I can quote KGC sources all day long and none other than what originated with Houk talk of KGC mega caches. Of course I don't believe what Howk says. He was nothing more than a conman. Boattow do you believe what Houk said? If you would, please enlighten me on a source for KGC mega caches before Howk made up his grand stories.
I also have to ask what source am I supposed to quote from? I'm the one saying that KGC mega caches don't exist and if I can't find anyone talking of them prior to Houk how am I supposed to quote a source? Shouldn't it be the ones who believe in KGC mega caches quoting their sources? Yet out of all of those who claim such things exist none have stepped forward with any verified source other than Houk. It's always a secret source, or I can't make it public kinda thing. Like Alec asked what harm would it do to list a source? Is it from a newspaper, government files, old diary, unpublished documents, or the inside cover of great great great Grandpa Smiths Bible?
If any feathers are getting ruffled I would think it's the ones who have to prove the mega caches are real that are having the hard time of it. I'm not the one making the claims. You're the one who made the claim that pictures we post on my blog are KGC, yet you haven't worked the sites. It's easy for us to prove they are nothing more than what we state they are.
You are placing the burden of proof on our shoulders when it's not our burden to bear. It belongs to the one making these wild claims.