LivWell pot shop is great!

Excuse me,are you referring to me? I believe its against the rules to insult other members here .

Hmmm... the word insult appears three times in the "TreasureNet Rules."

They are quoted below for future reference

Insults, and personal attacks against our moderators will not be tolerated and may be grounds for account deletion and banning.

You may not.... Insult moderators, or denigrate the duties they perform.

Don't attack, provoke, insult, or deliberately offend anyone.

Who knows . . .

Eh I'm a big girl Chad,not my style to go running to the mods but thanks for the support. I'm not afraid of marijuana by all means and have smoked it myself back in the day but anything that you do to excess is detrimental and causes failures in marriages,loss of jobs,etc. and if you can't agree on that maybe you just don' t want to face the music. I'm not saying pot is worse than alcohol just that overuse of both recreationally causes problems,any fool knows that.


I guess I should have asked you earlier to join me at my little grow... but, we're to late! *snif*

I had this little pot field just outside the big city of GRUETLI-LAAGER, TN... heck, I never thought they would find the town, much less the patch! But, they did!

I only lost 37,000 plants... *snif*... and they got it all... *snif*. Had some that were 14 feet high and over 3" at the base.


Would you believe many think just because it's not legal that no one is smoking this stuff... I got news for ya!!??:laughing7:

UP IN SMOKE: Plants from massive pot-growing operation burned - WSMV Channel 4

I have seen cancer patiants use marijuana...but in candy, brownies etc. They are older people..would never smoke it, just to get high. They do not understand the pros and cons of recreational usage. The pot today is wicked strong! it will put you to can and will hallucinate. Stoners (the recreational dudes ) generally stay at home. To ripped to go outside! But..alcohol has been around for YEARS.
Accepted. Pot kills brain cells,as does alcohol. Coffee and coke a cola makes you bounce around. red bull makes you FLAIL around!!
Prescription drugs cause all kinds of problems. Vegans claim meat is bad. meat eaters claim lack of protein is bad. Rockers like..well rock.
Country music fans like ...well country!. But some like both!
Some guys like girls,some guys like guys...some girls like...girls and guys!:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:
My point? ummmmmmm not really sure....

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It is not against the rules to imply or insult a group in general as in that group of college kids are idiots, it does violate our rule to insult a member.

TheGoldProspector your comment on not expecting intelligent comment from CG was an insult, please do not insult members..

I have never been a pot smoker, but everyone I know has and or still does. I feel that if it is legal to smoke you should not lose your job unless you just smoked it, just as you should if you are drinking on the job. I grew up in a alcoholic family (both side) and I can't stand being around someone that is drunk. Most are rude, loud, mean. And want to fight. I have never seen anyone act like that smoking pot (alone) if mixed with other stuff that would not count. My daughter is bi-polar. And she smokes it for that. And let me tell you I wish they had medical pot a long time ago. My grandkids do also. If you have ever been around someone like that you know what I mean. Most people that smoke pot. (not talking about 16 year olds) like to do it at home and stay there. I have seen people on coke, speed, shooting up, lsd, acid, alcohol, and I can say that I would much rather be around a pot smoker than any of the others. Even though I think the stuff stinks. Well that' my fifteen cents. (inflation you know):laughing7:

Anybody that has a psychiatric illness ie bi-polar..should NEVER use drugs..

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Anybody that has a psychiatric illness ie bi-polar..should NEVER use drugs..

Those I've been around who did not take prescribed stabilizers were not better off than when they took them. Granted that is a limited survey on my part.
Marijuana as a drug does not trouble me,abuse does of course. Ramp down time with less side effects than many other drugs one factor.
A problem while more noticeable now has been around a long time that goes back to abuse. Many humans are susceptible to misusing everything from modeling glue to aerosol fumes and gasoline. The lure of the pretty shiny leads to an avoidable trap. Coffee,computers,a perfect patch of lawn ect. It is understandable recreational use is frowned upon when examples of overindulgence are compared to what it can be used for. Someone who takes a couple hits and is not doing anything most prescription drugs state on the label,driving ect. is less a concern than someone working on a pint ,to me anyway. I do not care to see much alcohol consumed with MJ. Very bad as the vomit reflex is nulled and has led to overdose and death. While not common what effect of near death is measured. They pulled everclear off the shelves here years ago over it. Though today a milder version available. It still goes back to the nature of abuse. The crackheads,the heroin addicts,meth heads, all got there easy. The gateway in the mind allowed the transition, not what was abused first. Always something to abuse available. The price can often be appalling.

