Silver Member
It was my belief that the Jesuits were the military arm of the Church and went with the Armies in the New World to Bless the Soldiers as they converted the Indians by the sword. A lot like the Moslems did when they started out their conquests. But the Jesuits stayed behind and opened Missions to convert the Indians and then when gold or silver were found, had the Indians work the mines/deposits "For the Glory of God". Now God didn't include the Pope or the Kings to them. Back then (1500-1700) most of the Popes were appointed by the kings and not by the Cardinals by ballot. So they could pledge to the Pope but not feel he was really "God's Vicar on Earth". Loopholes again. Just my thoughts on this.
In these times, both sides were essentially well-organized bands of murderous zealots of course, but one interesting difference was that the Muslims tended not to be xenophobic like the Christians were. Regardless where their slaves were captured - many were Christians - the Muslims were quick to recognize talent of any kind and provided qualified infidels with a path to great advancement - even to the top of the Ottoman society - as long as the infidel accepted the new faith and followed all the rules. Otherwise, it was off with their heads, of course. Despite the inflexibility, these opportunities were not to be sneezed at, as the Ottoman empire arguably possessed the world's finest educational and technological facilities at the time. On the other hand, the Christian approach tended to view their infidels with compassion to some extent, but generally saw their vanquished as somewhat a lower brand of human and didn't offer much more to them other than menial "work".