Hey L.C. Is there any Masonic or KGC symbology associated with an owl and an ear of corn together. You mentioned the FFA in one of my threads and I thought there might be some connection between the two. Thanks.

This is a link to the symbols I spoke of I think. I believe I was expressing that the Freemasons had a hand in many different sub- organizations both public and secret. Especially the young men's societies and clubs and college greek societies...Skull and Bones, Secret 7, etc. Even the Future Farmers of America was a breeding ground for up and coming young men that were in the initiation pool that was being somewhat groomed for selection. The Owl symbol to me, has always meant the same group of meanings throughout history as far as I am concerned, Manerva, and Wisdom are the two main ones or in the field it may represent what you seek ( or the knowledge to find what you seek/ like a clue or next symbol on the trail). The corn I have only seen used in one place and it was used to represent a squirrel's winter hoard of Golden corn to the public, but to the initiated, it was used as an eye catcher symbol to represent a hoard of gold cached by the K.G.C. Later the squirrel symbol was used openly by the inner circle of the O.A.K. only with a nut instead of corn and it was in a tree not a Knot hole in a tree. It was also not marking a trail, instead it was an advertising reminder of investing your money in their legal public company for a secure future. hoarding symbol.webp

That's about all I know for sure Mdog , L.C. :occasion14:

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Hi LC, I got your book but I have not got around to reading it. Well only the first three or four pages. You sir are a good writer. I hope to finish reading the book when I get the quite time.

I am far from the best sellers list Franklin, but I am glad you can wade through it and make sense of the facts that I stitched together in the book. Thanks

This is a link to the symbols I spoke of I think. I believe I was expressing that the Freemasons had a hand in many different sub- organizations both public and secret. Especially the young men's societies and clubs and college greek societies...Skull and Bones, Secret 7, etc. Even the Future Farmers of America was a breeding ground for up and coming young men that were in the initiation pool that was being somewhat groomed for selection. The Owl symbol to me, has always meant the same group of meanings throughout history as far as I am concerned, Manerva, and Wisdom are the two main ones or in the field it may represent what you seek ( or the knowledge to find what you seek/ like a clue or next symbol on the trail). The corn I have only seen used in one place and it was used to represent a squirrel's winter hoard of Golden corn to the public, but to the initiated, it was used as an eye catcher symbol to represent a hoard of gold cached by the K.G.C. Later the squirrel symbol was used openly by the inner circle of the O.A.K. only with a nut instead of corn and it was in a tree not a Knot hole in a tree. It was also not marking a trail, instead it was an advertising reminder of investing your money in their legal public company for a secure future. View attachment 1483918

That's about all I know for sure Mdog , L.C. :occasion14:

Thanks L.C. Can you describe the one place that you saw the ear of corn used and what it was calling attention to?

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A "cache" is what I believe the squirrel represents. The old timer's called it "squirreling your money away."

This is it Mdog that squirrel is on the right side of the steps of J.Sterling Morton's family plot opposite the turtle where the first lead map piece was found. It is behind the needles eye post.
View attachment 1483941

Thanks L.C. Is there an ear of corn symbol associated with this plot or was the ear of corn somewhere else.

Thanks L.C. Is there an ear of corn symbol associated with this plot or was the ear of corn somewhere else.

He is in the hole Mdog! Hoarding that golden ear of corn for another day! (insert Rebel Yell here).

squ in knot hole.webp new jobs 080.webp hoarding symbol.webp


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As you can see, over the years the dirt has covered some of the symbols. There is another 6 to eight inches under ground in some places.

In the archives I have seen a photo of J Sterling Morton standing beside the monument and the log railing was installed in the photo. There was some period of time between the placing of the O.A.K. monument to his darling wife Carrie French Morton who he adored with all of his heart.and the coded log railing. He was very grief stricken upon her death and I am not ashamed to tell you that I cried more than once while reading the man's heart wrenching personal passages written in his personal diaries. I guarantee that it will get you here :heart: and a glimpse of what it felt like in his shoes.
On a brighter note; In that same photo Mr. Morton is standing next to the Wyuka O.A.K. monument and a tiny pine tree he had previously planted is behind him on an almost baron horizon. That pine tree tours in some of my fathers old photos and in my memories as being about 2 to 3 feet across at the base when a storm broke it in half and it was removed. I was in my late 30's when that happened. In that same photo of the honorable SAGE of Arbor Lodge, the coded log railing and steps are completely visible with no dirt on them. Later on he added the coded flower pots and two hitching posts / needles eye post. AND other bodies and monuments were dug up and moved and placed in special plots that he takes sole credit for doing and paying for..he clearly states in his diary .."I done this on my own" and what the monuments cost him. Now that the K.G.C. cat is out of the bag, you can see why a Brother of the inner circle would do that in a personal diary that would be read by others upon his demise.

"In the absence of a written language or forms of expression capable of conveying abstract ideas, we can readily comprehend the necessity, among a primitive people, of a symbolic system. That symbolism in a great degree resulted from this necessity, is very obvious; and that, associated with man's primitive religious systems, it was afterwards continued, when in the advanced stage of the human mind, the previous necessity no longer existed, is equally undoubted. It thus came to constitute a kind of sacred language, and became invested with an esoteric significance understood only by the few." This and many other symbols used by both societies applies to both the Freemasons and the K.G.C. There are notable differences in the portrayal of the symbolism, but the message is the same.


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LOL! Sun rises in the EAST, & sets in the WEST; so rises the WM...

The treasures are out there period! Fullfill your destiny and find them! The trees and the rocks are all clues, even the cemeteries! Find them!

Found them. What ever happened to your hunt in Danville, Va.?

It's still there! My mother is very sick, so taking care of her, has put the treasure on the back burner! But i have found several other sights, Stuart,va, Martinsville, South Boston, va! I also have researched a treasure in Harrisonburg va, as well as Salem, Lynchburg, and Roanoke! The treasures are out there!

It means nothing more than the state of Nebraska has been celebrating the good deeds of two C.S.A. spies for years. The discrepancies of personal character in the men will remain to be celebrated by some and detested by others. The cleansing and cropping of the public personas of the two gentlemen was done by their own hand in some cases, and the rest of it was cleansed by a self blinded society. The truth should have no bearing on the Federal holiday of Arbor Day which Morton is credited with creating. Good deeds will remain to be good, but ugly things will come to light and the truth will be known from then on OR it may continue to be censored from the books. Coincidences are coincidental until they are repeated, then they become something else entirely. There may never be any hard evidence found in our lifetime to prove otherwise, but the facts will remain dormant forever until the truth surfaces with time.

H.P.B sign.webp hand signal.webplp signal.webp


In Early Nebraska Days - Nebraska

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Hey L.C. Is there any Masonic or KGC symbology associated with an owl and an ear of corn together. You mentioned the FFA in one of my threads and I thought there might be some connection between the two. Thanks.

In free Masonry corn denotes plenty. The ancients knew nothing about ears of corn or maize. This was a new world discovery. In masonry it is denoted as a sheaf of wheat or barley corn. Best of my guess is a big cache to those wise enough to find it or have the knowledge to read the signs.

Many of the late 1800's organizations had their roots in free Masonry. One of the reasons was they were started by a free mason or their rituals were written by a master mason. One must look to Webb and Cross as the the fathers of many of the organizations ritual.

Think that KGC was a transition from the old to the new. A testing ground for Albert Pike to see how his revisions would fly to the free masons. He was working on them even before the civil war. The rebounding of a product after the anti Masonic movement of the 1830's and 1840's. Must have worked during Albert Pike's era all Masonic bodies saw their biggest growth.

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