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Bi polar disorder is one of the illnesses which qualifies for medical mj in MA. I think some folks here must watch the inane movie from the 30s, "Reefer Madness" over and over. The largest drug problem in our country is the abuse of prescription (legal) drugs, largely by those with legal prescriptions. Most of these are drugs which impair thinking and motor skills. Drugs such as speed (meth, diet pills, etc), alcohol, and even coffee (yes, caffeine is a drug and many are truly addicted to it) all cause aggressive behavior. MJ tends to cause relaxation and ambivalence, people on mj don't fight in bars or the streets. The combination of caffeine and sugar is a volatile mix, causing aggression in many people, and often the stimulator of such aggression as road rage in morning commutes. One problem is that many of us have been brainwashed by inane government propaganda for so long that it will take years after the legalization for many to realize that it (mj) is actually a pretty tame drug with little in the way of harmful side effects or adverse effects on society and that it indeed has many beneficial medical qualities. Alcohol and tobacco (yes, nicotine is a powerful drug) are the leaders in bodily harm and death in the world, yet are perfectly legal in most countries. They put warning signs on tobacco products here in the USA, but they do not ban it simply because of all the huge tax revenue it generates. Government sanctioned harm and death by drug. I am not saying everybody should run out and smoke some weed, just that is has become proven to be a lot less dangerous than most of the other drugs out there. Let's see what happens if all you coffee addicts try facing your day without your fix for a week, perhaps then you will realize how addicted you are. If you succeed for a month and lose your addiction you may be surprised at the fact that you really didn't need it after all. Now, let's all go on a nice hunt and find some cool stuff whether stoned, drunk, caffeinated, smoking cigs, or on your MD prescribed meds, or perfectly straight as arrows!! We could all do this together and have fun regardless as to our beliefs and addictions!!

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squiggy;4119453]Anybody that has a psychiatric illness ie bi-polar..should NEVER use drugs.. -----

Refer to myfantasia's post!! MJ has been approved for bi polar disorder treatment in many states and has been proven an effective treatment, actually better than any other according to families of those so afflicted. You say those so afflicted should never use drugs?? What do you think the MDs have been pumping into them for years?? Thorazine and many other drugs. The dark ages are over, let the truth and light in!!

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

Anybody that has a psychiatric illness ie bi-polar..should NEVER use drugs.. Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk
Under what merit? Children are being pumped with Pharm Drugs Everyday of they year.let alone adults of voting age
This thread has gotten far out of control

As a professional I have an opinion I stick by..because something is approved doesn't mean it's a good thing..
I'm stating my professional belief don't need to agree

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

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And that's how substance abuse approach for ptsd is good twice weekly therapy to process the emotions

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And that's how substance abuse approach for ptsd is good twice weekly therapy to process the emotions

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You need to research this a little more.. on going test are showing positive results using high CBD cannabis for PTSD.

Hey Squig, don,t take my raised eyebrow regarding treatment of bi-polar as an insult. When seeing someone manic who is off their treatment I ,right or wrong have associated it with not taking meds when it's known to have been effective for them when regimen followed as prescribed in their case.. Meds are not always the answer to every thing I understand. A holistic approach has long ranging affect for some conditions and not being a professional leaves ignorant doubt in my mind of what treatment ,depending on individual, is most likely effective in bi-polar disorders. Treatment with a professional consultant should be more effective than experimentation, and hit or miss trials of self medication is hard to argue as most efficient. Symptoms needing to be understood a critical part, treatment too. More trials and studies will gain more insight in time.
Pharms vs farms vs holistic vs health,short and long term side effects and effectiveness.

