Here is a name that maybe we should take a look at. George S. Morison was a bridge builder the most interesting thing is his first profession was a lawyer. He graduated with a law degree from Harvard then went on to become a civil engineer. He built most of the railroad bridges across the Missouri river including the one at or just east of Nebraska City. Bet dollars to match sticks that he was a friend of J.S. Morton. Most likely be may have been O.A.K. In reading between the lines he wasn't high on General Grenville Dodge list as he replaced his bridge at Council Bluffs/Omaha. Interesting reading.

Senior Deacon

I believe the railroads played a much more important role than what we know. It will be interesting to see what Morrison turns up.

L.C. what were the falsehoods? Have to agree with that statement. So many things taken as truth are myths. No less than three TV programs are on that tell of the myths of history and tells the true story.

Senior Deacon

I have a list as long as my leg!

I believe the railroads played a much more important role than what we know. It will be interesting to see what Morrison turns up.

You can look at it's path and see a sudden turn back south to be in line with Nebraska City which the K.G.C. planned to be the capitol city. It was suposed to run from Nebraska City to Julesburg straight East. After they got screwed and Omaha was named the capitol city, the O.A.K. made there money back with the aid of a little scheme called Crédit Mobilier. Major stockholders in the Union Pacific Railroad formed a company, the Crédit Mobilier of America, and gave it contracts to build the railroad. They sold or gave shares in this construction to influential congressmen. Now if that don't sound like the O.A.K. in action I don't know what does. One only has to google Paul Morton Buisnessman to see the O.A.K. monopoly of rails take form through connections with J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnigie,and Jay Gould and then Teddy Roosevelt etc. etc. the list goes on...

rails Neb.webp

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Julesburg is a town that was in about three different locations in its history. The town was wiped out by Indians at one point and moved. Then it burned, and was moved again. Julesburg boasts Boot Hill Cemetery, where Jack Casement had some of his men ice the ne'er-do-wells in town who tried to take over UP land.

A town that time forget and the decades can not improve. Looks as if the railroad and O.A.K. was involved in freight to the west. Kind of ties in with our old friend Capt. Logan Enyert. Could that have been a assignment that he was sent on and greatly profited from? Sounds good to me!!!!!!

It also looks like everyone took a cut but where did the kickbacks go to. Old K.G.C. or O. A. K.maybe there really was no difference. This brings me to another thought. The state of Nebraska gave the Union Pacific railroad over 2,000 acres of land a lot of land to hide stuff on or about.

Senior Deacon

"It’s one thing to have been the Founding Fathers of Democracy. A system that has obviously been corrupted by secrecy, and capitalism… It’s another thing to have been the Founding Fathers of the entire Western Civilization, and to leave behind a real life Legacy that will never be trumped, or even understood entirely. Draped in dreams, and vision. Forcing Freedom upon unaware slaves, and destroying overconfident kings." 12JSMorton.webpMTE1ODA0OTcxNzU0NzUxNTAx.webpdownload.webpficklin.webpView attachment 1352016View attachment 1352016morton and Valadingham.webpThe Ones That Got Away.webp

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"Knights of the Golden Circle" downunder are a bunch of drunks who run around the campfire late at night with these empty pineapple cans on their heads!



Do you trust your information sources when it comes to History? I was chastised by someone for not being a reliable source of information because my story was different than the history books.. It is because I go to the horses mouth for most of what I have uncovered. General James Lane threatened and attempted to assassinate the Sec./ Governor of Nebraska Territory Julius Sterling Morton yet there is no record of it in any history book written. Why? Because it was covered up by the K.G.C. who protected and backed Brother Morton and the press was controlled by them. Can we please admit the truth and print it in the history books now? Julius Sterling Morton was a Knight of the Golden Circle who was hated by the abolitionist James Lane and his followers who tried to kill him.Letter about Lane trying to put a hit on Morton.webpnew jobs 082.webp

Jesse James Gang in Franklin, Nebraska

"Jesse James frequently visited a friend in Nebraska City. A resident recalled that Jesse, “with a price on his head, used to ride boldly down Central Avenue in Nebraska City.” One of the best photographs of Jesse was made in a studio in Nebraska City."


