LivWell pot shop is great!

As for the way bodies react to smoking, drinking, doping, etc., it's kinda off how these things affect different people. One of my wife's uncles smoked for 40 years, I smoked for 40 years. He is about 8 years older than I am, so he quit about 8 years before I did. He and his son were beginning to run in marathons about the time he quit. I have some clippings of them in running in marathons in Houston and Ft. Worth. In later years, he began having trouble with his heart and a knee problem. He had a knee replacement and went through the rehab and started running again after he received his pacemaker. He placed second in a 5K marathon race in Houston after all these problems. He fell doing some work around the house (may have been on a ladder); but his hip was gave him a lot of pain afterward. After Xrays, he was told that it was just sore and needed exercise. After several weeks of trying to rehab the hip, he went back to the doctor and told him that something was seriously wrong, that it seemed worse each day. Another Xray showed the ball of the ball/socket in his hip was broken completely off. After surgery and rehab, he began mowing some of his friends lawns, but never got back to the marathon running. During these last few months, he has started jogging!

I quit in 2000, after 40 years of smoking. I retired in 2004 and stayed busy around the house doing some repairs, added a room, etc., then began walking. After about a year of 'retirement', I went to work as a 'Wally World' greeter. After my wife died in 2006, I began selling everything preparing to move up here to Idaho. After moving up here, I began walking again; from 2 to 3+ miles several days a week. After I moved here with my daughter and her family, I did quite a bit of work on the house; but in 2011, I began to seriously be affected by COPD. Now, as most of the you who have read my posts know, I'm on inhalers, sometimes on oxygen, and not in very good health.

As I said, things affect different people in different ways. He smoked 40 years, I smoked 40 years. His breathing is still ok, although he is almost 80 years old. Mine is not.

A close friend and co-worker, came to work one Monday morning (in about 1974) and told me about his sister that died of lung cancer. He said she was an old maid, a school teacher, and had been around smokers very little during her life. She had never smoked; but died of lung cancer. One never knows.

We are all different...
I've read a great deal on herbal medicine and have seen many times where it may help one and not another, which is true for any drug.
One possible problem is people who have and allergy to certain plants. This is the reason it's best to start any new medicine with a small amount until you can see how it effects you.

The reason doctors can't give a positive that cannabis has killed someone is because there is no set prior standard.
On "average" you can't overdose on cannabis. But, if you do have heart problems, it just maybe enough to cross the line.
This isn't the same with alcohol, cocaine, heroin and many other drugs because from prior knowledge the toxicologist know at what levels will kill. The true amount of people that die from cannabis is such a small number that a set amount can't be calculated.

From everything I've read on COPD, Doctors are saying they have no known cure and many times the drugs they prescribed have been of little help or have made the condition worse.
I have no first hand knowledge if cannabis can help.. but many reports says it will. Such as this...

"At the relatively young age of 36, Jeff Waters was diagnosed with COPD. Eight years later he had to be rushed to an ER during another bout with bronchitis.

Lung scarring was discovered, and his condition was raised to stage 2 COPD. While prescribing several pharmaceuticals, the doctor told him that it would continue to get worse and eventually kill him.

Jeff did continue to get worse. He was unable to climb a flight of stairs and he wound up with stage 3 COPD and an oxygen canister to prove it. Showering and shaving without his oxygen supply turned out to be almost too arduous of a task.

Then an allergic reaction to a prescribed high blood pressure medication put him on life support in ICU with severe pneumonia for a month. After his recovery, he resolved to handle his COPD without mainstream medical interventions.

Jeff found COPD sufferers online who had resolved their COPD issues with cannabis oil. He networked with them and found his own sources for cannabis oil.

After only two months of using the oil, Jeff went off oxygen and all the pharmaceuticals he had been prescribed. He now walks two to five miles daily and claims that cannabis oil has allowed him "to get his life back."

This was taken at this link...
Cannabis oil from marijuana is having success treating COPD -

Also from the American Cancer Society website...Marijuana

"Some supporters claim that marijuana has anti-bacterial properties, inhibits tumor growth, and enlarges the airways, which they believe can ease the severity of asthma attacks. Others claim that marijuana can be used to control seizures and muscle spasms in people who have epilepsy and spinal cord injuries."

