Which brings me to the subject of Lucifer as Albert Pike depicted him not the misconception often accepted as fact by the uninitiated mass....

"Lucifer, the ancient name of the Morning Star, now called Venus, whose mission is to bring light to the dwellers in darkness."

If a person can get "devil worshiping sorcerer" out of that description, there is no hope of educating them any further on the subject.

Just my two cents, L.C.

Well stated, Bro! B/C "Venus" is also cited... AP was accused of being a RAKE & LOVE GOD; ALL the VICTORIAN women become GREATLY excited... HA HA HA! (Singing... " I'm your VENUS... I'm the FIRE of your desire!"). LOL!

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To bring light to darkness to lift the vail of darkness to enlighten mankind. Yup if Pike was devil worshiper he sure did it in a funny way. People want to read into his works only what they want that fits there belief system. That where he get a bad rap from. They don't want to study the deeper meaning and symbolism of his work and that is what one has to do when studying his works. As L.C. has said you have to read him with his works in one hand and a dictionary in the other. I do it with a few more books and the computer on also.

Good one Rebel Had to go You Tube the song hadn't listen to it in years.


I have know doubt in the matter of the K.G.C. hatching from high ranking Freemasons because I have personally identified them and shown evidence of K.G.C. / O.A.K. and Freemasons symbolism on the same monuments erected by these individuals who also happened to have been high ranking Democrats in the federal Government including Presidents of the United States Pierce and Buchanan. There were more Presidents before them, but I don't have the hard evidence against them to say their names.
Some of them with out a doubt were 33rd degree Masons. Two of them were Cryptic Masons, and several were 32nd degree Masons. All of them were either K.G.C. or became O.A.K. members after 1863 when the K.G.C. changed it's name to the O.A.K...

Look at this monument and tell me what you think.

View attachment 1019795


Monument...? Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite

To bring light to darkness to lift the vail of darkness to enlighten mankind. Yup if Pike was devil worshiper he sure did it in a funny way. People want to read into his works only what they want that fits there belief system. That where he get a bad rap from. They don't want to study the deeper meaning and symbolism of his work and that is what one has to do when studying his works. As L.C. has said you have to read him with his works in one hand and a dictionary in the other. I do it with a few more books and the computer on also.

Good one Rebel Had to go You Tube the song hadn't listen to it in years.


GREAT song!

To understand literally the symbols and allegories of Oriental books as to ante-historical matters, is willfully to close our eyes against the Light. To translate the symbols into the trivial and commonplace, is the blundering of mediocrity.....


So back to the original post #1, one thing I found in looking at the Whispering Bench, I found a pic of the dedication plaques about the bench, and Monument Square land was donated by the Conley family. Any relevance here?

whisper bench plaques.webp


The funny thing about that is that Melville E. Conley can not be tied to any of the organizations in question, and he has yet to be tied to any money or money making scheme. Still looking at him.


As you all know, last night was the summer solstice. I had posted several symbols on this site that we have been working on to get some new ideas from you treasure hunting scholars out there. This symbol was deciphered by pinwheel as possibly directing us to look through a "needle's eye." He was 100% correct. View attachment 1012958
We located what we suspected to be the "needles eye" on this trail, but there were also two other symbols involved. These two K.G.C. symbols were deciphered by my father and I to instruct us to look through the needles eye at midnight during the summer solstice.
We obtained special permission from those officials that were necessary to do so. At midnight the constellation of Libra appeared in the "needles eye" though it was partially blocked by tree limbs.

View attachment 1012950

Believe me when I tell you.....I think I peed a little from excitement. We, with the help of pinwheel have managed to decipher the symbols left by the Knights of the Golden Circle and find what we were directed to. Below is a picture of it. After so many trial and errors, it feels pretty good to get it right.

View attachment 1012954

Thanks for all the help! L.C. Baker

P.S. For those that may be interested in learning who these Knights are... The Ones That Got Away: Knights of the Golden Circle Exposed (Knights of the Golden Circle Unearthed) (Volume 1): L. C. Baker: 9781499593693: Books

While doing more research I ran across this info which I thought to be very relevant to the needles eye that revealed the constellation of Libra.

