Judging a book by its Cover

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In 2 hours it looked like this


Sometimes ya just don't know. I headed an adoption event at Petco yesterday. Someone looking at the kitties , picked $10 off the floor and put iron the donation jar and said " somebody mustA dropped it". After she left I took it out and said To my friend" who was just standing there?" There was an older couple and also a mom and older son( who looked gangster .. Bandana, hat on sideways , droopy jeans) . My friend said I'd ask them .. Pointing to older couple. I asked, the husband said "no", the old lady was real hesitant and was like, " no? How much" She wanted to say yes..I could tell . Her husband said " you didn't drop it" . So then there was the not so well off mom and young adult son. My friend said " make sure you ask the mom!".. Thinking the gangster guy would just say yes.
They walk by and I ask the woman... Before I asked she was already opening her wallet to shove a $5 in our jar. All I got out was" did you......" And the son said" drop a $10?"
I said , yes and handed it to him. He said "no , please... You keep it... For the cats" and they spent 10 minutes cooing and playing with our homeless kitties . I loved that. Made my heart smile... The irony and the kindness.

This warms my heart Holly. I hate to say it but my first inclination too might have been to distrust the gangsta kid. If we just open our eyes to people's hearts wouldn't the world be a better place?

There are plenty of good people out there in this world...despite their outward appearance. The gangsta getup is today's cool to generation Y. This is not to say to trust anyone dressed like that that approaches you in a dark alley!!!

CoilyGirl said:
This warms my heart Holly. I hate to say it but my first inclination too might have been to distrust the gangsta kid. If we just open our eyes to people's hearts wouldn't the world be a better place?

I find it especially touching cause you could tell they didnt have an extra $15 bucks to be handing out... Yet they did.

I find it especially touching cause you could tell they didnt have an extra $15 bucks to be handing out... Yet they did.
I didn't see or speak to them but you may have just fell into the trap accidentally.

My wife and I are not into social appearances as far as clothing, vehicles etc.
We do quite well financially but just don't put value into some things that the majority of society judge what they deem success by.
If you saw us out, it's likely that you might think the same about us.
We have a friends that are kind of hold overs from the hippy days, that are like us also.

Looks can be very deceiving, even when it comes to economic status.

It's a great story though any way you look at it...


I just went to a family "baby shower" yesterday. I only knew the hostess..... a very little bit. There was a youngster there who had just caught a "blue belly" lizard. Him and I played with that lizard till he wanted to let it go. I love kids.... they come first in my scheme of things. Terry

People are people.
I do get questioned for wearing a raggity coat. But i,m all right.

People are people.
I do get questioned for wearing a raggity coat. But i,m all right.

I'll bet you are revelantchair.:) One of our next door neighbors at a former neighborhood we lived in was what people might call a throwback ,messy,unkempt,but one of the nicest guys and best neighbors anyone could have so looks definitely are deceiving.

In the sixties, during grade school, I looked alot like 'Timmy' on the tv show 'Lassie'.

In the seventies, I looked more like a member of Led Zeppelin.

The long hair/ponytail didn't change this person, but it sure changed how I was perceived and treated.

In the sixties, during grade school, I looked alot like 'Timmy' on the tv show 'Lassie'.

In the seventies, I looked more like a member of Led Zeppelin.

The long hair/ponytail didn't change this person, but it sure changed how I was perceived and treated.

You know that's kind of sad.i've known some " suits" that are the biggest buttholes in the world.

I avoid " suits" . I use to walk in a nearby devrlopment they built near my house that has $800,000 plus homes. I had to stop, cause I'd get seething with anger... Lol.. If look at their massive houses and lion spitting fountains and think ... " you gluttonous Pieces of "bleep" " lol. Children are starving in this world and your paying $60,000 to decorate your pool house.
They raped the forests to plop these showboat McMansions ... And have 4,000 square feet and will only have one designer " labradoodle" dog. They got that much room and can't even take in one hungry stray.
They drive by me and I wave and but i'm thinking " f" you.. Lmao.
I'm not jealous of their money, just sickened by need to wave it like a flag. Needless to say , I'm choosing the neighbor with a rusted car in the front yard, a recliner on the porch, and a make shift cat house for strays in the front yard to be friends with. Lol. Sorry for the rant ...

Drove the park in my town today and saw three people detecting the beach area (two with detectors )

They were in a ratty truck with a load of scrap metal in the back also had a dog.
Well I start thinking there digging giant holes not filling leaving trash everywhere basically ruining it for me.
I went home grabbed my detector went back down they were just leaving I checked where they were and
The holes were filled plugs replaced they did an amazing job I was impressed and felt a little guilty for thinking the worst.

Still scary though my chicken coop and all

cats and dog
are one of
"mans" creatures that is why they will never go extinct and have no nature-all predictors so much for Darwin's theory when come to
"man made" house pets...
that is why the earth is over run with them....
and are a nuisance


Yes it is amazing how we use people appearance to decide who they are , I recently meet a family with 2 children late teens early twenties, very polite and outgoing but looking at them you would think they are just getting by .
Dressed in plaid shirt and jeans or t-shirt and jeans , small car not new and not flashy .
Friends of the kids love going to their house though , the family loves animals and have free ranging animals of all types . sounds like great down to earth country people , then my friend told me she is friends with the mother who confessed one day that she nor her kids needed to worry about money because she was left a huge inheritance of millions.
And it’s so cool that it did not affect the way they live, even the kids.
Most people would have had new cars , bigger house and let I go to their heads.

the richest lady
in the world feed her kids cold oat mill in the morning didn't want to spend her money
Guinness book of word records

liftloop said:
cats and dog
are one of
"mans" creatures that is why they will never go extinct and have no nature-all predictors so much for Darwin's theory when come to
"man made" house pets...
that is why the earth is over run with them....
and are a nuisance


If you ask me man is the nuisance... Lol

a round here i was told there was a millionaire who gets meals on wheels
go figger
never paid a dime in to the system but takes advantage of it
hids all his money acted poor
the bum

only white man

liftloop said:
only white man

People are people. Color got nothing to do with it. So you don't like cats, dogs , or white people... How about birds? They are so annoying how they do that flapping thing with their wings. How about air? It's so annoying how its like everywhere... Lol

People are people. Color got nothing to do with it. So you don't like cats, dogs , or white people... How about birds? They are so annoying how they do that flapping thing with their wings. How about air? It's so annoying how its like everywhere... Lol
....you forgot kids too Holly!!! :laughing7:

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