If you add the truth about Julius Sterling Morton and his association with the Knights of the Golden Circle to what the esteemed Mr. Jim Potter has already researched, you will have the WHOLE truth. I would suggest that anyone reading the history of Nebraska close one eye while doing so as it is only half of the story!:laughing7: the golden circle nemaha jim potter&f=false

Pictured below are the K.G.C. turtle on Morton's burial lot railing and the coded letter that it led to. The treasure trail runs for miles and miles in several directions from that spot. If I had the resources to gather the proper equipment by April 1st it would make the hunt much easier. Funny how the guys with all of the right equipment don't have the right place to use it. A K.G.C. map is useless without the correct starting point as is any heading and distance. I believe that is why they included the Tobias symbol with a three digit number.

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First day back in the field and I am up before sunrise. I could hardly sleep last night from the butterflies in my stomach flapping around like bats!:laughing7: The weather is finally here and the ground is not frozen, now if the river stays in its banks all will be good.

L.C.:icon_thumright: of the golden circle nemaha county&f=false

Now we know Mr. Julius Morton was in the inner circle of the secret society of the Knights of the Golden Circle. I believe Mr. Potter can expand a little in his next book about Nebraska and add some truth to what was cast aside as doubt in this one. :occasion14:

L.C. Baker

lewis cass.webp

Pay attention now I say........I'm trying to show you something important here son!
chicken boxer.webpL.C.:laughing7:

Left by the K.G.C. buried in Nebraska City
copy partial.webp

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View attachment 1623404

Pay attention now I say........I'm trying to show you something important here son!
View attachment 1623407L.C.:laughing7:

Left by the K.G.C. buried in Nebraska City
View attachment 1623403

Hey LC...Your attachments aren't working...Jeff said if that happens to post them twice, I've had the same issue sometimes... Hope All Is Well With Your Father!


If you read the history of Hamburg Iowa it will tell you that a man named Augustus Borchers officially laid out the town in 1857. What it does not expand on was the fact that Augustus was married to Stephen F. Nuckoll's sister and that it was Stephen who financed the whole operation with K.G.C. funds. It was built up in the same as Nebraska City by the same man for the same reasons. He used his Sister and Brother to purchase and sell the land the same way he had used Hiram Pitt Bennet, Huston Nuckolls, and several members of his family along with some other close friends. Stephen established a town at the furthest point north in what would become Rebel territory It was a Missouri Border town during the Civil War and there is no doubt that the K.G.C. made use of the port on the Missouri River there. Jesse James road the Bluff trails between Hamburg and St. Joseph Missouri unharassed by law enforcement. There is no record of how many times he passed through or stopped by, most likely because of the business he was in and the business his "Brothers" were investing in. Just below Hamburg, Iowa S.F. Nuckolls owned a ferry operation Jesse could have also made use of, although there is no written record of him crossing into Nebraska there. There is no doubt that Jesse James was among friends in Hamburg as well as Nebraska City. If you extend North up the Iowa Border there were two more towns laid out by S.F. Nuckolls and his family and close friends. If you read the books, they are quick to tell you S.F. Nuckolls only had a few slaves in Nebraska. However, he and his special friends owned many many plantations on thousands of acres in Missouri. I will guarantee you that there were many many more slaves that were owned by these men who were, in fact, operating a large corporation owned and operated by the K.G.C. and the members who were shareholders. They would eventually run into the problem of owning slaves in Kansas and Nebraska territories. They would go as far as selling two on the square in front of the courthouse in Nebraska City, to prove that the Negros were property and could be taken from an owner as his assets by the court, and sold at auction to the highest bidder to pay the owners debt. O.F. Holley who owned the hotel in Nebraska City was the man that put up the slaves to be auctioned. This was not his first association with the K.G.C. in Nebraska. The slave auction in front of the courthouse was not just about the two slaves that were sold, as the history books would have us believe. There was a much larger K.G.C. plan involved in the slave trade at that time in history. The "Sherriff's" auction was about proving that Negroes were recognized as property by the Nebraska Territorial Government and the United States. The underlying agenda of the K.G.C. was to move the slaves from Missouri into Nebraska without the risk of losing them by law, or the lack of the enforcement of the Bloodhound law by the Territory.


slave sale.webp

The Tobias is a Spanish treasure symbol that is usually tied to a number. In Nebraska, there is a town named Tobias that was named after Tobias Castor. Could this little village be a starting point of a K.G.C. cache trail somehow? Tobias Castor was a staunch Democrat in politics and he did support/ solicit, and communicate with J.S.M. who also supported him politically as a Bourbon Democrat. The acquaintance with J.S.M. alone was enough to get me to look a little closer. The Tobias symbol I had in my hand on the K.G.C. map was a coincidence that also made me look harder and speculate even more. When the place lined up with the markers on a particular projected line......we loaded up to go have a look at the Village and the surrounding area. Was it all wasted time to follow this kind of lead and coincidences? I don't believe it is because we know what we are searching for could still be in the ground waiting for us and that is what matters. Besides that, it was a great trip with my Dad and detectors to put in my memory banks along with whatever we discovered along the way. In this case, I discovered a man named Henry M. Atkinson during my studies of Tobias Castor for the trip to Tobias. Mr, Atkinson, and J.S.M. were close friends and partners in another operation of our interest in New Mexico. The trip to Tobias Nebraska was fun too, and in my case, it was necessary to make me dig in the archives, instead of the ground!


