Company), who "did" Rivermont Avenue. OTHER wealthy ex-REBS were Gen. Jubal Early, retired as WEALTHY Attorney in Lynchburg; Gen. T. T. Munford (CSA) with much WEALTH from his biz in Lynchburg, VIRGINIA & HUGE Farm on Coffee Road in Bedford County, VIRGINIA; and finally, a JEWISH REBEL & FREEMASON, who was in charge of the Lynchburg, VIRGINIA "Home-Guard", after being WIA (wounded-in-action), WEALTHY BIZ-man, who MAY have known KABALA (JEWISH MYSTICISM) as a "Coding Device" during the CONFEDERATE WAR; more on him, LATER! ANYWAY, Major F. C. Hutter had access to ALL that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! BTW, the Hutter Bros., J. B. Ward were COUSINS... AND! Grand-sons of J. B. Risque, who had the FAMOUS duel with THOMAS BEALE, Sr. of Fincastle, VIRGINIA over Julia Hancock, DIRECT descendant of JOHN HANCOCK, one of the signers of TJ's DOI (Declaration of Independence)... THAT is why I think HANCOCK is "Key-Code"... used like TJ did with L & C. HH!

And? Reb, this info has been around for quite a while.....a long while.....but has it moved forward any? Anything new discovered? For 125 years capable people have been trying to make some sort of connection out of all of this and still absolutely nothing. If that evidence was there it would have surfaced by now, and if this was the source of the story then that evidence would be there, somewhere.

At present, we know of two large collections of wealth that existed in the west during the period of the Beale pamphlet, and possibly even a third, which are still researching. Ironically, all three of these collections of wealth were connected to the same venture and people, the "exact" nature and terms of that venture still not fully understood, as it might very well never be. Of these two collections of wealth we do know that by late 1819 the first one no longer existed in the west, as to where it may have been moved to we have located no certain documentation, all we do know about this first collection of wealth is that date of its last existence in the west corresponds with the date of the first Beale deposit.

As for the second collection of wealth we know that it was also removed from the west towards the east in the same mysterious manner as the first collection of wealth, the date of this relocation also corresponding with the date of the second Beale deposit.

And this looks like the perfect opening for the book, if you decide to write one. As Brad Meltzer might say, 'What if I were to tell you of a treasure hoard that went missing in the west, at the same time a treasure hoard appeared in the east. Then what if I told you it happened again, and just as with the first one, the time lines matched perfectly. Coincidence? Now what if I told you that the people involved in both treasures were the same people.'

No charge until the royalties come in. LOL

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And this looks like the perfect opening for the book, if you decide to write one. As Brad Meltzer might say, 'What if I were to tell you of a treasure hoard that went missing in the west, at the same time a treasure hoard appeared in the east. Then what if I told you it happened again, and just as with the first one, the time lines matched perfectly. Coincidence? Now what if I told you that the people involved in both treasures were the same people.'

No charge until the royalties come in. LOL

Still a lot to discover.

And? Reb, this info has been around for quite a while.....a long while.....but has it moved forward any? Anything new discovered? For 125 years capable people have been trying to make some sort of connection out of all of this and still absolutely nothing. If that evidence was there it would have surfaced by now, and if this was the source of the story then that evidence would be there, somewhere.

It is ALL facts, Jack! WHAT is to "surface by now"...? WHAT do YOU have...?

... Anything new discovered? For 125 years capable people have been trying to make some sort of connection out of all of this and still absolutely nothing. If that evidence was there it would have surfaced by now, and if this was the source of the story then that evidence would be there, somewhere.
If one goes way out beyond the box, one can give the 1885 Beale Papers the Littlefield treatment, and create a literary allegory that has nothing to do with the pamphlet Ward copyrighted and published for sale only in Lynchberg,Virginia.

And? Reb, this info has been around for quite a while.....a long while.....but has it moved forward any? Anything new discovered? For 125 years capable people have been trying to make some sort of connection out of all of this and still absolutely nothing. If that evidence was there it would have surfaced by now, and if this was the source of the story then that evidence would be there, somewhere.

WRONG! Maj. F.C. Hutter was PAYMASTER (CSA), who was SUDDENLY "called" to Richmond, Va. (BEALE PAPERS);
after the CONFEDERATE WAR, F.C. worked in the City of Lynchburg, Va. Internal Revenue Service "under" Capt. Rives (CSA), who MAY have known (Confederate Treasure Coverup), and would have known of "sudden wealth). F.C. was grand-son of J.B. Risque; Julia's "connection" was HANCOCK of DOI.

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So you're suggesting Littlefield and Sherlock Holms told Ward and Hutter how to do it......"Brilliant!" :thumbsup::laughing7:

So you're suggesting Littlefield and Sherlock Holms told Ward and Hutter how to do it......"Brilliant!" :thumbsup::laughing7:
:coffee2: That French roast got you talking strange. You know it was Girard convinced Buford to do it while passing around a hookah after reading ALICE IN WONDERLAND, a literary allegory about the East India Co opium trade and Queen Victoria's response. :laughing7:

:coffee2: That French roast got you talking strange. You know it was Girard convinced Buford to do it while passing around a hookah after reading ALICE IN WONDERLAND, a literary allegory about the East India Co opium trade and Queen Victoria's response. :laughing7:


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