I believe it was Calvin Trillin who pointed out there are as many caves in Missouri Jesse James used as hideouts as there are inns and homes in New England were George Washington slept.

Did you ever read Lucius Beebe's book on the outlaws of the American West? He correctly pointed out that many of the memories and yarns recounted by old timers came straight from the pink pages of the Police Gazette.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo


I believe it was Calvin Trillin who pointed out there are as many caves in Missouri Jesse James used as hideouts as there are inns and homes in New England were George Washington slept.

Did you ever read Lucius Beebe's book on the outlaws of the American West? He correctly pointed out that many of the memories and yarns recounted by old timers came straight from the pink pages of the Police Gazette.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Thank God for dated pictures. they separate the "Bullshitters" from the fact finders. Jesse James, 1875, Nebraska City, Nebraska. Poster | Zazzle

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I don't believe these is serious doubt that Jesse James was in Nebraska City, Nebraska. And that he had his picture taken while visiting. The caption doesn't add up - if he was born in 1847, and the photo was taken when he was 27 years old, the date would be 1874 or 1875 - not 1882.

The handwriting and ink color is very different on the left and on the right. The dates on the right are his birth and death - not when the photo was taken.

It's clear he wasn't arrested. The citizens of Northfield took a different approach a year later.

It's the other details that haven't been verified - the reward, "DEAD OR ALIVE," etc. I place very little reliance in a quote from an anonymous old timer.

There is a photo of Jesse James from 1882:

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

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I don't believe these is serious doubt that Jesse James was in Nebraska City, Nebraska. And that he had his picture taken while visiting. The caption doesn't add up - if he was born in 1847, and the photo was taken when he was 27 years old, the date would be 1874 or 1875 - not 1882.

The handwriting and ink color is very different on the left and on the right. The dates on the right are his birth and death - not when the photo was taken.

It's clear he wasn't arrested. The citizens of Northfield took a different approach a year later.

It's the other details that haven't been verified - the reward, "DEAD OR ALIVE," etc. I place very little reliance in a quote from an anonymous old timer.

There is a photo of Jesse James from 1882:

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Thanks for clearing that up?????? BHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I believe it was Calvin Trillin who pointed out there are as many caves in Missouri Jesse James used as hideouts as there are inns and homes in New England were George Washington slept.

Did you ever read Lucius Beebe's book on the outlaws of the American West? He correctly pointed out that many of the memories and yarns recounted by old timers came straight from the pink pages of the Police Gazette.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

petrified oak stone anchor gunsight tree.webp

Do you mean THE Calvin Marshall Trillin the American journalist, humorist, food writer, and poet? Unlike Calvin we know first hand about sites that were used for specific purposes., believe it or not. the caves that thousands of travelers and outlaws knew about and frequented were not used by them so far.

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Jayhawker and bushwhacker or "Border Ruffians" designate the principal warring parties in the Civil War's guerrilla conflict one of the most prominent Jayhawkers of the time was a renowned politician named James H. Lane who commanded what was known as "Lane's Brigade," Here is evidence that Lane attempted to assassinate Knight of the Golden Circle, Julius Sterling Morton during the "bleeding Kansas" era. Letter about Lane trying to put a hit on Morton.webp

You won't find that in any so called U.S. history books because it would mean they had to accept who Julius S. Morton really was and what he stood for.


L. C. After much study I believe you are spot on. No doubt as to the action that Lane wanted done. The old style of cursive and my poor computer screen make it a little difficult but think I got it.

Senior Deacon

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Curious choice of words. Rather than than using abolitionist raiders, jayhawers, they called them border ruffians. A old legend comes to mind of 15 men got together looking to take a very valuable item from the man who possessed it. 12 of them recanted and pulled out. The other 3 carried out the crime and ended up killing the man and failed in obtaining the item. They hid the body were caught and executed and there after were known as the ruffians. In the the legend the body was found and he was honored for not giving up his treasure. Like I said a curious choice of words.

Senior Deacon

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