Source of this information?Supposedly when Captain Kidd was in jail awaiting trial, he slipped a small note to his wife Sarah with the numbers "44106818" written on it. Some think that these numbers are a clue to the location of Kidd's hidden treasure.
Are they a secret code, or coordinates (some think it's Deer Island), or do these numbers have some other meaning? Or do you think (like me) that the story of the coded note is just a made up myth?
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Deer island coordinates, Certainly done much later as Kidd would have used a different zero meridian than the modern Greenwich.Hi Bocaj,
It's referenced in many places including on this website. (Google "Captain Kidd 44106818").
The pic that I swiped is from America Unearthed, S3, E6. "Captain Kidd's Pirate Code".
Deer island coordinates, Certainly done much later as Kidd would have used a different zero meridian than the modern Greenwich.
Certainly not Greenwich, most probably Tenerife, Canary Islands. In any case it depends more on what nautical chart he used. So for different places he could have used different prime meridians. It was quite a chaos those days and as I said it was rather depended on the charts he acquired then on his own preferences.What meridian do you think Kidd used? The Royal Observatory at Greenwich was established in 1675, and has been the official prime meridian in the UK since 1721.