Rebel you are right that Jeremy Ladd Cross wrote the book on the Chapter and Council. Now comes the fun part. Jeremy L. Cross conveyed the Webb work to T.S. Parvin of Iowa . Parvin was a a close personal friend of Pike they were both lawyers and high Masons. I have a feeling that Parvin persuaded Pike into conferring the 33rd. on J.L. Cross before his death in 1861. There is on his head stone a statement that he was a 33rd. degree of the Scottish Rite along with the symbol of the 33rd. Degree of Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. This also may have be a payback to him for the monitor for the Royal and Select Master Degrees as he came as far south as Texas in 1844. Although Pike wasn't a York Rite Mason until 1850 and didn't join the Council until 1852. The degrees were conferred on him in WASHINGTON.D.C. It does make one wonder. Here is the link to Jeremy L. Cross

As far as Jeremy L. Cross being part of the Beale Treasure it is most likely another person with the same name. I am under the impression that the Beale Treasure is nothing more that a attempt at another false Masonic legend. Plain and simple!!! Amen So Mote it Be.

Senior Deacon

LOL! The NAME "Jeremy Cross" was used... it was an interesting story with NO proof; neighbors in the surrounding "BT area" heard/saw NOTHING! LOL!

Re-reading Brown's book, (info & illustrations) causes me to actually think that ALBERT PIKE wrote it! Check it out! "On-line"!

"Needles Eye"... must have been a "sighting instrument". MAYBE, to permit sunlight on certain dates to "focus" on TREASURE site like "Indy" did in Egypt... dunno.

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As you all know, last night was the summer solstice. I had posted several symbols on this site that we have been working on to get some new ideas from you treasure hunting scholars out there. This symbol was deciphered by pinwheel as possibly directing us to look through a "needle's eye." He was 100% correct. View attachment 1012958
We located what we suspected to be the "needles eye" on this trail, but there were also two other symbols involved. These two K.G.C. symbols were deciphered by my father and I to instruct us to look through the needles eye at midnight during the summer solstice.
We obtained special permission from those officials that were necessary to do so. At midnight the constellation of Libra appeared in the "needles eye" though it was partially blocked by tree limbs.

View attachment 1012950

Believe me when I tell you.....I think I peed a little from excitement. We, with the help of pinwheel have managed to decipher the symbols left by the Knights of the Golden Circle and find what we were directed to. Below is a picture of it. After so many trial and errors, it feels pretty good to get it right.

View attachment 1012954

Thanks for all the help! L.C. Baker

P.S. For those that may be interested in learning who these Knights are... The Ones That Got Away: Knights of the Golden Circle Exposed (Knights of the Golden Circle Unearthed) (Volume 1): L. C. Baker: 9781499593693: Books

INTERESTING! I have ALSO found the "Scale of Balance" on a bluff above the former railroad bed of the Virginia & Tennessee Rail Road, here in Lynchburg, Va. AND! The year date "1882". The old rail road "bed" is now Blackwater Creek Bike/Hike Trail; pass it EVERY TIME, I went there; it buggered me... SO! I did some R & I... "Scale of Balance" alludes to the 32nd Degree of A. & A. Scottish Rite... BALANCE! In the year, 1882, at the Arlington Hotel in Lynchburg, Va. there was a "secret" meeting of REBS & ex-REBS re. the "Beale" Treasure; Frank James (REBEL from Tenn. & outlaw) was there (he was living with his family in Lynchburg, Va., going by the name of James Warren), Gen. Jubal Early was there (NEVER surrendered), Gen. TT Munford, 1st Lt. Newton Hazlewood, Maj. EF Hutter, Maj. FC Hutter, were there; some women writers were there. Topic was how to write the Beale Treasure Story as a "cover" for "Richmond Stores" & Virginia's part of the CSA TREASURY. Covered in the Beale Code "thread"... NOT gonna repeat it here.

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Now that is the best explanation that I have heard about the Beale Treasure. You have no idea how many hours that were spent talking it over with my friend that was a Beale Treasure fanatic. I kept telling him that things just didn't add up Masonic wise. There were to many holes for it to be a true Treasure. He came to the same conclusion in a different manner. There are still some folks today that believe that it is all factual and that they will some day find the Treasure. I Think I will have more luck finding the pot at the end of the rainbow than the Beale. To be truthful I will be be more successful to find a small K.G.C. cache than spend one more second on that Beale Treasure. Thank you for the info, Wilhelm would have enjoyed the T net had he been a younger man. So much knowledge was lost with his passing. His mind was like a steel trap tell him something once and it was in there for life.

