Rebel so where did Pike hang out ? Where was he given the 33rd. and where was he appointed Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the S.R.? Could It have been New Orleans where the French Rite is practiced to this day!!! Now things are getting juicy for sure. Now I better get another cup of the really High Test Coffee.

Senior Deacon

I think it WAS New Orleans... reviewing my copies of M & D, including one with a PURPLE cover; MUST be "special". I have several copies to review... 1866 - 1966; found in "old things" shop for 50 cent each! Will then review 13th Degree Ritual of the Scottish Rite/SJ.

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I believe it was Arkansas. "Albert Pike settled in Little Rock, and was a prominent citizen here in Arkansas until his old Confederate ties and the post-war/reconstruction economy caused him to move to DC. The Valley of Little Rock, as well as the Grand Lodge of Arkansas meet in the Albert Pike Memorial Temple, AASR, at the intersection of 7th and Scott streets. 4 blocks down 7th street, at the intersection of 7th & Rock, is Pike's old home, built in 1838, currently a museum of sorts and event center owned by the city of Little Rock. The Pike family's burial plot is a short distance away in Mt. Holly Cemetery, at the intersection of 12th and Broadway. Albert Pike was raised a Master Mason in Western Star Lodge #2, and was a founding member of Union Chapter #2, RAM, Occidental Council R&SM, and Hugh de Payens Commandery #1, all of which still meet at the Grand Lodge building at 700 Scott Street, as well as Magnolia Lodge #60, still active on Markham Street, near War Memorial Stadium. An excellent book, if you can find it, is Walter Brown's "A Life of Albert Pike," written in 1990 and published by the University of Arkansas Press."

General Albert Pike | My Freemasonry | Masonic Education and Discussion Forum

Great Stuff! Cheers to you both!:occasion14: L.C.

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Taken from The Book of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Charles T. McClenechan. 13th Degree: Royal Arch of Enoch (or Knights of the 9th Arch). INTERESTING!

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I believe it was Arkansas. "Albert Pike settled here in Little Rock, and was a prominent citizen here in Arkansas until his old Confederate ties and the post-war/reconstruction economy caused him to move to DC. The Valley of Little Rock, as well as the Grand Lodge of Arkansas meet in the Albert Pike Memorial Temple, AASR, at the intersection of 7th and Scott streets. 4 blocks down 7th street, at the intersection of 7th & Rock, is Pike's old home, built in 1838, currently a museum of sorts and event center owned by the city of Little Rock. The Pike family's burial plot is a short distance away in Mt. Holly Cemetery, at the intersection of 12th and Broadway. Albert Pike was raised a Master Mason in Western Star Lodge #2, and was a founding member of Union Chapter #2, RAM, Occidental Council R&SM, and Hugh de Payens Commandery #1, all of which still meet at the Grand Lodge building at 700 Scott Street, as well as Magnolia Lodge #60, still active on Markham Street, near War Memorial Stadium. An excellent book, if you can find it, is Walter Brown's "A Life of Albert Pike," written in 1990 and published by the University of Arkansas Press."

General Albert Pike | My Freemasonry | Masonic Education and Discussion Forum

Great Stuff! Cheers to you both!:occasion14: L.C.

THANKS! MORE to come! I DO have some of AP's book of poems, etc. I MAY have the book by Brown... will look in my library, tomorrow.

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L.C. Most of the big events in his life Masonically happened in two places. Washington D.C. and New Orleans, Louisiana. He was coronated 33rd. Degree S.R. in New Orleans 1853 and was elected Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the S.R in New Orleans in 1859. The man that announced Albert Pike as S.G.I. G. was no less a person the Dr. Albert Mackey. I have a feeling that due to the dates of both the Scottish Rite and the K.G.C. that both Mackey and Pike were involved in some way. More than likely it was a payback from Mackey to Pike for writing the K.G.C. ritual. Mackey the brilliant Masonic mind and Pike the brilliant Masonic ritualist. Later Pike would take the mantel from Mackey. Both were states righters and Mackey was based in Charleston birth place of the S.R. in the U.S.A. Only after the war was the headquarters of the S.R. was moved to Washington D.C. Since Pike would, after the war, not be considered for the supreme court at least he could be close to the seat of power. In Washington he would rewrite the ritual for the Scottish Rite and promote it to be the Rite to join. In the process vault himself in the position of the premier authority of masonry for all time. Not only that but Pike was fond of good food and wine and that was something that was not plentiful in Little Rock as it was in New Orleans or Washington. Years after his death we still speculate and wonder.

