So yesterday I dropped a bunch of cool rocks off at a friend's house. Like many of us (I bet), I bring home petrified wood and other cool stuff I spot in the course of prospecting. My friend has 20 inch diamond saw to cut slabs and he also makes points (arrows, spears, etc) via traditional means.
Anyway, as a surprise thank you, he gave me some elk steaks and a cool ore sample from a hard rock mine in AZ.
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...this is the chunk with its nice smooth surface from the rock saw.
View attachment 1267705's an iPhone close-up where you can see the gold crystals!
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...and here's one using a macro lens.
I'd like some advice on what to do with this rock. I'm inclined to soak it in an acid to expose more gold but that might lead to just having a little pile of tiny individual crystals. Thoughts?