I bet somewhere around those woods there are 11 more signs ether the inter or outer ring for the major cache. Good luck there Rebel!!!! Great info feel that some of this will be fruitful for some one.

Senior Deacon

Now that is the best explanation that I have heard about the Beale Treasure. You have no idea how many hours that were spent talking it over with my friend that was a Beale Treasure fanatic. I kept telling him that things just didn't add up Masonic wise. There were to many holes for it to be a true Treasure. He came to the same conclusion in a different manner. There are still some folks today that believe that it is all factual and that they will some day find the Treasure. I Think I will have more luck finding the pot at the end of the rainbow than the Beale. To be truthful I will be be more successful to find a small K.G.C. cache than spend one more second on that Beale Treasure. Thank you for the info, Wilhelm would have enjoyed the T net had he been a younger man. So much knowledge was lost with his passing. His mind was like a steel trap tell him something once and it was in there for life.

I bet somewhere around those woods there are 11 more signs ether the inter or outer ring for the major cache. Good luck there Rebel!!!! Great info feel that some of this will be fruitful for some one.

Senior Deacon

MORE info on Beale Codes Sub-Forum; I MAY share more, later... THERE!

Back to OP, re. NEEDLES Eye... the Scale of Balance, "man" holding it, with "fist" pointing to Aquarius; what did AP say about Libra (a Balance... 7th sign of zodiac)...? What is in Stella Theology or Masonic Astronomy...? MORE R & I to do... put on the Coffee Pot!

INTERESTING! I have ALSO found the "Scale of Balance" on a bluff above the former railroad bed of the Virginia & Tennessee Rail Road, here in Lynchburg, Va. AND! The year date "1882". The old rail road "bed" is now Blackwater Creek Bike/Hike Trail; pass it EVERY TIME, I went there; it buggered me... SO! I did some R & I... "Scale of Balance" alludes to the 32nd Degree of A. & A. Scottish Rite... BALANCE! In the year, 1882, at the Arlington Hotel in Lynchburg, Va. there was a "secret" meeting of REBS & ex-REBS re. the "Beale" Treasure; Frank James (REBEL from Tenn. & outlaw) was there (he was living with his family in Lynchburg, Va., going by the name of James Warren), Gen. Jubal Early was there (NEVER surrendered), Gen. TT Munford, 1st Lt. Newton Hazlewood, Maj. EF Hutter, Maj. FC Hutter, were there; some women writers were there. Topic was how to write the Beale Treasure Story as a "cover" for "Richmond Stores" & Virginia's part of the CSA TREASURY. Covered in the Beale Code "thread"... NOT gonna repeat it here.

Did you see the one that Pinwheel and his partner posted? It is definitely a K.G.C. symbol if it has been located on three trails in three different states!


P.S. Post a link to the Beale sub forum you spoke of, I would like to read it. Thanks L.C.

INTERESTING! I have ALSO found the "Scale of Balance" on a bluff above the former railroad bed of the Virginia & Tennessee Rail Road, here in Lynchburg, Va. AND! The year date "1882". The old rail road "bed" is now Blackwater Creek Bike/Hike Trail; pass it EVERY TIME, I went there; it buggered me... SO! I did some R & I... "Scale of Balance" alludes to the 32nd Degree of A. & A. Scottish Rite... BALANCE! In the year, 1882, at the Arlington Hotel in Lynchburg, Va. there was a "secret" meeting of REBS & ex-REBS re. the "Beale" Treasure; Frank James (REBEL from Tenn. & outlaw) was there (he was living with his family in Lynchburg, Va., going by the name of James Warren), Gen. Jubal Early was there (NEVER surrendered), Gen. TT Munford, 1st Lt. Newton Hazlewood, Maj. EF Hutter, Maj. FC Hutter, were there; some women writers were there. Topic was how to write the Beale Treasure Story as a "cover" for "Richmond Stores" & Virginia's part of the CSA TREASURY. Covered in the Beale Code "thread"... NOT gonna repeat it here.

Did you have to face South to see it?

Did you see the one that Pinwheel and his partner posted? It is definitely a K.G.C. symbol if it has been located on three trails in three different states!