The most telling of what you posted is the fact that he was instrumental in instituting a Council of Royal and Select Masters. Which tells us that he had a intimate knowledge of the Degrees. It is not a giant step to connect the dots on this one. BTW Pike was York rite before he became a Scottish Rite Mason. Collectively we may get this all figured out yet.

Senior Deacon

L.C. Most of the big events in his life Masonically happened in two places. Washington D.C. and New Orleans, Louisiana. He was coronated 33rd. Degree S.R. in New Orleans 1853 and was elected Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the S.R in New Orleans in 1859. The man that announced Albert Pike as S.G.I. G. was no less a person the Dr. Albert Mackey. I have a feeling that due to the dates of both the Scottish Rite and the K.G.C. that both Mackey and Pike were involved in some way. More than likely it was a payback from Mackey to Pike for writing the K.G.C. ritual. Mackey the brilliant Masonic mind and Pike the brilliant Masonic ritualist. Later Pike would take the mantel from Mackey. Both were states righters and Mackey was based in Charleston birth place of the S.R. in the U.S.A. Only after the war was the headquarters of the S.R. was moved to Washington D.C. Since Pike would, after the war, not be considered for the supreme court at least he could be close to the seat of power. In Washington he would rewrite the ritual for the Scottish Rite and promote it to be the Rite to join. In the process vault himself in the position of the premier authority of masonry for all time. Not only that but Pike was fond of good food and wine and that was something that was not plentiful in Little Rock as it was in New Orleans or Washington. Years after his death we still speculate and wonder.

The most telling of what you posted is the fact that he was instrumental in instituting a Council of Royal and Select Masters. Which tells us that he had a intimate knowledge of the Degrees. It is not a giant step to connect the dots on this one. BTW Pike was York rite before he became a Scottish Rite Mason. Collectively we may get this all figured out yet.

Senior Deacon

AGREE! SO MOTE IT BE! Sounds like BOTH his "public" life AND! AP's "private" life...

Following up on your statement re. Council of Royal & Select Masters (in Texas); AP COULD have been Past Thrice Illustrious Master of that Council from 1861-1863, since no PTIM is identified for the San Antonio Council # 14 (R & S M # 14). ALL R & S M members MAY have been KGC in TX... dunno.

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FURTHER... DeMolay Chapters (Albert Pike); DeMolay chapters under Albert Pike Council in TX... "Recruiting Grounds" for KNIGHTS...? DeMolay - GRANDMASTER of original Knights Templar... seen a "pic" of AP in Knights regalia, SOMEWHERE!

Well, I was "Chapter Dad" for Thomas Jefferson Chapter of DeMolay in Charlottesville, Va.; GOOD ppl! Boys were "into" the rituals, girls (LOL), sports, & camping. Another SR/SJ Bro & I had the group for about a year (mid 80's). NO KGC nor "war tendencies" there in TJ-land. For TEXAS... someone else can check out "Heritage & Archives" @ Albert Pike DeMolay Bodies HH! Good Luck!

Looks like @ 1921... gonna have to look into DeMolay "activities" in TX during 1860's...

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ANYWAY, thought THIS was interesting... "google" Albert Pike's Masonic, Templar, and Rosicrucian Record; VERY interesting!

WHOO! MORE "High TEST"! AP "Briefs"... RAM: Degrees of Royal & Select Master, Columbia RA Chapter - Washington, DC - 12/22/1853. Assisted in the formation & was Thrice Illustrious Master of Occidental Council # 1 of Cryptic Masons in Little Rock, Arkansas - 7/5/1853. President of the Convention forming the GRAND COUNCIL of CRYPTIC MASONS of Arkansas - 11/1/1860.

NOW! Back to TOPIC of "Needles Eye Revealed"... Look into STELLA THEOLOGY & MASONIC ASTRONOMY; VERY "heavy" stuff! HH! Good Luck! Brown's book came out in 1882; year that Jesse James was "killed"; & AP was still "around"... very COSMIC stuff! BTW, Brown's book is "on-line"... "MIND-BLOWING"!

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WHOO! MORE "High TEST"! AP "Briefs"... RAM: Degrees of Royal & Select Master, Columbia RA Chapter - Washington, DC - 12/22/1853. Assisted in the formation & was Thrice Illustrious Master of Occidental Council # 1 of Cryptic Masons in Little Rock, Arkansas - 7/5/1853. President of the Convention forming the GRAND COUNCIL of CRYPTIC MASONS of Arkansas - 11/1/1860.