We are all different...
I've read a great deal on herbal medicine and have seen many times where it may help one and not another, which is true for any drug.
One possible problem is people who have and allergy to certain plants. This is the reason it's best to start any new medicine with a small amount until you can see how it effects you.

The reason doctors can't give a positive that cannabis has killed someone is because there is no set prior standard.
On "average" you can't overdose on cannabis. But, if you do have heart problems, it just maybe enough to cross the line.
This isn't the same with alcohol, cocaine, heroin and many other drugs because from prior knowledge the toxicologist know at what levels will kill. The true amount of people that die from cannabis is such a small number that a set amount can't be calculated.

From everything I've read on COPD, Doctors are saying they have no known cure and many times the drugs they prescribed have been of little help or have made the condition worse.
I have no first hand knowledge if cannabis can help.. but many reports says it will. Such as this...

"At the relatively young age of 36, Jeff Waters was diagnosed with COPD. Eight years later he had to be rushed to an ER during another bout with bronchitis.

Lung scarring was discovered, and his condition was raised to stage 2 COPD. While prescribing several pharmaceuticals, the doctor told him that it would continue to get worse and eventually kill him.

Jeff did continue to get worse. He was unable to climb a flight of stairs and he wound up with stage 3 COPD and an oxygen canister to prove it. Showering and shaving without his oxygen supply turned out to be almost too arduous of a task.

Then an allergic reaction to a prescribed high blood pressure medication put him on life support in ICU with severe pneumonia for a month. After his recovery, he resolved to handle his COPD without mainstream medical interventions.

Jeff found COPD sufferers online who had resolved their COPD issues with cannabis oil. He networked with them and found his own sources for cannabis oil.

After only two months of using the oil, Jeff went off oxygen and all the pharmaceuticals he had been prescribed. He now walks two to five miles daily and claims that cannabis oil has allowed him "to get his life back."

This was taken at this link...
Cannabis oil from marijuana is having success treating COPD -

Also from the American Cancer Society website...Marijuana

"Some supporters claim that marijuana has anti-bacterial properties, inhibits tumor growth, and enlarges the airways, which they believe can ease the severity of asthma attacks. Others claim that marijuana can be used to control seizures and muscle spasms in people who have epilepsy and spinal cord injuries."

Its funny how the natural meds have been there all along. Actually its not funny. Good read.

sponge using smoke signals.

In natural, or herbal medicine, many times the most benefits have been seen when using two or more together.
And many times different parts of the same plant are good for different conditions and combining two more parts maybe used to target a condition.

In China, Ginseng has been used almost as long as cannabis. The men there believe it gives them a better sex life and more energy.
But, what isn't as well known is when you combine both the ginseng root with the ginseng berries, you get one of the best weight loss
medicines known!

Any one here hunt ginseng!?
I just sent off my application for one of the 40 permits which is a draw hunt in the Cherokee National Forest... maybe they'll draw my name this year? I have some private land I can hunt.. but, I know several locations where it's located in the NF in the area that will be open this year... which is the area between the Georgia state line to the Ocoee River. Ginseng grows best on the north side of mountains and ridges, it likes the cooler temps with low sun light under the shade of mature trees. In the section that's open this year is Big Frog Mountain, on the north side between the 2,000 to the 3,000 foot level is the best place to hunt.

Looking east from my home, Big Frog Mountain...


Talk has it that ginseng might bring between $700-$800 a pound this year? That will be like walking around and picking up $5 bills off the ground... hard to do with a metal detector!:laughing7:

US Patent 6630507 titled “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants” which is assigned to The United States of America, as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services.
The patent claims that -
“Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA receptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia.”

The patent was obtained in October of 2003.

So.. The United States of America, as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services, has a patent on "Cannabinoids".

And just where to you get "Cannabinoids"? The cannabis plant has over 60 different ones!

And the same government has cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug, which is...

"Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence"


Did you know the government knew cannabis will kill cancer cells? When did they know this?

In 1974 researchers learned that THC, the active chemical in marijuana, shrank or destroyed brain tumors in test mice. But the DEA quickly shut down the study and destroyed its results, which were never replicated until after the year 2000.
In 1976 President Gerald Ford put an end to all public cannabis research and granted exclusive research rights to major pharmaceutical companies, who set out -- unsuccessfully -- to develop synthetic forms of THC that would deliver all the medical benefits without the "high."