Albert Pike mentions several forms of the name CHiram: Khirm, Khurm, and Khur-Om, the latter ending in the sacred Hindu monosyllable OM, which may also be extracted from the names of Solomon's three murderers. Pike further relates the three ruffians to a triad of stars in the constellation of Libra and also calls attention to the fact that the Chaldean god Bal--metamorphosed into a demon by the Jews--appears in the name of each of the murderers, Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum. To interpret the Hiramic legend requires familiarity with both the Pythagorean and Qabbalistic systems of numbers and letters, and also the philosophic and astronomic cycles of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Brahmins. For example, consider the number 33. The first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years in its pristine splendor. At the end of that time it was pillaged by the Egyptian King Shishak, and finally (588 B.C.) it was completely destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and the people of Jerusalem were led into captivity to Babylon. (See General History of Freemasonry, by Robert Macoy.) Also King David ruled for thirty-three years in Jerusalem; the Masonic Order is divided into thirty-three symbolic degrees; there are thirty-three segments in the human spinal column; and Jesus was crucified in the thirty-third year of His life.


While doing more research I ran across this info which I thought to be very relevant to the needles eye that revealed the constellation of Libra.

Albert Pike mentions several forms of the name CHiram: Khirm, Khurm, and Khur-Om, the latter ending in the sacred Hindu monosyllable OM, which may also be extracted from the names of Solomon's three murderers. Pike further relates the three ruffians to a triad of stars in the constellation of Libra and also calls attention to the fact that the Chaldean god Bal--metamorphosed into a demon by the Jews--appears in the name of each of the murderers, Jubela, Jubelo, and Jubelum. To interpret the Hiramic legend requires familiarity with both the Pythagorean and Qabbalistic systems of numbers and letters, and also the philosophic and astronomic cycles of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Brahmins. For example, consider the number 33. The first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years in its pristine splendor. At the end of that time it was pillaged by the Egyptian King Shishak, and finally (588 B.C.) it was completely destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and the people of Jerusalem were led into captivity to Babylon. (See General History of Freemasonry, by Robert Macoy.) Also King David ruled for thirty-three years in Jerusalem; the Masonic Order is divided into thirty-three symbolic degrees; there are thirty-three segments in the human spinal column; and Jesus was crucified in the thirty-third year of His life.


THAT is Scottish Rite, only. Only TEN degrees in York Rite; 7, TRUTHFULLY... (RAM). Degrees 8-10 are NOT in Chapter nor Council...

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THAT is Scottish Rite, only. Only TEN degrees in York Rite; 7, TRUTHFULLY (RAM). Degrees 8-10 are NOT in Chapter nor Council...

What does that have to do with what Albert Pike was talking about? Is it abnormal for him to be linked to the Scottish Rite? Does that also link the K.G.C./O.A.K. to the Scottish Rite?:dontknow:


Nah... YOUR "post" (#30); ONLY the Scottish Rite has 32-33 Degrees. YORK has "Blue Lodge" (1-3), RAM (4-7), and Masonic KT (8-10; ; 10 Degrees). HIGHEST Degree is Master Master... without it, NO Scottish Rite, NO York Rite (including Masonic KT). AND! NO "Shrine"... which has "Cresent Moon & Star".

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Got anything on Albert Pike & Cryptic Masonry...? He was YORK Rite, too...

R & I indicates CRYPTIC Degrees in York Rite ---> 7th Degree; SIMILAR to 13th Degree in Scottish Rite (Albert Pike): Royal Arch of Enoch/Knights of the 9th Arch. Will review Pike's M & D regarding 13th Degree of A & A SR: SJ, tomorrow. In 1884, it was known as ROYAL ARCH OF SOLOMON.

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Rebel the Degrees of the Council those of the Royal Master and the Select Master are all intermixed with the A & A SR. Pike would have been very familiar with those two if not the third degree that of Super Excellent Master. In this case we only need to be concerned about the first two degrees. It would seem that whoever was behind the K.G.C. had a very good working knowledge of these two degrees. It would seemed that the first two degrees of the K.G.C. were patterned after the blue or craft degrees but the Third or where the big bugs hung out was taken out of the first two degrees of the council.

If we concern ourselves with only the hiding of treasure that we need only look at these two degrees. Those of the Royal and Select Masters and there signs and symbols. This is a link to the explanation of the York Rite degrees and pay attention to the council degrees. DEGREES Any of it look the least bit familiar?