Stands to reason...

Great info Rebel! L.C.:thumbsup:

THANKS! Just had to get stuff out about AP; think HE was a "consultant" for Brown's book, STELLA THEOLOGY... AP "knew" Astrology, Astronomy, and "Masonic Reckonings. Brown's STELLA THEOLOGY is "on-line" & I have a personal "soft copy" of the book; COSMIC! About SIGNS & SYMBOLS!

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Re-reading Brown's book, (info & illustrations) causes me to actually think that ALBERT PIKE wrote it! Check it out! "On-line"!

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Jeremy L. Cross (R & S M: Cryptic Mason) is mentioned on page 151 (internet PDF) re. "Weeping Virgin" symbol in Freemasonry; JLC was author of book, HIEROGLYPHIC MONITOR... which is a FREE e-book "on-line"; "google" THE TRUE MASONIC CHART or HIEROGLYPHIC MONITOR - Jeremy Ladd Cross. HH! Good Luck!

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See the "connection"...? Jeremy Ladd Cross (R & S M: Cryptic Mason), wrote THE book (back then)... THE TRUE MASONIC CHART or HIEROGLYPHIC MONITOR... of "signs & symbols".

Rebel You will not find any of the De Molay stuff in the K.G.C. as it was in the 1919 that Frank S. Land organized the Order. Was both a De Molay and Chapter Dad. Frank A. Gotch Chapter Iowa. I have the coveted third degree of De Molay which is no more even mentioned. Order of Knighthood received in Rock Island, Illinois in 1969. Long ago and far away.

Senior Deacon

Rebel you are right that Jeremy Ladd Cross wrote the book on the Chapter and Council. Now comes the fun part. Jeremy L. Cross conveyed the Webb work to T.S. Parvin of Iowa . Parvin was a a close personal friend of Pike they were both lawyers and high Masons. I have a feeling that Parvin persuaded Pike into conferring the 33rd. on J.L. Cross before his death in 1861. There is on his head stone a statement that he was a 33rd. degree of the Scottish Rite along with the symbol of the 33rd. Degree of Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. This also may have be a payback to him for the monitor for the Royal and Select Master Degrees as he came as far south as Texas in 1844. Although Pike wasn't a York Rite Mason until 1850 and didn't join the Council until 1852. The degrees were conferred on him in WASHINGTON.D.C. It does make one wonder. Here is the link to Jeremy L. Cross Ladd Cross2.pdf

As far as Jeremy L. Cross being part of the Beale Treasure it is most likely another person with the same name. I am under the impression that the Beale Treasure is nothing more that a attempt at another false Masonic legend. Plain and simple!!! Amen So Mote it Be.

Senior Deacon

Rebel You will not find any of the De Molay stuff in the K.G.C. as it was in the 1919 that Frank S. Land organized the Order. Was both a De Molay and Chapter Dad. Frank A. Gotch Chapter Iowa. I have the coveted third degree of De Molay which is no more even mentioned. Order of Knighthood received in Rock Island, Illinois in 1969. Long ago and far away.

Senior Deacon

Thanks! What you stated is true; Order of DeMolay was organized in 1919..

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Rebel you are right that Jeremy Ladd Cross wrote the book on the Chapter and Council. Now comes the fun part. Jeremy L. Cross conveyed the Webb work to T.S. Parvin of Iowa . Parvin was a a close personal friend of Pike they were both lawyers and high Masons. I have a feeling that Parvin persuaded Pike into conferring the 33rd. on J.L. Cross before his death in 1861. There is on his head stone a statement that he was a 33rd. degree of the Scottish Rite along with the symbol of the 33rd. Degree of Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. This also may have be a payback to him for the monitor for the Royal and Select Master Degrees as he came as far south as Texas in 1844. Although Pike wasn't a York Rite Mason until 1850 and didn't join the Council until 1852. The degrees were conferred on him in WASHINGTON.D.C. It does make one wonder. Here is the link to Jeremy L. Cross Ladd Cross2.pdf

As far as Jeremy L. Cross being part of the Beale Treasure it is most likely another person with the same name. I am under the impression that the Beale Treasure is nothing more that a attempt at another false Masonic legend. Plain and simple!!! Amen So Mote it Be.

Senior Deacon

Cross was designated as the founder of the Cryptic Rite, I did not know that! This is some good information and very connected. I will be digging for days now! Thanks for posting the link S.D.


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