He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man. - Psalm 104:14
I agree 100%.
What people don't like are the "stoners" "dope heads" "druggies"
Most will never accept or not.
benificial or not.
I understand...kinda. bros that were there, smoked weed.
Anti war protesters back"home" smoked weed!
?? Hmmmm

It will take several more years to erase the stigma that's been placed on this plant... it will take the real medical benefits to become known.
Follow the money to know who really wants it to remain illegal... Big Pharma's profits on their "poison" will be over 1 billion dollars again this year.
When cannabis was made illegal in the mid-30's it was to protect big timber and DuPont's new synthetic fiber... which hemp could replace both! And now.. do you think big pharma would like to see you grow a plant in your backyard that would take millions from their profit!?

Number 9, that is an interesting article you posted. I 'favorited' the site that tells about the oil. I'll check it out later. It would be interesting to find something that would help my COPD besides all the meds that I take, plus meds for HBP, acid reflux, and cholesterol. Thanks!

County Fair-goers: We were fed pot-laced chocolate

another black eye to the potheads! Dude, I didn't know that was the pot choc.

Let's see.. I'm going to the Denver County Fair's new pot pavilion and buy some chocolate from the LivWell vendor that doesn't have THC! Why would they even sell chocolate without THC!? :icon_scratch:

Not a good idea even if they say it doesn't contain marijuana! I don't believe all the facts have been told about this?

On a better note..

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Marijuana's Disturbing DNA: Biotech Researcher Finds Feces, Mold - Businessweek

'worm dude - dinner's over.' Bob and ted's excellent adventure *L*

The article almost sounds like a promotional add for her new start-up company?
If she had tested the hamburgers at several fast food places, she would have discovered fecal bacteria and vaginal bacteria in samples too.

If a person is taking cannabis with THC for pain over time, it wouldn't take them long to discover if what they bought was good or not.
Oil high in CBD would be harder to determine the percentage until a kid showed no effects preventing their seizures.
At this time about the only CBD oil I would trust would be from the Stanley brothers, or through the foundation they have..
the Realm of Caring Foundation. Realm of Caring - Home

About the only way to get a consistent content would be to clone, even then on going testing would be needed to make sure a batch is within range. This is the way GW Pharmaceuticals standardize their oil.

You can send a sample to a testing lab to check to see what the content a plant has, then clone based on results.
This will be common when people are allowed to grow their own medicine in their state AND the government drops cannabis to a
Sch 2. This would be cheaper than buying oil from a pharmaceutical.

It's simply amazing how people will blame a "drug" for "ruining people's lives". That human being ruined their life, nothing else. The very air we breathe and food we eat is more frightening than most "drugs". If you want to discuss a dangerous drug, let's talk about Benzodiazepines that doctors shove down everyone's throats.

i agree bunt bear,going to have to look up w.b yeats too,thanks for bringing him to my attention.

At 81 years old.. you would think Willie would have lung cancer as long as he smoked pot?

James Garner was 86. smoked cannabis for 50 years.. but, didn't get lung cancer.
He died from a heart attack.

And I guess you wouldn't believe me if I said smoking only pot your chance of getting lung cancer is LESS than someone who has never smoked!

.. but, you wouldn't believe me.:laughing7:

The key word in the title is "may".. and in the article you see "It’s unclear", "research is limited", "may increase", "The study cannot prove that pot use in the teen years caused the men to end up on disability later in life", "Despite the study's limitations", "possible health and social consequences"...
another guessing game article.

You can read just about anything good or bad about herbal medicine, depending if they are "pro" or "con"...
I don't put much in either.

About the only real facts are straight from the research scientist.. even then you must ask yourself about their past history in medical research.

NY teen gets 5 to 15 years for wreck that killed 4

"A New York City man who was high on marijuana and speeding at over 100 mph when he crashed his brand-new sports car into a tree on a Long Island highway, killing four of his friends, has been sentenced to 5-to-15 years in prison."

"An expert testified that because Beer was a chronic marijuana smoker, his body's ability to process the active ingredient in marijuana may be different from someone who is an occasional user.

Before imposing sentence, the judge noted weeks after the crash, Beer had his bail revoked because he failed a drug test for marijuana. "He must be punished," Sullivan said, calling the crash, "one of the most horrific scenes in the county's history.""

He only had a learner’s permit and was the only one wearing a seat belt... sad thing.

That's what happens when Drugs are involved!!

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