I spoke with a pal of mine in Utah, Dan Lowe, yesterday on an unrelated subject (Mystery Glyphs). I won't try to explain Dan's history and his knowledge base, but it's compelling on several levels. [[ Spoiler: For me, Dan's speculations are occasionally a bit aggressive and sometimes questionable. That said, he has provided me with some incredibly useful information over the years. ]]
Be that as it may, Dan became interested in the BB some time ago and decided to, essentially, debunk it. This video is an interesting 1:15-hour conversation from about a year ago discussing that effort and more, and IMO worth the time. Harrison Trow enters the conversation at about 14 minutes in, and is discussed (with much more provided to me re Hereford TX on the phone yesterday). Long story short: Dan now suspects much within the BB is based on true events, including the staged death of JJ. He is interested in publishing a chapter-by-chapter account when his research is completed. We'll see.