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We are pumping kids and adults full of man made drugs with many side effects and yet deny pot works even with proof it does.... That is because of 70 years of Gov propaganda. ..

General use of cannabis for PTSD Symptoms
Raphael Mechoulam, Ph.D.

Dr. Mechoulam is the Israeli scientist who identified THC as the psychoactive compound in marijuana, and decades later he discovered the brain's endocannabinoid system and the endogenous neurotransmitter anandamide. He is one of the most respected Israeli neuroscientists and has been a senior advisor to the Israeli government on marijuana policy and the ethics of research with human subjects. He discussed his experiments demonstrating the neuroprotective effects of the endocannabinoid system in mice that have had traumatic injuries to the brain. He believes the neuroprotective effects of marijuana may eventually have applications for other neurological and psychiatric conditions, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Another fascinating discovery, one with implications for PTSD, is that the cannabinoid system is integrally related to memory, specifically to memory extinction. Memory extinction is the normal, healthy process of removing associations from stimuli. Dr. Mechoulam explained that an animal which has been administered an electric shock after a certain noise will eventually forget about the shock after the noise appears alone for a few days. Mice without cannabinoid systems simply never forget - they continue to cringe at the noise indefinitely.
This has implications for patients with PTSD, who respond to stimuli that remind them of their initial trauma even when it is no longer appropriate. By aiding in memory extinction, marijuana could help patients reduce their association between stimuli (perhaps loud noises or stress) and the traumatic situations in their past. Working with Army psychiatrists, Dr. Mechoulam has obtained the necessary approvals for a study on PTSD in Israeli veterans, and hopes to begin the study soon.
The Alternative Medical Journal: General use of cannabis for PTSD Symptoms.

Despite the anecdotal evidence to the contrary, most of the experimental studies that have been conducted so far indicate that by and large the administration of exogenous cannabinoids such as vaporizing therapeutic cannabis may not be the most reliable nor effective means of utilizing the eCB system to treat anxiety and aversive memories such as those formed in PTSD. For reliable and truly effective treatment of these conditions it appears that restricting eCB breakdown by way of FAAH inhibition is the best target discovered so far within the eCB system. (The other eCB targets include the two primary receptors CB1/CB2, vanilloid receptors, eCB reuptake, as well as eCB production.) To this end, Kadmus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has started to express serious interest in marketing a new FAAH inhibitor they have developed, currently code-named KDS-4103. KDS-4103 appears to have a lot of potential from a pharmacological perspective. Even though it produces analgesic, anxiolitic, and anti-depressant effects it otherwise does not produce a classic cannabis-like effect profile and animals easily discriminate between THC and KDS-4103. All this indicates that KDS-4103 does not produce a “high” like THC and other direct CB1 agonists. KDS-4103 is orally active in mammals and fails to elicit a systemic toxicity even at repeated dosages of 1,500mg/kg body mass. All other available evidence to date also suggests a very high therapeutic margin for KDS-4103. All in all, considering that the kinds of events which usually precipitate PTSD in most individuals often also involve pain, KDS-4103 seems like it may be just about the perfect medication.
So what should all this mean to the individual? Anecdotal evidence says by and large the use of therapeutic cannabis provides a significant improvement in quality of life both for those suffering from this malady and for their family and friends. Whether or not this is taking the fullest advantage possible of the eCB system in the treatment of PTSD is yet to be seen. Mostly the use of cannabis and THC to treat PTSD in humans appears to provide symptomological relief at best. In and of itself, there is nothing wrong with symptomological relief. That's what taking aspirin for a headache, a diuretic for high blood pressure, opiates to control severe pain, or olanzapine for rapid-cycling mania is all about. We do have the potential, however, to do better than just treating symptoms of PTSD via activation of the cannabinoid receptors. With the right combination of extinction/habituation therapy and the judicious administration of a FAAH inhibitor like KDS-4103 we have the potential to actually cure many cases of PTSD. For the time being though, symptomological treatments are all we have for more generalized anxiety and depression disorders.
If an individual were to want to get the most out of using therapeutic cannabis to improve a PTSD condition they should try to use low to moderate doses with as stable a blood level as possible for general anxiety and depression symptoms. Oral cannabis produces more stable blood levels. Since peak levels will produce the most soporific effect, administration of oral cannabis right before bed should produce the most benefits for improving sleep patterns. If the goal is to use cannabis to facilitate extinction of the response to PTSD triggers than small to moderate doses of cannabis vapors should be administered shortly before planned exposure to the trigger. A series of regular extinction sessions will produce better results than a single session. If cannabis appears to make aversion, fear, or aversive memories worse then the dosage should be lowered. If feelings of fear do not improve with lower dose then discontinue use of cannabis as fear-extinction aide.
In light of all evidence currently available, it is striking that the FDA refuses to investigate cannabinoids for the treatment of anxiety disorders like PTSD yet they have approved studies of MDMA, the club drug Ecstasy, for the treatment of PTSD (Doblin, 2002). Even if you do not accept cannabis as the answer itself, it should be hard to accept that by and large we still have not found effective and reliable ways to utilize the eCB system in modern western medicine. After all, the most potent (meaning it takes the least amount to produce a threshold effect) substance know to humans is not LSD as many still assume but is instead a derivative of fentanyl, know as Carfentanil. The threshold dosages for LSD and Carfentanil are 20-30µg (micrograms) and 1µg, respectively (Wikipedia, 2 & 3). This makes Carfentanil 10,000 times more potent than morphine, 100 times more potent than fentanyl, and 20-30 times more potent than LSD. At least up until 2005 and unlike LSD, Carfentanil was(is?) regulated as a Schedule II substance in the US (Erowid). For those that do not know, this means that despite perceived extreme dangers from use or abuse of this drug it is still assumed to have medical value. With the lives and well being of so many veterans AND private citizens at stake, those in the scientific community and police makers alike cannot afford to miss the wake up call. Even a child should be able to see the hypocrisy evident in the relative policies concerning cannabinoids and opiates. It is time to fix this appalling imbalance in our policies concerning the pharmacopia or else be the laughing stock of future generations.

