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Rebel Don't forget the oil of joy and wine of refreshment. In oral tradition craftsmen were paid in corn, wine, and oil. With these wages they could eat or trade these for other goods and services. Diets were simple in those days.

Still symbols that can be used to teach a lesson or to point a way to?

Senior Deacon

Rebel Don't forget the oil of joy and wine of refreshment. In oral tradition craftsmen were paid in corn, wine, and oil. With these wages they could eat or trade these for other goods and services. Diets were simple in those days.

Still symbols that can be used to teach a lesson or to point a way to?

Senior Deacon

People normally don't think about "societies" and "agriculture" holding hands. Societies were formed from the local population to get things moving in the "Right" direction. What that direction is tends to reflect the sentiments of societies that were not necessarily formed from the same people they persuaded.Things were different when the laws were being made and put into place and first enforced. There is also the money allotted and made from that endeavor from that day forward to be taken into consideration in all Federal Matters. There was a matter of "A WAY OF LIFE" in Nebraska Territory that was being fought over more than considered as the territory was being groomed for statehood. Although they were revised in 1866, the year following the end of the Civil War, it would not be until 1868 when Nebraska finally became a state in the Union. What was the hold up on Statehood for a Union held and governed anti-slavery territory becoming a state? Who wrote the first, second and third constitutions of Nebraska Territory and the first seventy acts of incorporation of the first Territorial Legislature, being approved March 1, 1855. Until 1857 ? Why were they rejected by the Federal Government for statehood?
Julius Sterling Morton did credit the constitutions preamble to President Thomas Jefferson from his first inaugural speech.

1860 election/ takeover attempt. legislature Stephen Nuckolls&f=false


P.S. I would also think that the exact placement and layout of fences and hedge rows on property lines in a county was very important to them.8-) As well as any future road and bridge contracts.

Morton Hand.webp

Litigation to follow....

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Who was at Julius Sterling Morton's side in 1860 during the fraudulent election in Nebraska? legislature Stephen Nuckolls&f=false

W.A. Richardson of Illinois

Daniel W. Voorhees of Indiana

George H. Pendleton of Ohio

Clement L. Vallandigham of Ohio

Here Julius Morton and Clement Vallandigham are together, Morton Standing on the left with Vallandigham seated.
Vallandigham Morton Benjamin.webp


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Proslavery politician, 1854 Surveyor general of Kansas and Nebraska. 1806-1859

John Cal.webp

Nebraska City soon became the home of his nephew who took up an appointed position . Andreas' History of the State of Nebraska - Otoe Co. Part 9
HON. S. H. CALHOUN, attorney at law, came to Nebraska City in August, 1858. In 1859, he was in the Surveyor General's office. Then he entered the law office of Harding & Blackman and was admitted to the bar in 1861 and has practiced here since. He was Prosecuting Attorney two terms and a member of the first State Senate. He has been Mayor four or five times and chairman of the Democratic State Central Committee. He was born at Boston, Mass., May 27, 1836, and graduated from Williams College in 1857. He commenced the study of law at Harvard Law School, securing the appointment in the Surveyor General's office. He came here in 1858, his uncle, John Calhoun, being Surveyor General of Kansas and Nebraska. He was married at Nebraska City, August 23, 1864, to Matilda McMechan, daughter of one of the earliest settlers. She was born in Glasgow, Mo. They have four children, John C., Annie, Simeon H. Jr., and Alexander. Mr. C. is a member of K. of H. and of Royal Arcanum. Mr. Calhoun was the first president of the State Bar Association, holding that office for three terms.

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L. C. As you well know that free Masonry is a speculative art based on the science of geometry. They work in right angles, horizontals, and perpendiculars. There is a reason at least in Iowa which I am most familiar that townships are squares within squares as sections. The land surveys even along are many streams and rivers are run in straight lines as far as possible. I am convinced that masonry did play a big part in the layout of Iowa and most every other state.

One only needs to look at the history of Iowa and it's first territorial governor and his Secretary to see that free Masonry played a big part in how it started and grew. Remember T. S. Parvin was a contemporary of non-other than General Albert Pike. Remember also the first profession of General George Washington. The only United States President to serve as President and Grand Master of Masons in Virginia at the same time. Fun to read about the layout of the city of Washington D. C. The cornerstone of the city was preserved by the Free Masons after it was almost forgotten. Fun stuff now for my first cup of Hazelnut coffee a holiday treat.

