Jesse James Was One Of His Names...Black Book Discussion

Welcome back Kace. I thought you might have got stuck in Fla. after not wantin to come home to the ice. Good luck.

Thank You!

lol! I didn't wanna come back to that weather at all, I wasn't really Stuck though, just enjoying the Super Bowl and friends. I've wanted that win for as long as I can remember. I was always a Wolfpacker!! Spent too much money over the years for nothing but disappointment and it Finally Happened!! YAY!!

I hope all is well your way, I'm thinking seriously about moving down there if this stuff lasts too much longer. I feel safer at the farm if it really hits the fan no matter how secure I am in town. People are already freaking out here. Home invasion and two fatality shootings, all in areas where that stuff just isn't common.

I've got to do a couple more things to get settled with work and volunteer stuff and then I'll start this again, anyone else feel free to start if ya want, I should be done by Friday night with my commitments.

Great to hear from you!


What happened to Bob Brewer's post from earlier today?

Gonna give this a bump. Kace, last I heard there were 2 cases of flu in St. Clair Co.. People down there don't get around much. Long as it don't get in the Dollar General or the bait shop you're pretty safe. Good luck.

Newbie here...not sure this is the right forum, but about a month ago, a gentleman/researcher from AZ called us and spoke to my husband. He said that a home on our ranch here in central Virginia has a home associated with Jesse James and that JJ may have visited here while traveling with "The Raiders" during the Civil War. Moseby was captured about 30 miles from our ranch, I believe. James has relatives in this area. The home the researcher talked about was built somewhere between 1805-1815. I got that information from the previous owner and lifetime resident of the home who said the home had a marker stone on the chimney that listed the date. It was later covered up by an addition to the home. But she remembers it from her childhood. She is now in her upper 80's. Does any of this sound possible? I'm not sure how this ties in to the KCG, but....maybe someone has time to point me in the direction that I could do some more research online.

Yes, the James boys DID visit their James kin up here in Bedford County, Va. or south near Stewartsville, Va. (legends). MANY James AND Dalton families in this area.

Frank James and family were living in Lynchburg, Va. (near-by), when his brother Jesse was killed out West (NOT). HH!, Good Luck, Have FUN! ln your "Quest". :coffee2:

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Always interested in Bedford County for the Beale connection, and I have friends there. But didn't know James had been there or had relatives there. Seems his relatives also had a foothold in Goochland County.

INTERESTING! Beale Treasure is ALSO an interest of mine, too. Frank James MAY have helped in the creation of the Beale Treasure "story"... MHO is the missing Beale Treasure is part of the missing CSA Treasury set aside to rebuild VMI & Lexington, Va. after "Yank" Gen. Dave Hunter burned 'em down. Lynchburg, Va. was LAST state capital of Virginia @ April 6th - 10th, 1865.

Thank You!

lol! I didn't wanna come back to that weather at all, I wasn't really Stuck though, just enjoying the Super Bowl and friends. I've wanted that win for as long as I can remember. I was always a Wolfpacker!! Spent too much money over the years for nothing but disappointment and it Finally Happened!! YAY!!

I hope all is well your way, I'm thinking seriously about moving down there if this stuff lasts too much longer. I feel safer at the farm if it really hits the fan no matter how secure I am in town. People are already freaking out here. Home invasion and two fatality shootings, all in areas where that stuff just isn't common.

I've got to do a couple more things to get settled with work and volunteer stuff and then I'll start this again, anyone else feel free to start if ya want, I should be done by Friday night with my commitments.

Great to hear from you!


Gonna give this a bump. Kace, last I heard there were 2 cases of flu in St. Clair Co.. People down there don't get around much. Long as it don't get in the Dollar General or the bait shop you're pretty safe. Good luck.

I second that Bump, Ugg, although the forum appears ta be a ghost town at tha moment and we jest might be wastin' our time. Don't know if it's tha virus or jest lost interest with tha place in general. Either way, I give it a bump and we'll see if it gets a rise. Hope all is well for you and yours, and Miss Kace too.

Have a good'un. :hello:

Lots of Vaults out there,just sitting as safe as the day they where made. You need the true knowledge and skill to find them. And more of the same to open them. Even if they are Ancient and you know the location. That info. will always be valuable to some. Making the recovery takes just as much knowledge and skill. I believe there have been people with that true knowledge over time for a very long time. Sometimes its not about individual greed.

There will always be people motivated by greed. Even if the only treasure to be found is in their imagination....or in the books they sell to fuel the greed of others.

The author in question knew that well.

True knowledge and skill lies in how to discern the difference.

So I read about 10 pages of this and then jumped right to the end. Are you guys/gals aware that this book is available for free at

Sorry if this has been posted already. I admittedly haven't read every page in this thread. The spanish trail markers have my attention at the moment, but I just wanted to throw this out there.......

THANKS for the info; I DID read it on TN, years ago. BUNK!

Well, BUNK it is as my good friend Rebel stated.

None of those guys or their guests have ever found a large KGC vault, but they do try and tell you how to do it. Brewer has found what he says are KGC depositories valued at $200k IN TODAYS $$$$. There was nothing saying that the caches were KGC and $200k in TODAY's VALUE isn't what I'd call a LARGE KGC Depository. A depository of $200k in gold back then, yes that would be Very large today. WOW! That would be great to find!! lol!

The $200,000 cache Bob Brewer claims to have found was nothing but an empty hole. He revealed the location to a man and asked him to get in touch with the landowner. Brewer claims he went back and found an empty hole and his new partner had made off with the $200,000 in gold and bought him a new home. Bull Crap. No proof of any treasure being found only Bob Brewer's wishful thinking in believing he had found a KGC cache. If on the other hand Bob Brewer is referring to a hand full of silver coins and a few gold coins he claims to have found while searching for Jesse James cache? Those coins were purchased by him on EBAY as reported by another poster on Bob Brewer's blogsite.

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