well I got semi-skunked: 4 tiny specks out of about 2 buckets of gravel. The good news is I saw the boundary markers on the way down and will be trying another spot ASAP (maybe Sunday). There is a big ol' IF in there though. IF I can get my waders re-sealed. My left boot leaked so bad my foot was fully submerged in the icy cold mountain creek in what seemed like 10 minutes or so. I pushed it and stayed in longer than I should have because I only had around an hour and a half. My foot was complaining about the numbing cold thank god I was parked so close. Some things you can't just power through people. That was a tough reminder (my toes still ache from the bitterly cold water. lol). It took about 25 minutes in the car and dry socks and pants to get to where I could bear to push on the clutch with it. I should have known better, those creeks are usually freezing even in deep summer.
That is a beautiful area, with a keen eye you can still see relics of the past on the sides of the mountains. There was ZERO trash to pack out, as a primarily urban prospector this is never the case. I'm always finding marbles, golf balls, zipper teeth, electrical connectors, and the glass. What a pleasant surprise. Couple lead sinkers in the fluid bed is all.
It even snowed a tiny bit. Gorgeous area with lots of black sands in the creek, with beautiful round gravel to beautiful giant round boulders. I demand a re-match.
Another thing from the urban prospector side, this was really close to the mountain on the other side of the creek. I kept hearing something big busting around up there (probably an elk or deer) and was watching for bears. There was only the random car going by every 5-10 minutes or so, if something was to go down I'd be on my own. I made sure to holler every now and then and ring my shovel off the big round rocks every now and again. (at least he would know where dinner is haha).
Thanks again Kevin, this was fun! I hope there is some data you can get from this. I will of course post more the next time I am there.
PS, damn I should have photo'ed the SuperProspector laying pretty in the creek.

Bet there is some gold up against that rock. It was deeper than my waist.

Mount Doom!

I don't usually dig in boulder creek,
but when I do it's thanks to my good friend KevinInColorado.
Stay Fluid my Friends