In February of 2018 the video SD posted for us to watch was put on YouTube for anyone to see...The supposed premise of the video as Dan L. mentioned was to confirm or denounce events and characters in the BB and it did start out that way, I thought he would be doing like we are and taking each person and topic and through research doing what he said he was going to do in that video. I agree with his intro and I believe most people would regarding the CW.
Dan told Carter the way he went about researching the BB was to take each event and person in order of appearance in the book and research as he went along. Made Sense To Me.
I do not know the guy at all, he looked normal, seemed to have a normal home from what can be seen and the interview between him and Carter started off shockingly normal. It didn't last long though before he got to talking about Captain Harrison Trow who JJ3 had claimed in the BB was an alias JWJ had concocted who was to be an aide to Gov. TT Crittenden which coincides with where we are in the book.
In the video he says Trow has No Past At All...Nothing, Just An Alias That Was Created on April 3rd, 1882...The day of the shooting. He did say that JWJ kept the Alias of Capt.Trow alive and that it was killed off in Hereford, Texas.
Captain Harrison Trow Was A Real Live Man...Seperate of JWJ.
He did serve with Quantrill and knew Jesse and Frank James.
He was born in Allegheny Co, Pennsylvania 10-1843 to Salem Trow and Laura Jewett the 6th of 7 children. He had Children, Grandparents and Great Grandparents. I won't go into his full genealogy but it's extensive.
The family moved to Illinois where his Mother died and then the family moved to Linn Co, MO.
The 1860 Census has him in Blue Springs, MO living with the Hudspeths. Side note...A lot of the boys out that way joined up with Quantrill or the Confederates. Trow returned from the war and married Missouri Ann Jesse in Jackson County, MO.
They had two Children. They moved to Texas and he passed on 10-06-1925 in Hereford, Deaf Smith County Texas at age 81. He did attend Quantrill Raider Reunions.
Harrison Trow was one of A.L. Dillenbeck and Elmer Stewart's Charcoal Drawing Subjects for the 'Quantrill Society' series taken from photographs 28yrs after the war ended. What is said in the video about that is kinda confusing and somewhat incorrect. The BB doesn't discuss it for obvious reasons.
I wasn't going to do this, but after thinking more about it and remembering things folks have said and what was said in such a factual way by a guy that appears to be earnest and confident in his research in Just That One YouTube Video...I'm going to say my thoughts again, not just on the BB and this One Video but many books and videos and even records.
IF anyone Really Cares About A Certain Part of History, Events and the People Involved...We All Have To Research and Get 2-3 Reliable and Official Records To Confirm What's What and Who's Who, On Our Own. No Way Around It. There is a very short list of people that do extensive research on these topics, who don't have an agenda, but even then, they are human and where they get upset at mistakes or oversights they make...sometimes it's just oversight or error and Not Intentional.
Using the BB and video as an example since it's here for everyone to see...That Misinformation IS Intentional. It didn't start out that way on the video....but quickly went from dissecting the BB to Parroting it Verbatim and Confirming Everything In It Along with Adding More Misinformation To It That Anyone Could Verify Easily As True or False. Pictures were shown that he said were of JWJ, AFJ and their Mother...They weren't even close to them. He's Not The Only One That Does This By Any Means on Public Online Sites, Books and Forums.
I've learned a lot from many of you guys, I love the diversity of knowledge here on subjects that interest me, and those things that didn't but do now. After reading something here that I wasn't really familiar with, I would research it. I quickly learned who really had experience or delved deep into topics and researched them beyond The Fictional Books, Blogs and YouTube with a One Sided Agenda or just relied on Google or Wikipedia. Regulars here that I know are serious I don't even research it now because I know if I ask a question it will be an accurate answer. That's a good feeling and my go to people...on anything I want an answer to.
That all being said, it's a sad state of affairs that with all of the resources available in this day and age to confirm things, people have to fight to be able to recover true history and it's just getting worse. History Books haven't always told the truth in the first place and now books are being replaced with the internet and what Anyone wants to put on there. Friends of mine who are teachers are amazed at the things their students come up with and they spend a lot of their time locating the source of the students papers only to find its from some conspiracy sites that's so far off even the basic truth.
The BB, Orvus and Del I think are the Grandfathers of BS in Print on This Subject... Just To Scam People. At least they seem to have the record for longevity, quantity and plagerism on it. It's Crystal Clear to me why there had to be 3-4 sets of Jesse and Frank James, Wives and Mothers to cover all the lies and why the nonexistent characters and aliases had to be created in this story.
I truly apologize for my rant about this... I was up and down most of the night reading and watching videos and looking at records. While researching John Trammell who they claimed was 121yrs old at the time of his death..I saw another black man...Charlie Smith who it was claimed was 135yrs old....Guess Who was behind that...JJ3! He said he had belonged to the Jesse James family as a slave.

Should of known he was behind it trying to sell the story.
I want to thank you guys for doing this little project on the BB with me. I'd like to think that after this is done, maybe someone will read it years from now and appreciate us trying to get the truth out on these topics.
Thanks Again,