Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
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Adeal ten Russau ?? 

Oro, remember that they were also "Human" with the Human faults. Even in the past 20-30 years we have learned of abuses that Priests have done with "Altarboys", why then should we be surprised about "hidden mining"? The King of Spain's Edict was for 200 years of "Hidden Mining", IE not paying him his Royal Tithe (10%) of all Silver and 100% of all Gold, "Except for personal Jewelry" , which explains those Gold ropes or chains that are found at the ship wrecks, 20 to 80 LBs worth. As long as they wore them they were "Personal Jewelry ". Break their vows to the Pope? The Popes were political appointments from the 1500's to the Mid 1700's. Kings appointed a lot of the Popes, not the Cardinals. So their loyalty was to the Order first and formost. The mining was done with "Free Labor" for the most part, so even low grade deposits could be worked, let alone high grade deposits.
Ladies,Gentlemen, As Oro and I have shown several times, they wee not expelled for illegal minng but 'Insurrection', which the king could not overlook The few illegal mines of the Jesuits were an insignificent factor sompared to the flood from the other mine throughout the world.
Interesting theory, BackwoodsBob. Let's say, for the sake of discussion, that you are right - the Jesuits hid their treasure for the return of Christ. I thought everyone was to go to heaven at the point of Christ's return, so what purpose(s) would the treasure serve at that time?What I'm trying to say is that I believe that they hid they treasure for the coming of Christ. There is reference to Christ and family future on the stones. They never intended to recover some of the Gold and Silver. My belief that is. What are you thoughts on this?
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I can vouch for that first comment - sites on the east coast do not look at all like the ones on the west coast. It makes it very hard for a newbie to learn when all the examples that can be found in books and on forums such as this one are very different than what I see.The way they made a site out west is not the same as say east of the Mississippi. Down in Fla. You will not find large monuments that can be seen like the mountains of the west.
You.can easily go to a site and see the layout.. Knowing the code is the hardest part. I have found that there is a lot more on the stones than you hear mentioned. Very valuable information that's not being told. Maybe it's not known by most. I don't know the reason why. All I can say is that I have not found the kind of information in any books like I've found on my site. Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
70 mil seems like a lot of gold coins considering that the entire population of all of Brazil is estimated to be only 1.5 mil peeps in 1766. All of Spain's population is estimated to be only 10 mil in 1808 ...Steve,
Its not absurd at all. Its not to me, because I have spent the last twenty or so years researching mostly Jesuit History in the New World. I know more than most regarding the Arrests and Suppression of the Order. I know because I have read the travel journals of every Jesuit Missionary Priest that have ever been published.
I will give a very brief rundown:
1759: Because Jesuits were found to be guilty of taking part in a plot to assassinate King Joseph I of Portugal, the Order was kicked out/suppressed from every Portuguese Colony on Earth.
1764: Because of Jesuit Money Handling Scandals, they were kicked out/suppressed from every French Colony on Earth.
1767: Several Jesuits were arrested handing out money to rioters during The Esquilache Riots of 1766 in Madrid. Charles III had been warned regarding Jesuit Exploits by his Minister Pombal, but ignored them until some were arrested handing out money to rioters. As a result of the 1766 riots, Charles III sent an envoy to Mexico to closely watch the comings and goings of the Jesuits. After a year, he reported back to the Crown, and the King sent letters back to every Governor and Military Commander in the New World. A sealed envelope inside another sealed envelope. The letter in the outer envelope said that the inner envelope was not to be opened until the night of 25 June 1767. Any sooner, and the person would face death. Based on what had already happened to the Jesuits in both Portugal and France, the Order had AT LEAST a two year lead to hide their wealth. I believe each Rectorate was responsible for hiding their own wealth (which is why we have Jesuit Treasure Stories from all over).
On the night of 25-26 June 1767, all the inner letters were read. They were instructed to go to EVERY Jesuit House, Colegio, Mission, and Visita. Gather all the Fathers, and read aloud the arrest proclamation from the King. The Fathers were ONLY allowed to take the clothes on their backs, their breviaries, and a copy of Sir Thomas A Kempis' "An Imitation of Christ". EVERY Priest was stripped and searched. EVERY House/Colegio/Mission/Visita was searched from top to bottom by Spanish Soldiers looking for the treasures everybody knew the Jesuits had. The ONLY way any Jesuit would have had to carry ANY kind of map or instruction, would be in his head. About 600 Jesuit Priests and laybrothers died on the forced marches across Mexico, and then the slave-like Atlantic Crossing.
1773: Pope Clement XIII issues "Dominus ac Redemptor" which officially suppresses the Jesuit Order Worldwide. As of this date, there are formally no more Jesuits.
1814: The Jesuit Order is reinstated as an Order of the Catholic Church. Jesuits start to repopulate all their old haunts. This date is important because of my next entry.
1891: In July of 1891, a construction company that had been hired by the Brazilian Government to demolish the Old Castle San Antonio in Rio de Janeiro. They broke into the cellars of the castle, and there found 12 iron clamped chests and several sacks that contained over seventy million GOLD SPANISH DOLLARS (70,000,000).
There was also a lead box containing papers. One of the papers was a receipt given by Father Anton DeSartes for twenty million (20,000,000) in gold to be paid as a tribute to King Joseph I. Father Anton DeSartes just so happened to be the head of the Jesuit College at Rio de Janeiro.
Here is the sixty million dollar question:
The Jesuit Order was reinstated in the Catholic Church in 1814. This treasure wasn't found until 1891. That was seventy-seven (77) years the Jesuits had been back, and let seventy million in gold just lay there and get found by some construction workers. Why would the Jesuits just forget about that much gold? Simple answer is: THEY WOULDN'T! The only way the Jesuits let that gold get found would have been if they didn't have the knowledge or the opportunity to recover it. Seventy-seven years is a hell of an opportunity. To me, the only theory that fits is that there could not have been many Priests that carried that knowledge. Most of the ones that did, were likely part of the 600 or so that died in transit.
BackwoodsBob - I have not seen anything that reminds me of a bride and groom. Is there anything you can share so that I know what it would look like?I'm just going by what I see on the stones. On just about every site I've seen on here has the same stones of a bribe and groom. Well there are two different one. One is a prince and bride. Which has a depiction as the son of Satan. Then there is the one of Christ and his bride.
The Tree of Eden is on all the sites.
All the animals and strange things like gargoyles on the sites. All the symbolism has to do with the story's in the Bible. That's one book all the priest knew about. The best code book for them. There is a lot that's not talked about at these sites. There are two stash places that I know of, one is the kings treasure and one the other says Jesuit. The one that has the kings show the the evil pictures. Maybe that's what they thought of the Kings of their time. It's just there are some heavy messages on these sites. I don't know if we will ever know for sure the true meaning of all the symbolism used. It's just a theory of mine from studing what is on the stones. When I first started seeing the stuff on the stones. I had no information about treasure. I was fascinated with all the work done on them. I know most don't think much about the small stones. Well, I've seen pieces from the size of a pea to mountain sides all covered with information.
Any site will have the same thing on them. My treasure is at the end. I want to know everything I can before I ever step foot in the vault. To me knowing why all this was placed there to begin with. There are.places in every state in this country. So if they were planning on returning to get it. Why have it scattered throughout the world. Those of us that spend a lot of time on an active site can tell you. These place do have a feeling that's hard to describe. Almost like they are alive with the people that made them. Enough of my beliefs I'm here to learn more so let's hear what others have to say.
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