Hey Squig, don,t take my raised eyebrow regarding treatment of bi-polar as an insult. When seeing someone manic who is off their treatment I ,right or wrong have associated it with not taking meds when it's known to have been effective for them when regimen followed as prescribed in their case.. Meds are not always the answer to every thing I understand. A holistic approach has long ranging affect for some conditions and not being a professional leaves ignorant doubt in my mind of what treatment ,depending on individual, is most likely effective in bi-polar disorders. Treatment with a professional consultant should be more effective than experimentation, and hit or miss trials of self medication is hard to argue as most efficient. Symptoms needing to be understood a critical part, treatment too. More trials and studies will gain more insight in time.
Pharms vs farms vs holistic vs health,short and long term side effects and effectiveness.

I agree..😊 RC

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Hey Squig, don,t take my raised eyebrow regarding treatment of bi-polar as an insult. When seeing someone manic who is off their treatment I ,right or wrong have associated it with not taking meds when it's known to have been effective for them when regimen followed as prescribed in their case.. Meds are not always the answer to every thing I understand. A holistic approach has long ranging affect for some conditions and not being a professional leaves ignorant doubt in my mind of what treatment ,depending on individual, is most likely effective in bi-polar disorders. Treatment with a professional consultant should be more effective than experimentation, and hit or miss trials of self medication is hard to argue as most efficient. Symptoms needing to be understood a critical part, treatment too. More trials and studies will gain more insight in time.
Pharms vs farms vs holistic vs health,short and long term side effects and effectiveness.

Hey RC..I wasn't suggesting that bi-polar folks not take meds..I was talking about ptsd

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A lot of research is going on behind the scene backed by Uncle Sam!

Many believe the increase they have requested at their farm at Old Miss is for PTSD Symptoms?

We are going to see a lot of changes in the coming few years on laws and policies on cannabis!


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