Judging a book by its Cover

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I avoid " suits" . I use to walk in a nearby devrlopment they built near my house that has $800,000 plus homes. I had to stop, cause I'd get seething with anger... Lol.. If look at their massive houses and lion spitting fountains and think ... " you gluttonous Pieces of "bleep" " lol. Children are starving in this world and your paying $60,000 to decorate your pool house.
They raped the forests to plop these showboat McMansions ... And have 4,000 square feet and will only have one designer " labradoodle" dog. They got that much room and can't even take in one hungry stray.
They drive by me and I wave and but i'm thinking " f" you.. Lmao.
I'm not jealous of their money, just sickened by need to wave it like a flag. Needless to say , I'm choosing the neighbor with a rusted car in the front yard, a recliner on the porch, and a make shift cat house for strays in the front yard to be friends with. Lol. Sorry for the rant ...

Well, I hate to admit this, but I had to wear a suit to work for 32 years, but the suit was the companies symbol not me. I was in engineering, not management. They kept trying to get me to move into management and one day the branch manager forced the issue. He said," Why don't you want to move into management?" I replied," No offense, but you have to be a real bast ard to be a manager, and I don't have it in me." Frank...

111-1 profile.jpg

Reading this thread is like reading a good book , I could not stop. 1st people will always be people always judging & being judged . Im guilty of both .As M.L.K said judge a man by the content of his character. Also it's not the Cat's or Dog's fault MAN domesticated them. GOD made people [most] to be able to take care of themselves but these [stray] animals can not. There will always be those who think differently on every subject. IMO some folks are ,to take care of other people & some to help the animals. People will always be rich or poor or between ,its how they act & think that makes one happy IMO. ALSO IMO...[sorry to say] it would likely hurt me more to see a cat or opossum run over than some people ,but thats just me. Like the OP-Holly ..My late Mother was an animal lover & had pitty on them [mostly cats]. There is a local grocery store once vacant over 10 yrs ago now where she and a couple others would leave food-water for a group of homeless cats everyday after work & to this day [now across a busy street ]someone still leaves food water , shelter for alot of cats prob, related to the ones my mom fed and ill bet some new arrivals . They also caught them when they could , to be spayed etc. I went through my teens with my BB gun and alot of birds squirrels didnt make it, now I dont like to kill anything even bugs [except roaches misquitoe's and fleas] There are a few places I have relic hunted in the past that are now developed and I often wonder what became of the Box Turtles that Id seen many times over the years. but people are people it seems people rarely change. God bless Davers

Daver's I like that, and it's true.. So e were born to take care of animals and some people ... We need both in this world . That's why He made us that way.
Frank it's not the suit I have any problem with ... Lol... Or the money .. We need people behind desks, we need doctors, and teachers and so on... Nothing wrong with a suit.. It's the ones who have tons of money and show it in such such indulgent ways. My son goes to school with kids that think its normal to have pools inside their homes .. And that everyone flys to Disney Land every year. Or gets a grand ball thrown for their bday ...
Now if they have tons of money ...wear dresses made of it.. Wipe their butts with it , I got no problem with it... As long as they got a house full of adopted children or 15 cats or dogs from tbe SPCA. Lol

Daver's I like that, and it's true.. So e were born to take care of animals and some people ... We need both in this world . That's why He made us that way.
Frank it's not the suit I have any problem with ... Lol... Or the money .. We need people behind desks, we need doctors, and teachers and so on... Nothing wrong with a suit.. It's the ones who have tons of money and show it in such such indulgent ways. My son goes to school with kids that think its normal to have pools inside their homes .. And that everyone flys to Disney Land every year. Or gets a grand ball thrown for their bday ...
Now if they have tons of money ...wear dresses made of it.. Wipe their butts with it , I got no problem with it... As long as they got a house full of adopted children or 15 cats or dogs from tbe SPCA. Lol

Hay, guess what! I am basically a unaterian person that lives on a farm where he raised his 4 adopted and one permanent foster kids. I take in the strays the people dump on the road, cats. I have three cat houses and I feed them and the lady from PAWS takes them to be neutered. I have adopted 2 dogs from Bulldog Rescue. Gracy ,who has passed on was an English bulldog and Blue is a Statfordshire terrior better known as a red nose Pit Bull. Frank...

Gracie and friend.jpgGracieBlue 1212.jpgBlue

I avoid " suits" . I use to walk in a nearby devrlopment they built near my house that has $800,000 plus homes. I had to stop, cause I'd get seething with anger... Lol.. If look at their massive houses and lion spitting fountains and think ... " you gluttonous Pieces of "bleep" " lol. Children are starving in this world and your paying $60,000 to decorate your pool house.
They raped the forests to plop these showboat McMansions ... And have 4,000 square feet and will only have one designer " labradoodle" dog. They got that much room and can't even take in one hungry stray.
They drive by me and I wave and but i'm thinking " f" you.. Lmao.
I'm not jealous of their money, just sickened by need to wave it like a flag. Needless to say , I'm choosing the neighbor with a rusted car in the front yard, a recliner on the porch, and a make shift cat house for strays in the front yard to be friends with. Lol. Sorry for the rant ...

ok Holly, gonna put you on ignore and here's why. You my dear are a hypocrite. You are amazed that a poor 'gangsta' kid is kind and donates cash for animals. yet you judge wealthy people for no more than having a nice home and doing well. ( they are bad for wanting to live in the woods? ) Get a dictionary and look up stereotypes. You (
and I don't care how pretty you are) are judging by appearance, not by the person inside. Don't judge people you don't know. I'm sure pretty girls like you are not used to being told the truth, but you should be.

