Ol' Kentuck
Hero Member
Speculations on two sides, and on my side it really is just a picture I stumbled onto on the internet, nothing more related to what I am doing than that..As I came to understand it, Mr. Burnham took the photo and it became part of his own personal collection passed on until his death and they were purchased by another young architect at auction. I have been wrong before many times, but he had a private friendship with Paul Morton and sat at his private "round table" of millionaire monopolists at the Chicago Club and was handed many many important contracts for some very special buildings. That is good enough for me to find out what I want to know, and when I put it with what I already know about the money trails with it My scale tips. If you can prove it is him I would be grateful and very willing to believe you just to know the truth of the matter. The private party has quite a guest list, do you have ALL of the names of the men pictured, and where did you find the information? How many monopolists CAN you name? LMAO! I would like to see it. Don't let my lame speculations be a post for you to stand on to crow, you might fall on your butt from standing up on a weak foundation!There is no doubt in my mind that there was a hell of a lot more going on at that occasion than was ever publicized I am sure, and considering the location and attendees I would guess it had something to do with MONEY. They are pictured without their spouses or any females present at that time on that day of the festivities/celebration that was being attended by both men and women and it lasted more than one day. When you know someone is involved you become very suspicious of EVERYONE they come into contact with out of reflex, it doesn't mean any more than you are well informed about their aquaintance. Teddy Roosevelt's involvement with the men we know to be members is already proven on many levels. Whether or not he was at the celebration for Paul Morton's Navel appointment BY HIM has no bearing, either way, except to say my speculation of the man's attendance that day was either correct or incorrect. savvy? https://www.marxists.org/archive/debs/works/1907/1907-roosevelt.htm
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SPECULATION - " How many monopolist can you name in this picture? I suspect the man standing with his arms crossed is Teddy Roosevelt, nervously wondering who let the guy in with the camera! "
MISINFORMATION - " How many monopolist can you name in this picture with President Teddy Roosevelt? He is the man standing nervously with his arms crossed wondering who let the guy in with the camera! "
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Crow? My friend, you are very mistaken if you think I enjoy discovering Misinformation stated as Fact. Quite tha opposite actually. There is nothing ta crow about misleading people, or running across someone who has been misled.
You simply made tha same mistake many others have and continue to make, by running across something on tha internet that you felt bolstered your own theory/opinions (Confirmation Bias) and ran with it without researching tha source any further. If you had bothered to do so, and spent more effort than just street sweeping tha net, you would have found that there is a mountain of information on both Burnham and Roosevelt in records stored by tha Library of Congress. Practically every day of Roosevelt's Presidency is documented, including his schedule. There are boxes of correspondence and private diaries of Daniel Burnham there as well.
Real research requires more than surfing tha net. In fact, so much disinformation exists on tha web already, a feller always has ta confirm what they find there with additional sources of information. Always get to tha Primary Source whenever possible. That is tha Best Piece of Advice I Can Give You, and I truly would like to see you SUCCEED. Meanwhile, posting yer own Misinformation all over tha net will only be detrimental ta both you, and tha unsuspecting public who stumbles across it (tha same way you did with tha architect's misinformation on his blog). Don't shoot tha messenger, friend. If I can be of any assistance just shoot me a PM.
And Kace is right again as usual, we are getting out of order here regarding tha BB, and here on I will restrain my comments to tha proper timeline. My apologies Kace, thanks fer puttin' up with us.