Judging a book by its Cover

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a round here i was told there was a millionaire who gets meals on wheels
go figger
never paid a dime in to the system but takes advantage of it
hids all his money acted poor
the bum

Now, Now, you're being judemental in the other direction! Do you really know his story, or his personal financial situation?

By the way, my Mom lives in Linden.

I avoid " suits" . I use to walk in a nearby devrlopment they built near my house that has $800,000 plus homes. I had to stop, cause I'd get seething with anger... Lol.. If look at their massive houses and lion spitting fountains and think ... " you gluttonous Pieces of "bleep" " lol. Children are starving in this world and your paying $60,000 to decorate your pool house.
They raped the forests to plop these showboat McMansions ... And have 4,000 square feet and will only have one designer " labradoodle" dog. They got that much room and can't even take in one hungry stray.
They drive by me and I wave and but i'm thinking " f" you.. Lmao.
I'm not jealous of their money, just sickened by need to wave it like a flag. Needless to say , I'm choosing the neighbor with a rusted car in the front yard, a recliner on the porch, and a make shift cat house for strays in the front yard to be friends with. Lol. Sorry for the rant ...

Hogwash. You can't judge people by what they have or don't have, since you know nothing about them. Insulting people for being wealthy isn't any more acceptable than insulting people for being poor.

nice too see your not just another pretty face

People are people. Color got nothing to do with it. So you don't like cats, dogs , or white people... How about birds? They are so annoying how they do that flapping thing with their wings. How about air? It's so annoying how its like everywhere... Lol

I hear liftloop also doesn't like White's metal detectors. He thinks they're kids toys.

Hogwash. You can't judge people by what they have or don't have, since you know nothing about them. Insulting people for being wealthy isn't any more acceptable than insulting people for being poor.

Holly I'm going to have to agree here but only to some degree,sorry.Not all suits are just stiff white collars. Have you ever seen the show Secret Millionaire? It's about people with tons of money that go out and make a difference in communities where there is nothing and the people have no hope,very touching.Of course there are those that make tons of money that spend like its water and everything is disposable,that irks me as well. I know people with money that have the kindest hearts and use their money to help others and then again I know some others that are very shallow.

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SusanMN said:
Hogwash. You can't judge people by what they have or don't have, since you know nothing about them. Insulting people for being wealthy isn't any more acceptable than insulting people for being poor.

In general no.not everyone with money is greedy. However , the particular group I'm speaking of... My neighbors... What are they presenting to the world? Lion spitting fountains... BMW's, brand new houses that 4 regular homes could fit into. At some point it just becomes glutinous . You can have money, have a nice home , drive a nice car, dress nice... Without going way over the top. My husband does construction .. We see overindulgence alot. For instance, the closet that was 1,500 square feet, with it's own sitting room and bathroom.... A closet. The bedroom closet .
You can have money without making a pig of yourself. I couldn't live like that... I'd feel so ashamed.

In general no.not everyone with money is greedy. However , the particular group I'm speaking of... My neighbors... What are they presenting to the world? Lion spitting fountains... BMW's, brand new houses that 4 regular homes could fit into. At some point it just becomes glutinous . You can have money, have a nice home , drive a nice car, dress nice... Without going way over the top. My husband does construction .. We see overindulgence alot. For instance, the closet that was 1,500 square feet, with it's own sitting room and bathroom.... A closet. The bedroom closet .
You can have money without making a pig of yourself. I couldn't live like that... I'd feel so ashamed.

Ahh that particular group then... Are you sure you are not jealous? Maybe they have worked hard and are living the dream? I need to look at the title of this post again.

Tnmountains said:
Ahh that particular group then... Are you sure you are not jealous? Maybe they have worked hard and are living the dream? I need to look at the title of this post again.

Jealous , definitely not. That's not my dream, not even close. Money don't buy happiness .

