Ed you gave me an Idea and if you start out with Molina in Portuguese and translate it to Spanish you get "teólogo jesuíta espanhol".
Theology of Liberation, is a a radical liberation theology taught by the paperless Jesuits who refuse to be bound by, and not accepting silence, compromise or censorship from Rome. These theologians are exclaustrated of the Society of Jesus, but remain part of the flock? Most of what I have found of these persons seem to be the highest educated Jesuits, Doctors of Philosophy, Doctorates in law, Bachelors of Theology, Professor of Social Sciences at the Gregorian University, Professor at the Weston School of Theology at Cambridge,
Their belief that socialism with a human face is very difficult, and capitalism with a human face is impossible. Sensitivity for the victims of inhuman economic system was ontological.
According to the Vatican authorities, Height uses a theological method which subordinates the contents of the faith to the acceptance of postmodern culture. And replaced with symbols objective realities defined by the articles of the Creed. therefore emptied of contents capital truths of the Christian faith, such as the pre-existence of the Word, the divinity of Jesus, the Trinity, the salvific value of the death Jesus, the uniqueness and universality of the salvific mediation of Jesus and the Church, the resurrection of Jesus. He is preparing a new written response to send to the Holy See. At the Vatican are seriously concerned about this case. Not considered at all confined to academic circles. In January 2007, Paul Lakeland, professor at Fairfield University issued a passionate defense of Roger Haight's thought, under the title "Not So Heterodox, In Defense of Roger Haight ".
Highly esteemed theologian, Paul Lakeland, professor at Fairfield University in Connecticut, one of 28 colleges run by the Jesuits in the United States, and the first holder of the chair of Catholic studies at the university in charge of the theologian Jesuit Aloysius P. Kelley. Meanwhile, other American theologians have expressed severe criticism of Haight, who for some years was also president of the Catholic Theological Society of America. Among the critics William Loewe, of the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, and John Cavadini, University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, also a director of the doctrinal commission of the Conference of Bishops of the United States are counted. Another critic points out that Haight is a Jesuit and teaches at a university in the Society of Jesus, says Gerald O'Collins, professor of systematic theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, a specialist in Christology.
Another is John P. Masia, Spain Provincial of the Society of Jesus, when the Universidad Pontificia Comillas took the decision to withdraw the charge entrusted to him the direction of the Department of Bioethics, "adding later that "still evaluating the long intellectual and pastoral path of P. Masia, both in Japan and in Spain, the Society of Jesus, with pain, but consistent with its responsibility to serve the Church feels the need to publicly express their disagreement with the content of such opinions and the ways in which some of them have been exposed. " About the publication of his book, "Gatherings of Bioethics", the provincial authority of the Company states that "became church without proper licenses and edition of the same work in Editorial Trotta it as it is announced, will appear shortly, does not have the required authorization from their superiors."
The Church does not agree with his controversial opinions accepting the use of condoms and manipulation of embryos contained in his book.
Vatican punishes Jon Sobrino, the leading liberation theologian
The record includes a prohibition of teaching in Catholic institutions Nephew is professor of Central American University of El Salvador and the withdrawal of nulla osta (seen ecclesial good) to his works. Notification from the Congregation of the Holy See in Rome-an exceptional measure in more than 40 years has only been used against eleven other theologians and religious is based on the defense of human nature Nephew of Jesus, forgetting highlight his role divine. In his work "is aware of the humanity of Jesus Christ, but not of his divinity," archbishop of San Salvador, Fernando Saenz said.
"Inquisition SA"
Dear José Manuel Against the vice of secret information is virtue. For transparency, inform him publicly, in an open letter on the attempts of the "Inquisition SA" against this blog. (Note:.'s not a errata instead of SJ fact is SA, or corporation Anonymity usually characterize terrorists authorship). few months ago, the Superior of the Jesuits in Japan showed me a letter from Fr. Elias ROYON , provincial of Spain , who conveyed him episcopal complaints about my writing. He told me that there was no problem of orthodoxy, but the malaise by some "sensitivities" and it was recommended that I avoid prudence and jokes with mitered. (You know very well, as a journalist, that this country, it allows you to spend all the saints jokes and anecdotes that tell about the Trinity, but woe to anyone who dares to treat the bishops with humor!). Last month, Fr. Sumita returned to inform me about pressures on him to convince him to silence me, and agreed to show posts to an impartial third person to examine whether this was something untoward that could disturb the fragile sensibilities of a miter. seems But it was not enough since, according to reliable sources, keep multiplying complaints from Madrid to Tokyo . They come from what we might call, for lack of a better euphemism, a "part of the ecclesiastical authorities of a part of the political and religiously Spanish state closely identified with neo-conservative currents." My top Japanese want, of course, maintain a good relationship with both Spanish episcopate, as with their Spanish colleagues in the government order, so advise me, prudent and conciliadoramente, I reduce my journalistic activities in Japan.
Gatherings of Bioethics by John P. Masia
Jesus Symbol of God (1999) by Roger Haight
The Dark Side of Christianity (1983) by José María Díez-Alegría
Could there have been one of these Jesuits in Sonora when they were Expelled? Being as they were claimed to not be part of the Catholic church, would not be rounded up? Could it be that The Jesuit Illuminati were the ones who planted the Idea that formed the Freedom of the U.S.? "Give me Liberty or give me Death" comes to mind for me. Think about it the Suppression of the Jesuits and the Birth of the United states happened when?