The following information came from the records found at the Fort Whipple Veteran Hospital, Prescott, Arizona…
Harry Leslie France: born Jan. 11, 1921
Died: Jan. 26, 1974
Social Security Number: 295-12-6698. State where number was issued: Ohio (before 1951).
Branch of Service: UNK
EOD = May 5, 1941
RAD = Jun 22, 1945
Service Number: 150-19-074
Disabilities: F. B. 2nd to TB.
Duodenal Ulcer = Service Connected
Malaria = Not Service Connected
Harry’s (home) address: Box 785 Grand Ave, Glendale, Arizona.
After sharing this information with Tracy L Hawkins, he said that it had to be the same Harry France, because Harry lived in Glendale. And, when Harry got sick, they packed him out of the mountains to First Water and then drove him to the Fort Whipple Veteran Hospital in Prescott where he died 10 days later.
Tracy also said that the date 1964 or 65 found in Bob Ward’s book “Ripples of Lost Echoes” did not appear correct but the rest of the story was close.
There's gold in them thar stories and that's where most of it is