Hi Chagy,
Didn't realize that my fingers were poking out like that, will have to do something about that before we go out again. As for diving with the crew of Sea Hunter it was great, I encourage anyone that is in the area to come by and meet with Scott and Scotty Lee, both are really Great Guys. Diving with them was great cause they are willing to educate those of us whom do not go treasure hunting with metal detectors, such as myself. The way we generally treasure hunt up north (Michigan) is done either by direct visual or "blind" cause we're always digging in muck and/or silt, either way we always come home to some sort of treasure. Well, that isn't necessary always what the wife would call it, but it is to us anyhow. Primary Lessons learned, if you want to hunt for treasure in the ocean, you really need to use a metal detector, as the coins just blend into the surrounding shells and small round stones on the bottom. Since they all look pretty much the same an inexperienced person could mistaken them as shells/rock and over look them. As for my time here in Fl, have to say this has been one of the best vacations that I've had in a very long time.
Thanks Again Scott and ScottyLee,