Re: LDM why you can't get it !
Although i have been accused of not getting off of my horse, i actually have read on the subject quite a bit.

I am familiar with the stories you are talking about.
The "Four Peaks" clue is one that i believe people are misinterpreting. In my opinion, the Holmes manuscript "directions" dont ever say that the Four Peaks AND the High Needle (pointed rock) have to line up, only the Four Peaks are supposed to "line up". "In the other direction" is open to interpretations, of course, but i dont believe it HAS to be on that line you drew, it just needs to be in the other direction. (The "Needle" is obviously open to interpretation as well) (Again, just my opinion)
Although according to the Manuscript, Brownie himself thought the same thing. Either his own directions confused even him, or he didnt write it afterall. (Or i myself am wrong. Something i refuse to believe.....

All of the stories about it being a cache or some kind of treasure could very well be true. My personal thought is that it is a goldmine, not just a cache. Albeit a "special" mine, but still just a mine. I do believe its up very high. Not so high that it is too difficult to get there, but still high.
I have gone back to the "basics" myself. Meaning i am only studying the directions and clues left behind. The reasons for this are discrepancies i have found in things like the Bark notes and others.
First, based on my own research, i am a firm believer in the Walker/Weiser story. Not nessicarily the Sims version, but the letters and other stuff. I believe that to be a real account of something that did happen and that "short" story really doesnt sound like too much "garbage" was added to it.
I believe the Bark notes flat out lie in many places. I know some people are probably going to get upset but, hear me out first. Bark is describing Waltz returning to camp and finding Weiser stripped naked and dead. He buries him and leaves the FRYING PAN with BULLET HOLES above the mine on a peak somewhere. The problem......the Walker story says Weiser was ARROWS. So, who's lying? I believe Bark was. I believe he was trying to make himself look like a "detective". Like he had some "points" he could make about "discrepancies" in the story. The problem is, they were HIS stories. (In my opinion) All just to make it sound more interesting i think.
I only put stock in the directions first. That is not to say i dont have all of the "clues" written down and take them with me when i go to the mountains. I do. I'm just asking, who should we believe? To each his own but, i will take my chances following the directions, then see what else will "match up".