Silver Member
by Oro:
Springfield; I half expected you were going to bring up the supposed finding of the faker's signature on the Kensington stone, which was "Found" by the same method in which you can find the signature of Shakespeare on this page. What new evidence/findings are you referring to? Thank you in advance. <For our readers, no I do not accept that the Kensington stone is a fake, nor that it has any signature on it.>
No, that argument is pathetic, IMO. It's still my opinion that the KRS is likely an authentic engraving and that Olof Ohman had nothing to do with its creation.
What I'm referring to is the placement of the stone prior to Ohman's discovery in 1898. It's readily apparent that the KRS's coordinates occupy a node on certain geometrical patterns whose other nodes are also significant locations - significant for simple reasons not readily obvious without knowing what to look for. Using simple cartographic methods such as azimuth projections, etc., creates a remarkably precise web intersecting well-known and lesser-known alleged treasure sites in North America and elsewhere in the world. This cartographic web is extensive and has nothing to do with Scott Wolter's published findings regarding the runestone. It's not my work, but I've seen many of the details. The KRS location is only one of many significant connected nodes. It's bewildering.