I'm just saying about the cat jar
if Cleopatra didn't make the house cat you would not need a jar for hands out for a population of stray
you could give the money to the poor like St Vincent De paul or a soup kitchen do some good
a pig can smell ten time a dog could ever dream...cats kill out of spite it's a game to them and dogs and cats were manipulated into being .....I think a lot of energy is spent on them for no-then
I don't think cats and dogs were on the Noah's ark

liftloop said:
I'm just saying about the cat jar
if Cleopatra didn't make the house cat you would not need a jar for hands out for a population of stray
you could give the money to the poor like St Vincent De paul or a soup kitchen do some good
a pig can smell ten time a dog could ever dream...cats kill out of spite it's a game to them and dogs and cats were manipulated into being .....I think a lot of energy is spent on them for no-then
I don't think cats and dogs were on the Noah's ark

Pigs arnt wandering the streets hungry , if they were I'd be collecting money to feed them. It's not cats n dogs fault that we domesticated them and made them depend on us and because of us their populations balloon . Noah' s ark? Really? You were there ?

I don't fault people for getting the education, working hard, and being successful. If they made the money, they can spend it however they want. However, don't treat others poorly just becasue you have more money. And, by the same token, like Susan said, we shouldn't judge them by how they dress, or what they drive either.

BryanM362 said:
I don't fault people for getting the education, working hard, and being successful. If they made the money, they can spend it however they want. However, don't treat others poorly just becasue you have more money. And, by the same token, like Susan said, we shouldn't judge them by how they dress, or what they drive either.

Agreed.... But when I have to go into their neighborhood to catch stray cats that are " bothering" them and wrap change to get the cats cats spayed n neutered... So that they don't multiply... And they don't give a dime or a damn about a living creature.... I got a right to think of them as greedy . And if they are horrified by cats or raccoons and possums in their yards . Don't plop your McMansion in the middle of the woods. Apparently money can't fix stupid

I agree
with you there people don't take care of there pets and they end up running willed but good thing all ways come out of bad
like seeing eye dogs drug sniffing dogs and the lists goes on but people for get were thees animals cam from manipulation of genes thees animals weren't one of gods creation every thing leading up to it was
but man step in
man has a way of losing things up other wise we would not need a savior
and one should not judge un less he wants to be judged
and far as your husband knot being to impressed with you detecting the front yard
use a towel and there's no dirt stain that sticks out
till it rains
got too go
may we meet again
Miss. snow


I was born and raised in a small town in central Pa....... And i would go shopping with my grandmother......... One day we pulled up down town and parked............. And she saw a man dressed nice and driving a new car....She said to me that man is broke and has no money.............. Then she pointed out a man driving a old car dressed in dirty work clothes............ She said to me see that man he has no money worries he has money............And she knew we lived in a very small town were every one just about knew everyone.................... But in these days it seems like every one wants the best clothes best car to impress ones they don't even know........ I see the ones here that like to brag about what detector they have the top dollar one to try to impress us ...And we don't even know them....And the ones on here that will brag about i have more money than him.... Like i give a crap what they have i don't even know them ..... But i guess it builds up there ego....... You have to feel a little sorry for them...........

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I grew up just outside of the city and watched the whole area become developed with mansions and it is now where the "Rich" live.
I had a lot of bitterness towards these people.
My parents being the friendly country type, got to know their neighbors and became good friends with a few families.
A lot of these people are close to my age (40) and have admitted to my parents that their kids will inherit their debt.
Yep, big houses, flashy cars, expensive toys.......None of which were payed for.
Also, a lot of those mansions were empty. A whole bunch of wasted space.
Although I'm considered borderline poverty, I have absolutely no debt and all my needs are met.
I actually feel sorry for these people that are caught in this illusion of consumerism and "Keeping up with the Jones" as they are in debt big time.
Those that are the head of banks, oil companies, and big corporations are a different story.
They'll find no love from me!

The moral of this topic is "Judge not lest ye be judged". IMHO

I am offended by....oh wait...I already listed them in the thread about opulent sigs.

just post my reply there...here

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