After reading the correspondence at Lincoln, I discovered another avenue of the early K.G.C. in a manipulated RR operation that was heading to Nebraska City until it went to Omaha instead. The Tobias Castor letters to J.S.M. were soliciting his political pull. In some of the letters I read to Morton, there was mention of his sons Joy and Paul and the RR jobs they had at the time. I would have discovered none of that information without speculations of Tobias. which was totally unrelated to the trail in the end. Just a coincidence.:dontknow:

I believe a shotgun is the best method when speculating about a given target! :icon_thumleft:

Don't you think so Nancy?

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Morton's letters from Edward Campbell on the friction between the railroad and the farmers in Iowa are something to be scrutinized after you put your K.G.C. goggles on, as well as all of his personal investments and early railroad manipulation, or promotion as they called it. The land deals with the Iowa farmers were probably like the mob selling "protection" from the bad guys. Take the fare price we offered or die. :laughing7:

I wish I had a sack full of these.
" With a steady acquisition of locomotives, cars, equipment, and trackage, the Burlington Route was able to enter the trade markets in 1862. From that year to date, the railroad and its successors have paid dividends continuously, and never run into debt or defaulted on a loan—the only Class I U.S. railroad for which this is true."

"They would go as far as selling two on the square in front of the courthouse in Nebraska City, to prove that the Negros were property and could be taken from an owner as his assets by the court, and sold at auction to the highest bidder to pay the owners debt. O.F. Holley who owned the hotel in Nebraska City was the man that put up the slaves to be auctioned. This was not his first association with the K.G.C. in Nebraska. The slave auction in front of the courthouse was not just about the two slaves that were sold, as the history books would have us believe. All you have to do to raise doubt is look at the date of the sale and who was behind it. December 5, 1860. Are these just amazing coincidences, or do you think the K.G.C. was behind them both?

and on December the 6th, 1860 what took place

and again when all of the records kept in Nebraska City burned on May 12, 1860 - The Convention of K.G.C. Raleigh, N C, was held from May 7--11th, 1860 and Bickley gave the orders to destroy any incriminating evidence before going underground.

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In the beginning, there was a hold taken in Kansas and Nebraska " Sixteen new counties were formed, sites for their county-seats located and every place was named according to the whims of the legislature members." Wyoming and Colorado would follow...and then the litigation to stop them and change it all shortly followed them where ever they went next!:laughing7: Nuckolls Wyoming&f=false



I’ll reread your recent posts again if necessary but what is the significance of the photo of the lined paper with numbers “Left by the K.G.C. buried in Nebraska City” ? Is that a photo of the original paper or a handwritten copy ?


I’ll reread your recent posts again if necessary but what is the significance of the photo of the lined paper with numbers “Left by the K.G.C. buried in Nebraska City” ? Is that a photo of the original paper or a handwritten copy ?

The letter was left in a wire top mason jar with several other objects; an index card covered with numbers and dots, a lead cross with some symbols and letters carved and stamped into it, and a brass skeleton key. The one that is pictured is my father's original copy made from the original letter in the early 70's on one of the old roll type copy machines ran by hand cranking it. It is a little hard to see from age, but there is a coded message in the lines of the letter. There are several clues in the letter besides the not so obvious morse code in the broken lines. Not all of the lines are code, you have to start with the letter D when you find it. .The letter is also signed by a fictitious desk sergeant of the Pinkerton Detective agency apply named B. L. Few as a reference to the B.L.F. The coded letter pointed the way to the starting point of the treasure trail which was miles from where the letter was buried,


The jar was recovered here in 1970 at the foot of this monument that was purchased and placed by Julius S Morton.
compass and scales.webp

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"There is nothing so potent in good influence upon the family and its reputation, as a permanent, substantial, and embellished home. The longer it remains in the family, the more its power for good, the greater its inspiration to a renewal of efforts, intellectual, and physical, which may demonstrate the capability and courage of a race." - J.S.M.


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To those who would attempt any further desecrations of a holiest and peaceful resting place, think again. That is not how it works. When you are close you will not be able to walk a GPR as big as a lawnmower on the site. T.V.....OMG the things they do to try and tell a "STORY" instead of the truth. I understand their troubles in maintaining a short attention span to the relevant matters, but seriously? The truth is usually not glamorous and the sophistication that it would require to understand it in its entirety is not readily available among the mass of primetime viewers whom they are trying to attract evidently. However, there is a large portion of us who see through the B.S. being dished out for us to swallow up by Hollywood. Granted some of us have a further understanding and are in the "KNOW" so to speak when it comes to finding caches and things left hundreds of years ago by our elders to be discovered by us. The truth is so much deeper than the thinly portrayed movie time reality that Hollywood is creating for the people to consume as meat, and the facts of it will require a longer attention span than a TV commercial takes to suck the average consumer into asking his or her doctor about the new drug being pushed on TV between the "BIG" discoveries they are making right in front of our always curious eyes.


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Although the company goal states that they are interested only in " important archaeological discoveries, major cultural landmarks, and a deeper understanding of history as it affects our culture and modern life.", In the same paragraph, a person can find a kernel of truth.
"We also tell stories about"......who cares, its just a "story"

The first lecture will start at the beginning in Wyuka Cemetery, located in Nebraska City, Nebraska. I will reveal the Nebraska City Cross MAP found at the entrance to J.S. Morton's burial plat on that day. The map in its entirety will be revealed to the public in the very near future. Although discoveries were made at the location, the cross itself has remained undeciphered fully for the last 52+ years and no gold has been recovered there yet. It is Treasure Trail one, and there is knowledge to gain there that is needed further down the road if you know what I mean. Unfortunately, life is short, and I want to see this trail through before ours is gone. So, with that said, the treasure has become second in line to us compared to the discovery of the true meanings during our lifetime of endeavors along this treasure trail. I will announce the date of the Cross Map release here on this thread and post some pictures and links to the video lectures. Good Day to you ALL!


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