You wrote : " Mr. Kemm seems to have lost interest in the Lost Dutchman, perhaps from not being able to convince people that he found it by the use of satellite photos without actually checking his location in person."
From all who have claimed to found the LDM , I believe Mr. Kemm's place is the nearest . His mistakes were how he ignored some clues and maps , and of course didn't check it before .
The hat off for Mr. Kemm .
Marius you were not present when we were discussing Mr Kemm's claimed discoveries, so perhaps did not catch his deceptions or rather, attempted deceptions. We are drifting far off topic however that said, with any legendary lost mine, to convince people that one has found it, it only makes sense to show some solid evidence like silver/silver ore to prove a silver mine, gold/gold ore to prove a gold mine, or failing this, at least photos of the vein of ore still in place in the rock, would go a long way to settle the issue. Not that we (or just myself) are trying to be hard-nosed about this, just that SO many different people have claimed to have found the Lost Dutchman, Lost Adams, etc often just from looking at satellite photos and/or aerial imagery, solving various "clues" or the Stone Maps or another treasure map which has been in public circulation for fifty years and they are all talking about a different place - without every providing any evidence of actually finding GOLD, or silver, the ore vein in place etc.
A very few have then gone to the spot they picked out from photos and found nothing there but an empty hole - our amigo Blindbowman being among this small group and to his credit, he came back and told us the fact.
Another issue with Kemm and several others whom have made much the same claims, is that if they have indeed found this legendary lost mine, why then does he (or they) not go out to the mine themselves, and get some gold, or at least get the solid evidence to make a case to the Forest Service in order to start the ball rolling for obtaining a permit, or at least an official refusal which may acknowledge that it IS the lost mine? But no, these people will not go there themselves, but want us, the readers to go there! Why should I go there if he is not willing to go himself? Sending a fellow on a wild goose chase might be funny for some people, but I do not view it that way. I believe many others here view this the same way - why go to some place chosen by a stranger on the internet, when that stranger is not willing to go there himself? If I said to you, I know exactly where the Lost Dutchman mine is, provide you with GPS coordinates and Google Earth photos, BUT I will NOT go with you? Would you go? Is that being unreasonable, to ask to see substantial proof in the form of gold/ore/vein-in-place?
Sorry for the off-topic post, I am sure Mr Kemm would wish to thank Marius for his kind words and I do not wish to "attack" Mr Kemm, just explaining the reasons why his claims were not accepted by everyone. I suspect that he became disillusioned with us for that reason. Personally I do not think it is outrageous nor ridiculous to ask someone to show proof of having found a lost mine, as in the form of gold, the gold vein or silver as the case may be, otherwise we must congratulate hundreds of people who may or may not have found anything more than an interesting piece of geography.
Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.