Senior Deacon

Well isn't that an interesting segment instilled into the minds of children. Wish I remembered that long ago instead of terrorizing my siblings.

And if you told an 8 year old about buried treasure there...where would be the first place an 8 year old would look?

What was LC's choice while sitting on that triangle at the Arboretum?

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"And if you seek my monument, look around you." Hmmm.

LC and his dad did!

"And if you seek my monument, look around you." Hmmm.

LC and his dad did!

There were two other men who have road on ahead that put a great deal of effort during their lives in cracking the cipher and letter in the jar and the start of the Cain Ghost Key, not to mention the wisdom of one of those men to notice the turtle symbol in the first place as a treasure symbol. There are other feats of whim and wisdom and luck that I can not talk about at this time, but it has been a life long adventure no matter how it ends.

L.C.lil turtle.webp

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Harriet Gantt was not removed from her original lot by Julius Sterling Morton and moved to lot 212. Her remains were left in the ground and the marker for her and judge Gantt was removed leaving her grave unmarked. She remains lost in Wyuka now in the OG area near the main entrance. Stop making this stuff up.

L.C. Baker

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If you add the truth about Julius Sterling Morton and his association with the Knights of the Golden Circle to what the esteemed Mr. Jim Potter has already researched, you will have the WHOLE truth. I would suggest that anyone reading the history of Nebraska close one eye while doing so as it is only half of the story!:laughing7: the golden circle nemaha jim potter&f=false

Pictured below are the K.G.C. turtle on Morton's burial lot railing and the coded letter that it led to. The treasure trail runs for miles and miles in several directions from that spot. If I had the resources to gather the proper equipment by April 1st it would make the hunt much easier. Funny how the guys with all of the right equipment don't have the right place to use it. A K.G.C. map is useless without the correct starting point as is any heading and distance. I believe that is why they included the Tobias symbol with a three digit number.

morton kgc turtle.webpthe letter from B.L. Few.webp

First day back in the field and I am up before sunrise. I could hardly sleep last night from the butterflies in my stomach flapping around like bats!:laughing7: The weather is finally here and the ground is not frozen, now if the river stays in its banks all will be good.


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If you add the truth about Julius Sterling Morton and his association with the Knights of the Golden Circle to what the esteemed Mr. Jim Potter has already researched, you will have the WHOLE truth. I would suggest that anyone reading the history of Nebraska close one eye while doing so as it is only half of the story!:laughing7: the golden circle nemaha jim potter&f=false

Pictured below are the K.G.C. turtle on Morton's burial lot railing and the coded letter that it led to. The treasure trail runs for miles and miles in several directions from that spot. If I had the resources to gather the proper equipment by April 1st it would make the hunt much easier. Funny how the guys with all of the right equipment don't have the right place to use it. A K.G.C. map is useless without the correct starting point as is any heading and distance. I believe that is why they included the Tobias symbol with a three digit number.

View attachment 1567633View attachment 1567634

First day back in the field and I am up before sunrise. I could hardly sleep last night from the butterflies in my stomach flapping around like bats!:laughing7: The weather is finally here and the ground is not frozen, now if the river stays in its banks all will be good.

HH! Good Luck! Have FUN!

"Even in that early morning hour of the county, our people exhibited a wonderful liberality in bestowing their franchises upon persons who had no interests in common with them, and who have never since been identified with the material development of this section of the world."


Morton Hand.webp

"The Stage· has come through from Denver to our city in less than
five days, loaded with mail and passengers. The distance is nearly six
hundred miles ....The mail from this point to Denver is semi-weekly,
also an Express with it. The Express on each trip brings considerable
amounts of gold-sometimes twenty and thirty. thousand dollars at a
time. Returned miners bring with them large sums, but we cannot correctly
estimate what has been brought in-no doubt some hundreds of
thousands. The purchases by Bankers in this city have for some time
averaged from five to ten thousand dollars per week. "
-Daniel Gantt November 1860

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