live update from jupiter with seahunter


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Diver001 said:
It seems the "P" on pic 4 nails the mint.

Yes, that was the blatently easy to take a stab at the date? :D

Hi aarchie
I saw your post and then it was gone. We would enjoy seeing you this year, so if you get down our way get in touch and we will do some diving and some finding.

Thanks for the reply Seahunter. Yes I deleted the message when I realized my post was more about me and my plans than about the topic at hand. I figured it would be better to resend my message later by private message instead of posting it to the general forum. Glad you saw it and thanks for the reply.

Really enjoyed the story of how you managed to make it possible to live the TH dream. I think many of us share the same or similar dream. Not many of us are able to actually pull it off in the way you have done. Congratulations and thanks for the generous invite. Looking forward to seeing you this summer. I'm getting fired up and ready for some huntin'..... aarchie

We managed to find seven coins today. We will be trying again early tomorrow. More pictures to follow.


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Fane Lozman came diving with us on Thursday and he and Scotty Lee found a real nice big piece of eight. We have been trying some new locations in pursuit of a cannon we believe is there and have encountered some very new and interesting bottom terrain. I meant to take pictures but we had some engine trouble. We thought we might have lost an engine and had to limp back to the dock on one engine. That was real fun trying to back into the slip with the blowers on the back and only one engine, but I think ScottyLee can do just about anything he puts his mind to, but I would not suggest using his fins. lol. He has already fixed the motor and we are ready to get back to work. Looking forward to diving with all of you this summer.



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Stopped by Jupiter Inlet today on my way home from parts south. Lots of beach erosion as you can see from my pictures. Quite a number of beach hunters doing lots of digging. Maybe it was the rainbow I saw out over the ocean? Myself, I found a red brick down near the waterline-had black soot on it-looked much like a firebrick. What do you think?


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It looks like they are driving some pilings. Are they constructing a pier are this point?
Wonder what the building permit says.
Did you MD the area?
Nice photos.

Well the ocean laid down so we left work at lunch and grabbed the boat and we found two nice pieces of eight in the first hole and we are back up blowing the hole bigger and going back down looking for more.

Scott, can you send someone up the mast to fix that camera angle for us.


Hi Wreckdiver1715
Here is a picture from the webcam after we went up on the condo and changed the angle. lol. Hope you like it.
Congratulations on OMR.


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LOL Thanks Scott, the angle is much better now. Is that you I see working the Jupiter site! ;) Keep up the good work, and continued success at the site to you and your team.

Thanks for the words on the OMR deal. ;D Success stories like this are few and fare between in this business. However, success is very sweet when it comes as big as this.

I think that we are going to have a good season!



You and your crew are extremely blessed for having the brains and also the good health to be able to do what you are doing everyday. I have one question...How do you keep the State of FL off your back? Do they ever bother you about the wrecksite? do you think they even know about it?

Keep it up! and dont forget to come to fernandina beach to help me find some wrecks.



Hi Larry

I agree with you about being blessed with health and the good fortune to be able to legally treasure hunt here in my home town, as far as the brains part, I am sure there are people who think I am nuts spending all my time and money doing this. But it is a passion I can't rid my self of, so we just keep going in the hopes of finding the motherlode.

As far as the state of Florida is concerned, I would say we are partners, not adversaries, and we report to them on a regular basis through our archaeologist as to exactly what we are doing.

I have found the people at the state to be cooperative and courteous. My experience has been that if you treat people with respect and courtesy, they usually treat you in the same manner.

I have no complaints with anyone with the State of Florida.


Hey Seahunter that is good to know you have a working relationship with the state.

However, I just want to know how the following scenario would be handled:

Lets say, you and your crew are under water digging and you stumble upon a couple of bronze cannons, some gold crosses with emeralds, and a chest full of gold pieces.

Would your archeologist report all of these findings to the state? What percentage of the loot could you and your crew keep? Legally is it finders keepers?

Thanks for your information it is very helpful!
take care


Hi Larry
We report everything. The state is allowed to keep any one of a kind items and up to twenty percent of everything. They have been more than fair.


Dandydon came up and joined us today. We got out about noon and were able to find three coins before the winds changed and we had to leave. Here are some pictures. Thats Dandydon with the coin and ScottyLee working the detector.


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Hello Scott,

It looks like Dandydon needs new gloves ;D
I am glad you guys got to go out and find some coins...
Say hello to Scotty!!!

All the best,


Hey guys,
Great job! I know you will find some more. Im very jealous I couldnt be there to help but I guess I have to speed up the scuba class. Im good at swabbing the decks! in the mean time.
thanks for sharing the pictures too.


Hi Chagy,

Didn't realize that my fingers were poking out like that, will have to do something about that before we go out again. As for diving with the crew of Sea Hunter it was great, I encourage anyone that is in the area to come by and meet with Scott and Scotty Lee, both are really Great Guys. Diving with them was great cause they are willing to educate those of us whom do not go treasure hunting with metal detectors, such as myself. The way we generally treasure hunt up north (Michigan) is done either by direct visual or "blind" cause we're always digging in muck and/or silt, either way we always come home to some sort of treasure. Well, that isn't necessary always what the wife would call it, but it is to us anyhow. Primary Lessons learned, if you want to hunt for treasure in the ocean, you really need to use a metal detector, as the coins just blend into the surrounding shells and small round stones on the bottom. Since they all look pretty much the same an inexperienced person could mistaken them as shells/rock and over look them. As for my time here in Fl, have to say this has been one of the best vacations that I've had in a very long time.

Thanks Again Scott and ScottyLee,


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