LivWell pot shop is great!

Two basic types of addiction.. physical addiction and Psychological addiction.

I believe cannabis is more of a psychological addiction.. my opinion is based on being a hippie at an early age.:laughing7:
Now my coffee is both a psychological and physical addiction! If I go half a day without coffee I get a bad headache and real *****ee!:laughing7:
Caffeine withdrawal....

Cannabis high in CBD isn't addictive, it produces no "high", and no side effects.
And is now given to children as young as 2 years old!

This research is current and changing daily.

Cannabis and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Leafly

CBD. That is interesting, no "high" isn't additive and no side effects.[/QUOTE]

The plant is VERY complicated... it can be both psychosis and anti-psychosis depending on the part you use!
Also the THC-A in the plant has to be heated before it becomes THC for your high. This is called "decarboxylation".
This is done from the heat of you joint when smoked. If you make oil from the plant it must be heated to convert the THC-A to THC and
the CBD-A to CBD.

(Quote removed for rule violation)

Excuse me,are you referring to me? I believe its against the rules to insult other members here . If you were insulted by my joke thread about college students you can walk on by like others have been told to do. I'm not judging others for smoking pot just incredulous how it's being touted as not being unhealthy for recreational use.

Jumping out of a plane is unhealthy for recreational use. Going diving can be unhealthy recreational use. How about we make some serious tax dollars on this and fix some problems in this country. Theres alot of vets out there that need better care. There alot of kids that need education. The benefits of legalization outways the harm many times over.

sponge using smoke signals.

CBD. That is interesting, no "high" isn't additive and no side effects.

The plant is VERY complicated... it can be both psychosis and anti-psychosis depending on the part you use!
Also the THC-A in the plant has to be heated before it becomes THC for your high. This is called "decarboxylation".
This is done from the heat of you joint when smoked. If you make oil from the plant it must be heated to convert the THC-A to THC and
the CBD-A to CBD.[/QUOTE]

And hemp! Makes great rope...and clothing.

This pharmaceutical company is located in England.. it is on the cutting edge in cannabis medicine.

Take a tour!


I love me some coffee.

sponge using smoke signals.

The high CBD oil used as medicine is a cross between industrial hemp and marijuana.
They are both cannabis but, different types.

Again, I haven't been around many who smoked pot, and only once actually saw someone do it. That was the only time in my life that I have seen a mj cigarette. I have a nephew who smoked it for several years. I was around him several times; but never really noticed that he was 'different'. He went to work one morning, doing his job, then left for lunch. When he came back he was 'high'. He was fired from his job. According to his wife, he went home and got a bit higher. After dark that night, he went to the place he had worked and set fire to the building. It was totaled. I don't remember what it was the police found in the alley behind the building that belonged to him; but it cost him almost 20 years in prison. The DA said he was going to make it a special effort to get the maximum sentence in this case. He did, 30 years. The nephew is out on parole now and from what I hear, is doing ok.

I'm not saying that mj isn't good for medical use. I'm saying that as long as it is not controlled, there will be more instances like this. I smoked tobacco for 40 years, couldn't quit, until I was, in effect, made to quit for health reasons. Now I drink, started about 4 years ago. I shouldn't drink. Am I no better than the pot smokers? It depends on how the pot smokers are affected by the amount they smoke; and a lot depends on where they do it. I see that several are saying that most smoke at home. Ok, that's how I drink. I wait until late in the evening to take a drink. I would be too afraid to get behind the wheel of a vehicle after even a small drink. Partly because I might be misled in my feelings about how affected I am; but also because I feel I am one of 'those people' who get caught doing anything that they shouldn't be doing. lol I won't say that I have never driven when drinking; but probably less than any other person that drinks. Am I 'proud' that I'm able to say this? There is nothing to be 'proud' of in that statement. I'm also not proud that I drink.

If everything that affects a person's mental and physical capabilities was done in a manner that didn't affect anyone else, then we wouldn't be posting on this thread. But as long as any of it is not controlled (by the law, or by the person doing it) there are going to be instances of bad happenings.

This pharmaceutical company is located in England.. it is on the cutting edge in cannabis medicine.

Take a tour!

Interesting 9. The first experience I had with THC used medically was in the early 90's. A guy I knew in town had full blown AIDS from IV drug use and THC was prescribed to him to attempt to get his apatite back. The other meds he was taking were making him too sick to eat. It reminded me of vitamin E. An oil in a soft cap. It worked somewhat but he didn't live long after that. Great guitar player. Blues and folk singer.
As far as most people knew THC wasn't available for anyone at the time. It was kept secret.
Like the guy in the film said, for a plant that's been used medically for 3000 years it's surprising how little is known. One result of having cops and politicians making medical decisions for us.

National Recreational Legalization can't get here soon enough!

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Alcohol fueled civil disobedience

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Cannabis fueled civil disobedience

One habit is no better then the other,"except for the good one's'. for example, in my opinion nicotine is the biggest gateway drug out there,cigarets kills allot of people,who in some cases need weed in some form for the pain while they are dieing of cancer.As far as recreational use goes, I believe Marijuana should be a matter of choice,just like any other legal, mild sedative.I am not saying the stuff is good for anyone's health,but nothing is. I would even go as far to say that junk food is probably more harmful for someone than weed.I am not really even a big fan of the stuff ,beer is my downfall,but I do know what it is and is about!

US Patent 6630507 titled “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants” which is assigned to The United States of America, as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services.
The patent claims that -
“Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia.”

The patent was obtained in October of 2003.

So.. The United States of America, as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services, has a patent on "Cannabinoids".

And just where to you get "Cannabinoids"? The cannabis plant has over 60 different ones!

And the same government has cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug, which is...

"Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence"


Did you know the government knew cannabis will kill cancer cells? When did they know this?

In 1974 researchers learned that THC, the active chemical in marijuana, shrank or destroyed brain tumors in test mice. But the DEA quickly shut down the study and destroyed its results, which were never replicated until after the year 2000.
In 1976 President Gerald Ford put an end to all public cannabis research and granted exclusive research rights to major pharmaceutical companies, who set out -- unsuccessfully -- to develop synthetic forms of THC that would deliver all the medical benefits without the "high."


He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man. - Psalm 104:14

Sponge, please no posting of religion, Scotter please do not insult members both violate our rules....

Back on the subject of PTSD...

Would you believe one of the most advanced countries on medical cannabis research is Israel!?

Dr. Raphael Mechoulam is an Israeli organic chemist and professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
In 1964 he made the discovery and isolated the main active principle of cannabis... THC.
Dr. Mechoulam and his team, along with research scientist in Madrid, Spain, are the scientist who discovered that THC/CBD would reduce or eliminate epileptic seizures using cannabis oil high in CBD. The scientist in Madrid are the first ones who discovered it would also kill cancer cells without harming the surrounding good/healthy cells.

Dr. Mechoulam is researching the effects of using cannabis as a help to rid soldiers who have PTSD in a large study in Israel.
He stated the study is showing great promise and believes using cannabis will reduce the traumatic effects of war.
That it will tone down the mind and allow the soldiers to "forget" the bad experiences.

I believe the real "high" from cannabis will be in the future medical discoveries!

"We assume the deaths of these two young men occurred due to arrhythmias evoked by smoking cannabis," but this assumption does not rule out that the men were predisposed to cardiovascular risks, they wrote."

A half million deaths directly related to tobacco a year.....

Over 100,000 deaths a year directly related to alcohol..

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