LivWell pot shop is great!

i wish that everyone could just leave it all alone,get high on life that is the best.i think you only do something to replace what you are missing in life.alot of the ones i knew messed up thier lives with the other drugs,i had a girlfriend that looked better than barbi die from coke,my friend threw my boss down a flight of stairs because he was drunk while at his interview that i had set up,you have to be happy with yourself,no drug will do that for you,as you can not lie to yourself.i do not condone any of it but if liquer is legal so should pot.i have seen that the ones who smoke do not want to kill everything to solve a problem,but like i said the best drug is to be happy about yourself.

My point is as a free adult citizens what we do in our homes that is harming no one else is our on business.....

You are far more impaired driving with a hangover and no alcohol at all in your system than 3 days or 3 weeks after smoking pot.....

Awesome! I will tell my boss, and future employers that Treasure Hunter has my back, lets get high! I wont have to worry about a career anymore, I'll just have to find a job.:dontknow:

Awesome! I will tell my boss, and future employers that Treasure Hunter has my back, lets get high! I wont have to worry about a career anymore, I'll just have to find a job.:dontknow:

Dave your a big boy, what you do is your business.....As I have said several times, I have not smoked pot in over 10 years..

I have known doctors, lawyers, bankers, law enforcement officers, as well as high executives of fortune 500 companies who smoked...

Its what I don't do is the point, tried it in college, then I grew up.

I have worked with physicians and attorneys, who were mandated to treatment in order to continue to practice. .personally I would NEVER want to have a professional helping me with legal or medical problems that was a dope using individual

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Its what I don't do is the point, tried it in college, then I grew up.
Dave I am 65 and a firm believer in freedom. As long as no one else is being hurt what we do in the privacy of our homes is our business.... .We are talking about a plant that grows wild and is not processed...

As an adult I do not need any middle men, government or private between me and my freedoms...

Gotta agree w/ squiggy and Ocean7 on this, for the fact that if I burned one in the privacy of my home, then 3 weeks later some blue hair pulls in front of my truck, I slam on my brakes hard enough to set off the DriveCam, it is classified as an incident, if I happened to hit the old crow, now its an accident, with a mandatory drug test. A positive test, in the eyes of the Dept of Transportation, and the Federal Govt, is "impaired driving". =loss of career, whether its my fault or not.

What a dismal way to live each day, worrying about something from the past week, much less the last month. So much for your liberty and common sense. Living in fear over a harmless plant.

I have worked with physicians and attorneys, who were mandated to treatment in order to continue to practice. .personally I would NEVER want to have a professional helping me with legal or medical problems that was a dope using individual

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Well, never hire a lawyer then!

I am off to bed...

.We are talking about a plant that grows wild and is not processed...

As an adult I do not need any middle men, government or private between me and my freedoms...

True, but last I checked, here in Florida, the law says otherwise... In November, after voters OK the medical usage, smoke all you want (w/ a prescription...)

Dave as I told you already I have not smoked in over 10 years. Member who posted the thread lives in Colorado where state law says its legal.

I am not advocating anyone use it. I am saying what someone does in privacy of their own home that harms no one else is their business. I am old enough to know all the good and bad on it and I a!so know of the government propaganda put out on it......

whatever comes or not from using weed, I just don't want you coming around for my money if you cannot get a job or care for yourself.
You choose, you take the consequences

I think I'll go bang my head on that tree now Jeff-Gordon,lol! Thank you for moving the post to the politics board since obviously that was where it was intended to be <<< Walks in circles.

Guess I gotta have my little say. I've seen one, only one marijuana cigarette in my life. My sis had it. My wife, myself, sis, and my wife's brother were sitting on the bank fishing late one evening. My sis pulls this cig out of her purse and asks if anyone minds if she smokes it and if anyone would care to join her. She and my wife's brother shared it. So I can't say that I've been around pot smokers much (that I know about). My son-in-law used all sorts of dope when he was growing up. He doesn't anymore. He's on too many prescription meds to want anything else! Not to say that his earlier doping caused any of his present day problems; but he believes that the different kinds of dope that he smoked is what caused his lungs to be so bad. As most of you know I smoked tobacco for 40 years and have COPD really bad. For the last few years I've began imbibing alcohol quite regularly and have gradually increased the amounts.
All that said, I have to agree that anything, repeat, anything that one does in his/her own home that harms no one else, should be even belittled in any way, form, or fashion.
Although I haven't been around pot, I have been around tobacco and alcohol users. I had an uncle-by-marriage that regularly beat his wife. He left a bar one evening, got on the (former) Ft. Worth to Dallas turnpike, some way managed to cross over into the other lanes, and cause a 5 car accident. One of the boys that I went to school with was 'doping'. His girlfriend told him that she was leaving him if he didn't stop. When she walked away from his car at her home, she heard a loud report. He had shot himself to death right in front of her house.
Even if it's legal, there is not any safe addictive vices.


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Bu.. But.. what about the medical benefits!!??:laughing7:

You can pick the bad from just about anything... but you need to look at all sides before having a true opinion.

I'm 100% for the medical use of cannabis.. and I'm not a proponent of recreational use.

No other substance known to man has more medical benefits than cannabis and it's also the safest with the least side effects.

The medical benefits can be derived just as much, by taking it in other forms.most medical users do not have life threatening prob...most just abuse the system and take for every reason they can think of ie back pain etc

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