P.S. Post a link to the Beale sub forum you spoke of, I would like to read it. Thanks L.C.

Above KGC Sub-Forum on TN... "Treasure Legends"

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L.C. as far as Jeremy L. Cross founding the Cryptic Masonry he DID NOT. He worked at starting Councils in the Western U.S. Ohio, Illinois, Indiana. He wrote the Symbolic charts for the order which at the time would aid in the memory of the work. He did the same for the Blue Lodge as well as teach the Webb Work of the American Rite of Freemasonry. This was the start of the standard work in all Blue or Craft lodges. Very few states thats work are exactly the same. Iowa's work is different from Texas although they both received the work from Cross. Cross spent the winter with Parvin and they worked the ritual until Parvin could repeat it word perfect. In Texas Cross gave them his charts and instruction. I have heard both works and Texas is close enough that I am good in Texas Ritual but there are parts that are worded different and the floor work is entirely different even thou both came directly form Cross. States I have a feeling like to have somethings unique about their Ritual. Don't even for one second look at Louisiana and it is anything but standard it draws from both the American rite of Webb and the French Red lodges of the Scottish Rite. About the only place in Louisiana lodge that I know what I am doing is outside the door as the Tyler.

If you want to delve into more of the Council work that may be helpful look into the Royal Ark Mariner Degree and the Excellent Master Degree. Councils in other countries are permitted to confer these two degrees. Again you have to be on the inside to see what is on the outside and without violating my obligation I can tell you that if you have a intimate knowledge of these degrees you will have a better chance of finding a K.G.C. cache than if you do not unless you read and understand Masonic geometry. I now believe that the Council degrees are the key to the hiding of the caches and that most of the sentinels were Freemasons that were aware of the higher degrees. The first sentinels groomed those brothers that they felt they could trust and were good and true. They became the second generation and third generation sentinels in some cases.

Senior Deacon

L.C. as far as Jeremy L. Cross founding the Cryptic Masonry he DID NOT. He worked at starting Councils in the Western U.S. Ohio, Illinois, Indiana. He wrote the Symbolic charts for the order which at the time would aid in the memory of the work. He did the same for the Blue Lodge as well as teach the Webb Work of the American Rite of Freemasonry. This was the start of the standard work in all Blue or Craft lodges. Very few states thats work are exactly the same. Iowa's work is different from Texas although they both received the work from Cross. Cross spent the winter with Parvin and they worked the ritual until Parvin could repeat it word perfect. In Texas Cross gave them his charts and instruction. I have heard both works and Texas is close enough that I am good in Texas Ritual but there are parts that are worded different and the floor work is entirely different even thou both came directly form Cross. States I have a feeling like to have somethings unique about their Ritual. Don't even for one second look at Louisiana and it is anything but standard it draws from both the American rite of Webb and the French Red lodges of the Scottish Rite. About the only place in Louisiana lodge that I know what I am doing is outside the door as the Tyler.

If you want to delve into more of the Council work that may be helpful look into the Royal Ark Mariner Degree and the Excellent Master Degree. Councils in other countries are permitted to confer these two degrees. Again you have to be on the inside to see what is on the outside and without violating my obligation I can tell you that if you have a intimate knowledge of these degrees you will have a better chance of finding a K.G.C. cache than if you do not unless you read and understand Masonic geometry. I now believe that the Council degrees are the key to the hiding of the caches and that most of the sentinels were Freemasons that were aware of the higher degrees. The first sentinels groomed those brothers that they felt they could trust and were good and true. They became the second generation and third generation sentinels in some cases.

Senior Deacon

In the link you posted it said he was credited with the Cryptic rite. Now I am confused S.D.

L.C. as far as Jeremy L. Cross founding the Cryptic Masonry he DID NOT. He worked at starting Councils in the Western U.S. Ohio, Illinois, Indiana. He wrote the Symbolic charts for the order which at the time would aid in the memory of the work. He did the same for the Blue Lodge as well as teach the Webb Work of the American Rite of Freemasonry. This was the start of the standard work in all Blue or Craft lodges. Very few states thats work are exactly the same. Iowa's work is different from Texas although they both received the work from Cross. Cross spent the winter with Parvin and they worked the ritual until Parvin could repeat it word perfect. In Texas Cross gave them his charts and instruction. I have heard both works and Texas is close enough that I am good in Texas Ritual but there are parts that are worded different and the floor work is entirely different even thou both came directly form Cross. States I have a feeling like to have somethings unique about their Ritual. Don't even for one second look at Louisiana and it is anything but standard it draws from both the American rite of Webb and the French Red lodges of the Scottish Rite. About the only place in Louisiana lodge that I know what I am doing is outside the door as the Tyler.

