Ol' Kentuck
Hero Member
Could Bill Cody and Jesse James met in a train car yrs. after Jesse's supposed death? Maybe. Could Wild Bill have walked through crowd's unnoticed? Probably not as his main deal as a Showman was to make his image as well know as possible. Perhaps Jesse could as he was supposed to be dead.
With due respect to Ol' Kentuck, not all vet's of The Unpleasantness Between the States had hard feelings for the other side, at least not years after the event. A LOT of them viewed the other guy as someone who had gone through what they had. Urich,MO. will have their 125th Reunion this year. Today it is mostly a time to get together with people that have roots there or have moved away, but 125 years ago it started as an encampment for the vets of that war, with both sides on the same campground. (I have a Lapel Pin that was probably worn at that reunion by a Union Officer who served in 8th and 17th KY. Vol. Calvary.) The same was true a few years later when Wm. Jennings Bryant went to Clinton,MO. (15 miles down the road) and a former Confederate Officer allowed vet's to camp on his property near the Park where Bryant spoke. Urich,MO. is about 3 miles from Cass County,MO., that fell under General Order 11 during the Civil War. That Order declared that anyone living more than a mile from the County Seat had to move. Most of those that moved had their homes burnt, crops destroyed and livestock either killed or confiscated by the Union troops to prevent aid to Parisian Rangers operating in the area. For several years after the war, the only remains of those homesteads where the chimneys that still stood that were dubbed "Tennisons Monuments" after the Kansas Redleg leader. Many homesteads where never rebuilt.
I'm not sure how the Partisan Rangers felt. I have read when they had THEIR reunions they prayed for Tennison and Sen. Jim Lane to burn in Hell.
There is also an account of Cole Younger when in Clinton,MO. with one of the Wild West shows being confronted on the town square and being called "Nothing but a damned secessionist" by a local citizen and Cole pulling a pistol before others could come between them and the citizen being hustled off to safer climes. Not everyone got along. Good luck.
Excellent post Uglymailman

No offense taken UMM, you are absolutely correct. Many Vets went on to live lives unencumbered by hard feelings in later years. Considering JWJ's personal experiences, both during tha war and after, do you believe his animosity could have been tempered in tha years following The Unpleasantness Between The States? Have You seen any Evidence that suggests it may have?
I have no problem at all adjusting my position IF there is credible evidence to justify it.