Frankn said:
Hay, guess what! I am basically a unaterian person that lives on a farm where he raised his 4 adopted and one permanent foster kids. I take in the strays the people dump on the road, cats. I have three cat houses and I feed them and the lady from PAWS takes them to be neutered. I have adopted 2 dogs from Bulldog Rescue. Gracy ,who has passed on was an English bulldog and Blue is a Statfordshire terrior better known as a red nose Pit Bull. Frank...

<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=779804"/>Gracie<img src="http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=779806"/>Blue

Want to be my best friend?:)

jeff-gordon said:
ok Holly, gonna put you on ignore and here's why. You my dear are a hypocrite. You are amazed that a poor 'gangsta' kid is kind and donates cash for animals. yet you judge wealthy people for no more than having a nice home and doing well. ( they are bad for wanting to live in the woods? ) Get a dictionary and look up stereotypes. You (
and I don't care how pretty you are) are judging by appearance, not by the person inside. Don't judge people you don't know. I'm sure pretty girls like you are not used to being told the truth, but you should be.

I'm crushed .. Jeff, since day one you have brought my appearance into nearly every post, every conversation..you have judged me nonstop on what i look like ... I wasn't here 5 minutes before it started . So i say good riddance .

I don't see why some have reacted so strongly towards Holly.
Let's face it.....The poor get judged way more than the rich.
That's why Holly probably started this thread. More people would have judgements towards the gansta kid than they would towards the suit and tie guy.
I don't envy those with money because usually they had to spend a great deal of time and energy to get to where they are.
I choose to spend my time and energy doing the things I love and those are things that money can't buy.
You can always make money but rarely can make the time. Life is too short and you can't take all that money to your grave!
Rich in spirit is more important to me. Money is secondary.
Hard to comprehend in a capitalistic society!
Any of you who reacted to Holly.....I guarantee you've made judgements yourselves.
We all do to some extent.
It's human nature.

ok Holly, gonna put you on ignore and here's why. You my dear are a hypocrite. You are amazed that a poor 'gangsta' kid is kind and donates cash for animals. yet you judge wealthy people for no more than having a nice home and doing well. ( they are bad for wanting to live in the woods? ) Get a dictionary and look up stereotypes. You (
and I don't care how pretty you are) are judging by appearance, not by the person inside. Don't judge people you don't know. I'm sure pretty girls like you are not used to being told the truth, but you should be.

Jeff, I think you missed Holly's point.
Does that avatar mean you are going to take on Spart next? Frank...

111-2 700 head of old man.jpg

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I guess I am not being clear....


Hope that is clearer.

It makes no difference what pictures members use as avatar or post as long as they do not violate our rules.

Some members have even bounced between male and female avatars...

Also, if someone doesn't like what was posted as a find, simply move on...

Next harassment or attack reported, the guilty member will find they do not have to worry about what to post for several weeks.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Treasure_Hunter said:
I guess I am not being clear....


Hope that is clearer.

It makes no difference what pictures members use as avatar or post as long as they do not violate our rules.

Some members have even bounced between male and female avatars...

Also, if someone doesn't like what was posted as a find, simply move on...

Next harassment or attack reported, the guilty member will find they do not have to worry about what to post for several weeks.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

OMG thank you so much for that! And Ty to whomever reported it. Thank you. thank you. I feel like a punching bag On here. I didnt sign up to be the picture of morality or to run for Miss America.... Thank you to everyone who has treated me as an equal and not whatever it is they think I am supposed to be

I guess I am not being clear....


Hope that is clearer.

It makes no difference what pictures members use as avatar or post as long as they do not violate our rules.

Some members have even bounced between male and female avatars...

Also, if someone doesn't like what was posted as a find, simply move on...

Next harassment or attack reported, the guilty member will find they do not have to worry about what to post for several weeks.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
well here is on of my avatars..... And that is not me i am not female.......avatar4899_9.gif.jpeg

Hay, no one puts more pictures on here than me. I canvased the members way back and they liked my avatar so i just leave it the same and decorate the end of my posts. Some are decoration and some set a theme for the post you know like the cat. lol Frank...

hot cat 2.jpg

I enjoy seeing your art work..:thumbup:

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Frank your lovley. No one is going to complain about your pics:) I however seem to not be as lovable ...lol...

Frank your lovley. No one is going to complain about your pics:) I however seem to not be as lovable ...lol...

Holly I think you're great you have gumption as the oldtimers used to say, you remind me of my wife, she doesn't take flak off of anyone, she doesn't turn the other cheek, once is all it's takes for her to tell someone exactly what she thinks about them or heaven forbid someone pushes her to the point of becoming physical, I on the other hand can ignore most anything slung my way, but there is a line that if someone oversteps that will set me off, attack my family or friends or even worst put your hands on them and that's all it takes to set me off, no warning I'll be on you, and Katy Bar the Door at that point.

I do wish you would reconsider leaving this forum, I and I'm sure there are many others that will look out for you if someone oversteps the line and report such to the Moderators, I haven't do so up to this point because you seem to handle yourself rather well when provoked but I now see how it has affected you emotionally.

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I'm not quite sure how I'm still here at this point, I sent my email to have them delete me.. I think I'm on borrowed time. Thanks for those kind words, but I think your wife could kick my butt into next week. To be totally honest the ballsy me that you see on here , I'm not sure where she comes from.. I'm ballsy if I see an animal that needs help... ( one of my best may have been stopping traffic on a major highway for a chicken.. Lol.. I'll never live that down ) But in person I hate confrontation , I hate fighting and arguing ..my brain goes blank and I can't form words . So why , I don't take any bull on here is a mystery to me . I'm both proud and slightly horrified of my behavior here... Lol

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