If you want to delve into more of the Council work that may be helpful look into the Royal Ark Mariner Degree and the Excellent Master Degree. Councils in other countries are permitted to confer these two degrees. Again you have to be on the inside to see what is on the outside and without violating my obligation I can tell you that if you have a intimate knowledge of these degrees you will have a better chance of finding a K.G.C. cache than if you do not unless you read and understand Masonic geometry. I now believe that the Council degrees are the key to the hiding of the caches and that most of the sentinels were Freemasons that were aware of the higher degrees. The first sentinels groomed those brothers that they felt they could trust and were good and true. They became the second generation and third generation sentinels in some cases.

Senior Deacon

I was "up" to be Sov. Grand Master of local AMD... BUT! I disbanded it due to NO "over-sight" for Virginia; and hasn't been for over 20 years. "They" wanted us to do Royal Ark Mariner Degree; I refused & disbanded James River Council.

L.C. as far as Jeremy L. Cross founding the Cryptic Masonry he DID NOT. He worked at starting Councils in the Western U.S. Ohio, Illinois, Indiana. He wrote the Symbolic charts for the order which at the time would aid in the memory of the work. He did the same for the Blue Lodge as well as teach the Webb Work of the American Rite of Freemasonry. This was the start of the standard work in all Blue or Craft lodges. Very few states thats work are exactly the same. Iowa's work is different from Texas although they both received the work from Cross. Cross spent the winter with Parvin and they worked the ritual until Parvin could repeat it word perfect. In Texas Cross gave them his charts and instruction. I have heard both works and Texas is close enough that I am good in Texas Ritual but there are parts that are worded different and the floor work is entirely different even thou both came directly form Cross. States I have a feeling like to have somethings unique about their Ritual. Don't even for one second look at Louisiana and it is anything but standard it draws from both the American rite of Webb and the French Red lodges of the Scottish Rite. About the only place in Louisiana lodge that I know what I am doing is outside the door as the Tyler.

If you want to delve into more of the Council work that may be helpful look into the Royal Ark Mariner Degree and the Excellent Master Degree. Councils in other countries are permitted to confer these two degrees. Again you have to be on the inside to see what is on the outside and without violating my obligation I can tell you that if you have a intimate knowledge of these degrees you will have a better chance of finding a K.G.C. cache than if you do not unless you read and understand Masonic geometry. I now believe that the Council degrees are the key to the hiding of the caches and that most of the sentinels were Freemasons that were aware of the higher degrees. The first sentinels groomed those brothers that they felt they could trust and were good and true. They became the second generation and third generation sentinels in some cases.

Senior Deacon

Cross did much to sell the degrees of Royal Master and Select Master . He had warranted eleven
Councils in Connecticut prior to an assembly in New Haven on May 18, 1819. It was at this assembly that
the first Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters was organized and which has continued in existence to
this present day. However, Cross is not recorded to have been present at this organizational meeting but
since he was so busy in the organizing so many Councils, it is no wonder that he has been designated as the founder of the Cryptic Rite, a title, which he personally did not associate himself. Cross served as Thrice Illustrious Master of Harmony Council in New Haven for eight years.

The two Cryptic Degrees were being practice in England and this work was brought to the States. More likely they were borrowed from the Scottish Rite as practiced in France. Once they got to the States they stuck them in with the York Rite as the America didn't have a organized Scottish Rite yet at the time of their arrival in the New World. At one point it is my understanding that it was kind of a independant order really controlled by no one and no one wanted to lead so it was just two and then three very optional degrees. Cross was very instrumental in bring them in to the Masonic family of degree so he may be call the father of the Cryptic Rite in America. They were practice long before he was even born.

This again is more of the oral traditions,lost Records, and conjecture on a lot of peoples part. Some would like to think that it is as old as Solomon's Temple. Again it is a set of degrees that tell a story, teaches a important lesson of Masonry, and one more to pay your dues to.

Senior Deacon

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