Kevin in Colorado...and elsewhere

Gold show update:
Spent several hours Friday helping Red and Mike set up their booth and getting to feel like an insider when they introduced me to a bunch of the big names :0

Got there early today and spent the whole day there. Won nothing in the raffle but panned free gold, chatted with lots of folks, sat in on really good presentations from Alan Trees, Mike Pung and Jeff Williams (Jeff is REALLY SMART, not just a funny guy) and shopped. I found the items I hoped to buy (black Proline Professional pan and a few do-dads and spare parts) and overall enjoyed the day!

Got out digging today. Good way to start the month! Brought my Prospector to a little creek and wished I'd brought the Sniper...just not enough water to run easily. However my bigger Bazooka still did the job with an extra assist from me to chase the rocks off. Even so, I would have moved more dirt with the smaller sluice today.

+30 on far right, 30-50, -50 and lead removed from our water system. A decent amount of gold considering where I was digging..weight comes in at 0.098 grams.

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Got out digging again today in the same spot. Lots of lead again.
-50 on top, +30 on bottom 0.15 grams in total

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Sampled a new spot today on the South Platte right across from the Mile High Broncos stadium. Ran 5 3 gallon buckets from 5 different spots and tracked my results from each hole. Sadly the total was about two dozen -50 pieces
Pretty cool spot though:

...maybe someone else will have better luck there :)

Can't win them all. Even though you didn't take away much gold I know you took away knowledge

Fair point Jeff :) ...but I still can't resist exploring new spots!

Gold show update:
Spent several hours Friday helping Red and Mike set up their booth and getting to feel like an insider when they introduced me to a bunch of the big names :0

Got there early today and spent the whole day there. Won nothing in the raffle but panned free gold, chatted with lots of folks, sat in on really good presentations from Alan Trees, Mike Pung and Jeff Williams (Jeff is REALLY SMART, not just a funny guy) and shopped. I found the items I hoped to buy (black Proline Professional pan and a few do-dads and spare parts) and overall enjoyed the day!

Noticed you made Jeff's seminar. Now your on a Jeff Williams video
: )

Nice Jeff...saw them in concert one time, big fan back in the day!

Got out sampling today. The club I'm in got access to a construction site in a known hot spot on the South Platte River. They are making big revisions to the park at the site of Montana City (first formal settlement in Denver). Due to the construction we got to dig right on bedrock. Just exploring the exposed material at the work site was interesting. I just ran some sample pans to explore the area but some folks hauled buckets off to process in bulk elsewhere. The club president took 18 buckets!

Anyway, fun times and I got to chat with quite a few friends :) and bring home a couple colors.

Got out sampling today. The club I'm in got access to a construction site in a known hot spot on the South Platte River. They are making big revisions to the park at the site of Montana City (first formal settlement in Denver). Due to the construction we got to dig right on bedrock. Just exploring the exposed material at the work site was interesting. I just ran some sample pans to explore the area but some folks hauled buckets off to process in bulk elsewhere. The club president took 18 buckets!

Anyway, fun times and I got to chat with quite a few friends :) and bring home a couple colors.

Sounds like fun. I don't envy the prez's waste disposal problem though. I have a hard enough time getting rid of the occasional 10 or so gallons I bring home not to mention the mess I make. Hmmm, now how can I convert that dry wash behind my house into a creek to run my dirt in?:laughing7: Maybe the prez has one.:dontknow:

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Sounds like fun. I don't envy the prez's waste disposal problem though. I have a hard enough time getting rid of the occasional 10 or so gallons I bring home not to mention the mess I make. Hmmm, now how can I convert that dry wash behind my house into a creek to run my dirt in?:laughing7: Maybe the prez has one.:dontknow:

LoL, he took it to another spot on the edge of town where he can run his highbanker (with a gas pump) and put it all right back in the river.

So how were the samples coming right off bedrock?! Sounds like a fun site.

So how were the samples coming right off bedrock?! Sounds like a fun site.

Decent GG, you'd like it for sure :)

The hard part was the requirement that you fill buckets and haul them off somewhere else to sluice or highbank your paydirt.

Got out for a digging break today. The water in my little creek was way up due to the big melt happening right now (16-18 inches of snow last week and 60 degrees with sun today!). I was glad I brought the Prospector and could have run a Miner there was so much flow!
As you can see my dam from last time was overwhelmed. Of course I still had fun digging :)

Sorry no gold pics. I got 0.05 grams of gold with some Mercury on it so it went straight in the amalgam bottle...I'm not pointing hot lights at amalgam to take a quality pic. Anyway, a somewhat disappointing result but not surprising...that's why they call it prospecting :)

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Hey there Kevin! After following your posts I've been convinced to buy a 30" bazooka sniper. Can't wait for it to arrive!
I live in Littleton and been keeping quite on the forums till now. Would you be willing to show me the ropes when it arrives? In exchange I'll share some of my secret spots along the south platte and local small creeks. I've been doing a lot of mapping of the local waterways using historical maps and have only had the chance to go to a few spots so far, but test pans have given me a few flakes! I have one spot on the platte in particular I'm excited to bazooka that's been thats been giving me 3-5 flakes per pan from just the top soil. Hopefully the bazooka will help me move more dirt :laughing7:. Going off your posts and some old maps I've also found 2 unnamed spots on some small creeks where the overburden has been washed away enough to expose sandstone bedrock (with fist size plus cobble on top)! Anyways thanks for the inspiration and gold fever!

Heres some pics.
Secret Platte Spot
Secret Creek Spot
Results! WOOHOO.

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