Dalton/JJ and Howk/Jesse III's self proclaimed lineage.
The Patriarch being one George James from Scott Co., KY., alleged brother of the Rev. Robert Sallee James.
George fathered Jesse Woodson James (Dalton) and
Sylvester Franklin (Frank) James.
Jesse Woodson James (Dalton) then had a son named
Jesse Barnhill James....
... who in turn fathered Jesse Lee James III (Howk).
A nice package, if it weren't fiction. There is no record of this George James family in Scott Co., Kentucky, or anywhere else in Kentucky.
O'course Howk/Jesse III was kind enough ta set up his alibi right from the git go by stating tha reason you won't find George listed in tha Census was because " as the oldest son, he was off working and was not at home when the Census was taken ". Perhaps this was a family trait, not being home, as none of tha members of this George James family were EVER enumerated in ANY Census, ANYWHERE, ta my knowledge.
I still haven't figgered out how he managed ta justify the III in Jesse James III. In order fer that ta be true he woulda had ta have been tha son of Jesse,Jr. and Stella James, who never had a son.
Add ta that Howk/Jesse III's own explanation fer using tha name Orvus Lee Howk. After his grandfather, Jesse James (Dalton) returned from South America and became so wealthy, " young Jesse III was kidnapped at age 4 and held fer a large ransom ". Jesse (Dalton) paid tha ransom o'course, and ta prevent future attempts, then sent him ta live with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Obediah Howk of St. Louis, where he took tha name Orvus Howk.
Sounds legit ta me.
I was not surprised ta find exactly ZIP on Dr. Jesse Howard James either. I reckon he goes inta my
Bigelow Effect file along with tha rest of 'em.
Maybe Y'all have had better luck?
Edit- I DID find something interestin in Missouri regarding the Houck name....but I'll save it fer the Speculation later.