If it was Pike he borrowed heavily from this. At the time (1850's) the York Rite was the more popular and powerful of the two rites. It was not until after the war and after the SR degrees were rewritten by Pike and promoted by him that it took over from the York Rite. In this case I have to think that the Third Degree of the K.G.C. and the first two degrees of the Council were interwoven and much the same without revealing any of the secrets of Freemasonry.In doing it in that manner those of any persuasion could join and be a part of with out offence to any one but maybe themselves. Pike was no dummy and would have been smart enough to put it together and sell the whole package as for God and Country. Particularly to the States Rights Club bunch. Not only that but the directions for hiding something that could later be found are all set in place as a text book course. Then once again you have to be on the inside to be able to see what is on the outside. AS above SO below.

Senior Deacon

Rebel the Degrees of the Council those of the Royal Master and the Select Master are all intermixed with the A & A SR. Pike would have been very familiar with those two if not the third degree that of Super Excellent Master. In this case we only need to be concerned about the first two degrees. It would seem that whoever was behind the K.G.C. had a very good working knowledge of these two degrees. It would seemed that the first two degrees of the K.G.C. were patterned after the blue or craft degrees but the Third or where the big bugs hung out was taken out of the first two degrees of the council.

If we concern ourselves with only the hiding of treasure that we need only look at these two degrees. Those of the Royal and Select Masters and there signs and symbols. This is a link to the explanation of the York Rite degrees and pay attention to the council degrees. DEGREES Any of it look the least bit familiar?

If it was Pike he borrowed heavily from this. At the time (1850's) the York Rite was the more popular and powerful of the two rites. It was not until after the war and after the SR degrees were rewritten by Pike and promoted by him that it took over from the York Rite. In this case I have to think that the Third Degree of the K.G.C. and the first two degrees of the Council were interwoven and much the same without revealing any of the secrets of Freemasonry.In doing it in that manner those of any persuasion could join and be a part of with out offence to any one but maybe themselves. Pike was no dummy and would have been smart enough to put it together and sell the whole package as for God and Country. Particularly to the States Rights Club bunch. Not only that but the directions for hiding something that could later be found are all set in place as a text book course. Then once again you have to be on the inside to be able to see what is on the outside. AS above SO below.

Senior Deacon

Well said, SD. The Council was part of "FRENCH" Scottish Rite in the "beginning days", then went "independent" with Jeremy Cross combining the Royal Master Degree & the Select Master Degree... advocating the Council as a separate "system" of degrees; with the degree of Super Excellent Master Degree added later, absorbed in York Rite. The name "Jeremy Cross" was a name "attached" to the Beale Treasure; INTERESTING story... NO proof of THAT "event". NOW! KGC was stated to have THREE degrees; my "hunch" is that they are "similar" to Royal Master Degree, Select Master Degree, & Super Excellent Master Degree of the Council; AND! The 7th Degree of RAM (York Rite)/13th Degree of Scottish Rite are "connected"... just more R & I to do, with LOTS of "High Test" COFFEE! MORE, later! I will review the 1st Degree of the Castroville, Tx KGC Castle (on-line)... TX had 32 castles in 27 counties!

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AND! The TWO "experts" on KGC in TX (on TN) are "Texas Jay" (Bloody Bill Anderson "gang") and "Walter Colt" (has list of KGC members in TX)... SO! Previous R & I indicated that Bloody Bill Anderson was TX KGC ready to invade Mexico; then the CONFEDERATE WAR started, and the LONE STAR state sent ALL KGC to become CSA REBELS with "Q". After the SOUTH "lost", KGC/CSA Vets became OUTLAWS in TX "area"; once they were "civilized", they became TEXAS RANGERS! HA!

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NOW! About Albert Pike & the 13th Degree of Scottish Rite/SJ... gotta get MORE "High Test" Coffee... BBL!

Rebel so where did Pike hang out ? Where was he given the 33rd. and where was he appointed Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the S.R.? Could It have been New Orleans where the French Rite is practiced to this day!!! Now things are getting juicy for sure. Now I better get another cup of the really High Test Coffee.

Senior Deacon

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